5 Principles of eating bananas | correctly bring unexpected benefits

5 Principles of eating bananas. choose ripe bananas. Eat less than 2 fruits a day. Do not eat bananas when hungry, and in the morning, have a headach
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 5 Principles of eating bananas correctly bring unexpected benefits
Bananas are a very healthy fruit. However, eating bananas the wrong way will be counterproductive. Let's learn the Five Principles of eating bananas correctly below!

bananas .a white background with bananas
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are food that contains many nutrients and mineral salts such as tryptophan, vitamin B6, iron, potassium, etc.

 Bananas are highly appreciated by food regulatory bodies as well as experts for their endurance. Many health benefits for humans if we really eat.

Specifically, the miraculous effects that we can clearly see from eating This fruit correctly are. as follows:

Helps reduce stress and depression. Boost calcium intake to fortify bones. Replenish blood content and fight anemia. Stabilize blood pressure and protect the heart. Prevent diabetes. Improves the health of the cardiovascular. and nervous systems. Reduce the risk of stroke.

This fruit brings many benefits, but if eaten at the wrong time, it will lead to side effects. and even harm our health. Therefore ،

1. If you want to eat bananas properly, choose ripe bananas

According to some recent studies in the world, ripe bananas contain higher levels of anticancer substances and antioxidants compared to green bananas.

In particular, the darker the banana peel, the more black spots it has. and the more it can strengthen the body's immune system. So don't belittle the fruit's look while ignoring its many advantages!

Ripe bananas. which have been shown to contain higher levels of anticancer substances and antioxidants than green fruit. are an excellent option for those looking for a nutritious snack. They are not only a good source of fiber, but also contain vitamins A, B6, and C. as well as potassium and manganese. Ripe bananas have also been shown to improve heart health by lowering cholesterol levels and blood pressure.

Diabetics should think carefully before eating ripe bananas ،

2. Consume fewer than 2 fruits every day.

High quantities of potassium may be found in bananas. So when eating more than twoThis fruit a day, the amount of potassium accumulated in the body is very high. which leads to cardiac arrhythmias, and muscle weakness. and even temporary paralysis of the body.

In addition, high potassium also affects the functioning of the kidneys, making it difficult to excrete substances. This can lead to serious harm to the body.

Besides, This fruit contains a lot of nutrients. Therefore, when eating more than two fruits a day, will cause an excess of substances. which will lead to disturbances in micronutrients in the body.

Eat less than 2 fruits a day, to ensure that you get the most out of the nutrients it contains. while avoiding the risks associated with eating too much.

3. Do not eat bananas when hungry

Bananas do not contain high levels of magnesium, so when eating This fruit on an empty stomach, this amount will directly affect the process of contraction and harm the stomach. even dangerous for the heart. Additionally, it may result in severe health issues.

Do not eat This fruit when you are hungry. as it will lead to a rapid rise in blood sugar and cortisol levels. It could cause you to crave unhealthy meals. Instead, wait until you have a meal to eat them.

Therefore, we should eat This fruit one to two hours after meals. At that time, This fruit will help neutralize the acid in the stomach. activate the digestive system, and protect the stomach from harm.

4. Do not eat bananas in the morning

We should not eat bananas in the morning or when we need to wake up, because This fruit contains a substance that causes instant drowsiness - serotonin. This kind of material will immediately make you fall asleep, tired. and by surprise, resulting in a lack of concentration and poor work efficiency.

On the contrary, when eating this fruit in the evening, the serotonin content will enhance the effect of helping you get a deeper, better, and calmer sleep.

The ideal time to eat This fruit is in the afternoon. Serotonin will help you stay focused and relieve stress. which is good for your work productivity and study performance. If you are hungry in the morning, you can choose to eat protein-rich foods. such as eggs, instead of This fruit.

5. Do not eat bananas when you have a headache

The number of amino acids contained in bananas will expand the venous system, which will increase blood flow to the brain, causing headaches. People suffering from headaches should never eat This fruit. as it will only make the existing pain worse. This fruit can make headaches worse, so if you suffer from one, steer clear.

Instead, try eating another type of fruit or vegetable.

How to choose delicious bananas and preserve bananas.

Currently, stimulating food growth using chemicals has become an obsession for consumers. Bananas are no exception. However, we still have a way to distinguish natural bananas from chemically pressed fruit.

Choosing a delicious banana is not difficult. You should choose This fruit that has a bright yellow color and no spots. Also, This fruit should be slightly soft when squeezed. If the banana is too hard, it will not be ripe, and if it is too soft. it will be overripe.

It should be noted that bananas should not be stored in the refrigerator or freezer. Avoid peeling This fruit when not using them, because This fruit will lose its inherent nutrients. when exposed to the external environment.

Why not eat bananas on an empty stomach?

Bananas are best eaten with other foods. When consumed on an empty stomach, large amounts of magnesium and potassium can lead to an imbalance of these minerals in the blood. This can cause problems such as irregular heartbeat. muscle weakness, and digestive problems. It is best to eat these fruit with other foods to avoid these problems.

Who should avoid bananas?

If you are taking any of these medications, you should avoid eating This fruit. This is because the potassium contained in This fruit can raise blood potassium levels to a dangerous level. If you are taking ACE inhibitors or spironolactone. you should talk to your doctor about whether you should eat This fruit or not.

What are the side effects of bananas?

This fruit is a type of fruit that has a high potassium content. 

Eating This fruit can cause nausea, vomiting, and cramps. and bloating. 

This fruit may also cause allergies in some people.

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