carbohydrates - Things to know and suggestions for carbohydrate foods

Carbohydrates are macronutrients, that is, they are a source of energy for the body to help the body function and continue in a normal state of life.
Estimated read time: 9 min

carbohydrates- Things to know and suggestions for carbohydrate foods
We need to understand what carbohydrates are and suggestions for carbohydrate foods and how to use carbohydrates safely and effectively, let's find out through the article below.

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1. What are carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are important nutrients for all body functions. When there is a lack of carbohydrates, the body gets tired, blood pressure drops, and appetite appears. And this affects the quality of life.

Carbohydrates include the content of sugar, starch, and fiber in fruits, cereals, vegetables, dairy products, and their products. Although the dosage of each type of carbohydrate food is different, it is fundamentally important for a healthy diet, and according to the American Diabetes Association, carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the body. It can only increase or decrease but it cannot be absent.

According to nutritionist Paige Smathers, carbohydrates are macronutrients, which means that they are the source of energy or calories for the body to help the body function and continue in a normal state of life.

2. What is the role of carbohydrates

It can be said that carbohydrates are a very important and indispensable nutrient for the growth of the body. Carbohydrates bring the following important benefits to our body such as:

Carbohydrates are involved in the structure of the body: the formation of cell membranes, and cell nuclei, is the basic component of cartilage tissue, skin, and arterial walls. Participate in the functional activities of the body: immunity, reproduction, nutrition, Metabolism, the activity of the nervous system, and the formation of red blood cells. Energy: this is the most important role of carbohydrates in bodybuilding. When carbohydrates are digested in the stomach, they are converted into glucose, fructose, and galactose. Where glucose accounts for the highest amount (up to 80%).

3. What are good carbohydrates and what are bad carbohydrates

We have been advised to eat more good carbohydrates and limit the consumption of bad carbohydrates to have the best health. However, we need to understand how bad carbohydrates are and how good carbohydrates are before we can use carbohydrates properly, right

Good carbohydrates

 are carbohydrates found in plant foods rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals? These foods include whole grains, legumes, vegetables, and fruits. In particular, a good source of carbohydrates cannot fail to mention the fiber component. Fiber is a component of plant foods that humans cannot digest. Although it cannot be digested, fiber has several positive effects on human health. Fiber helps slow down the absorption of other nutrients in the meal, thereby reducing postprandial hyperglycemia and reducing the risk of developing Type II diabetes.

Bad carbohydrates 

are components of sugar, refined, and processed cereals. Sugars, refined grains, and starches quickly provide the body with energy in the form of glucose, which is very useful for providing energy to the body at the right time (especially before and after exercise). On the contrary, for many people, this energy will be superfluous and accumulated, which makes people overweight and obese. Therefore, we must use carbohydrates from Whole Foods that are unrefined or contain natural sugars such as fructose in fruit or lactose in milk.

In conclusion, good carbohydrates are usually complex, slow-absorbing carbohydrates and come with many other nutrients found in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and beans ... Bad carbohydrates are often found in dishes such as cakes, carbonated drinks, highly processed foods, white rice, white bread .. Has little nutritional value

 Suggest good carbohydrates recommended by nutritionists

After getting to know the two types of good carbohydrates and bad carbohydrates. Let's take a look at the good carbohydrate foods that nutritionists recommend so that we can prioritize them in our daily diet:

1. Brown rice

Brown rice is a whole grain that provides many essential nutrients for good health such as B vitamins, phosphorus, selenium, manganese, potassium, and magnesium.

With a great source of nutrients from cooked rice, this food helps lower cholesterol, prevent heart disease, and control calorie intake to help you feel full longer. Besides, brown rice also helps prevent constipation and reduce symptoms of asthma and gallstones.

2. Quinoa

Quinoa is a common nutritious cereal, classified into a group of cereal varieties. minerals included plus there are a lot of plant chemicals in quinoa. These substances help keep blood sugar levels stable.

Quinoa helps to increase the feeling of satiety because it is relatively rich in fiber and protein. This substance helps quinoa effectively support weight loss

3. Peas;

Peas are a nutrient-dense cereal and contain a lot of complex carbohydrates that help provide energy from the depths and sustainably. It is not only known as food but is also valued by nutritionists as a tonic to promote the health of the body.

Of these essential nutrients, peas help regulate blood pressure and blood sugar. Furthermore, it increases resistance while lowering bad cholesterol. This helps reduce the risk of heart disease and other health problems.

4. Red beans;

Red beans are one of the very popular beans. Red beans contain enough carbohydrates in the form of starch and fiber and contain a lot of proteins, vitamins, and minerals rich in nutrients for the body. Besides, red beans also contain many antioxidants such as anthocyanins and isoflavones.

Red beans also help improve sugar control and reduce the risk of rectal cancer.

5. Hummus

Chickpeas are part of the legume family and contain not only carbohydrates but also fiber. It is also a healthy source of vegetable protein.

Chickpeas contain many vitamins and minerals such as iron, phosphates, and vitamin B. With These nutrients, chickpeas help improve heart health, and digestion, and also help prevent cancer.

6. Oatmeal

We all know the great benefits of oats for human health. Oats contain a lot of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. In particular, oats contain large amounts of soluble fiber called beta-glucan.

Oats are a relatively good source of protein, they contain more than other cereals. In addition, oats also help reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, helping to lower blood sugar levels.

Oatmeal also increases the feeling of satiety and helps you lose weight effectively.

7. Bananas

Bananas are one of the most nutrient-dense fruits. The carbohydrate content in bananas is not much.

The nutrients potassium, B6, and C are abundant in bananas. In addition, bananas also contain several natural compounds that are good for health. Thanks to their high potassium content, bananas can help lower blood pressure and improve heart health. Unripe bananas also contain a moderate amount of starch and a high content of pectin, both of which are beneficial for the digestive system and help increase beneficial bacteria in the intestines.

8. Black beans

Black beans are not only an ideal source of healthy carbohydrates, but they are also available all year round. This is a tasty and healthy food source.

Black beans are highly nutritious cereals, used in everyday life. Black beans contain isoflavones that can regulate fat metabolism, which helps to lose weight effectively.

9. Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are known to be a very effective weight-loss food.

The carbohydrates contained in sweet potatoes are mainly composed of starch, sugar, and fiber. Sweet potatoes are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, and potassium. Sweet potatoes contain many antioxidants that help the body heal skin wounds and reduce the risk of disease.

10. Oranges

Orange is known as a fruit that is very rich in nutrients and cosmetic vitamins. Oranges contain carbohydrates and are a very healthy source of fiber. Oranges are very rich in vitamin C, potassium, and many B vitamins.

Oranges carry a great source of health benefits such as improving heart health and helping to prevent kidney stones. Besides, oranges also help increase the absorption of iron from food, which reduces the risk of anemia.

11. Beets

Beetroot is abundantly used in nutritious dishes. Beets are mainly in the form of sugar and fiber.

Beets are filled with vitamins, minerals, powerful antioxidants, and natural compounds that have health benefits. Beets are also rich in inorganic nitrates, which turn into nitric oxide in the body. This substance helps lower blood pressure and may reduce the risk of certain diseases.

Thanks to its high content of inorganic nitrates, beetroot juice can be used to increase endurance during endurance exercises.

12. Apples

Apples are considered excellent antioxidant fruit. Besides, apples also contain good carbohydrates, although the vitamin and mineral content in apples is not high.

Eating apples helps control blood sugar and reduces the risk of heart disease. Apples also help reduce the risk of some serious cancers.

Above is the information you need to know about carbohydrates, what are good carbohydrates and bad carbohydrates, and suggests 12 types of healthy carbohydrates. To have a healthy and beautiful body every day, we need to understand what food we put in our stomachs every day. With the foods I offer, I hope to be able to help you in the process of achieving the best results in the process of self-improvement.

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