All about facial massage: its types, techniques, effects

facial massage:Prevents the appearance of wrinkles. Improves skin turgor.Removes the second cheeks and chin. Removes puffiness.Promotes regeneration.
Estimated read time: 11 min

All about facial massage: its types, techniques, effects
Facial massage allows you to tighten the skin, improve appearance, normalize blood circulation and relax tense facial muscles. With regular use, this procedure gives an excellent effect and avoids radical procedures and surgical intervention. Massage can be done to prevent age-related changes, reduce the severity of wrinkles, and eliminate sagging.

A woman receives a facial massage while lying on a white bed
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Features and benefits of facial massage

You need to massage the face. With age, the skin begins to sag, and the muscles shorten from stretching, which leads to the formation of folds and wrinkles. This can be avoided with the help of proper massage, regular face building, and properly selected skin care products.

Facial massage gives the following effect:

  • prevents wrinkles from forming and lessens their severity.
  • Improves skin turgor, and makes the dermis more elastic and toned.
  • Removes the second cheeks and chin.
  • Removes puffiness
  • Improves complexion by normalizing blood circulation ؛
  • Promotes regeneration.
  • There are biologically active points on the face, the stimulation of which can improve the functioning of internal organs.

Thanks to the massage, the skin absorbs care products better. If the metabolic processes in the dermis are disturbed, then even the most expensive creams will not give the desired effect. Massage allows you to activate these processes, improve blood circulation and increase tissue saturation with oxygen.

Guidelines and Restrictions

First of all, facial massage is used to increase the elasticity of the skin to avoid the formation of wrinkles or reduce their intensity.

Norms for the procedure include:

  • Lack of elasticity of the dermis, fuzzy oval of the face. 
  • The appearance of the first wrinkles.
  • skin that is more oily than usual.
  • The presence of pimples, acne, and post-acne.
  • Gray skin, dull complexion.

Contraindications to this procedure are inflammation of the face (severe acne, painful red pimples, ulcers), damage (in the form of cuts or scratches), and the presence of hanging moles or papillomas. If you have recently had a traumatic skin facelift (acid peeling, cleansing, etc.), you can massage only after the skin has fully recovered.

Severe rosacea can also be a contraindication used. But in this instance, it might be wise to see a doctor. Some types of massage manipulations are acceptable even with rosacea.

Types of facial massage

In addition to classical massage, there are many other types of facial massage. You can alternate techniques or periodically use the most suitable method. It should be borne in mind that a certain technique is selected taking into account the type of skin. For example, the oily dermis perfectly tolerates pinching and strong impact, but the dry dermis is very thin and sensitive, so it should be treated with more caution.

Facial massages come in a variety of forms. :

Tibetan facial massage. 

This facial rejuvenation technique has been known since ancient times. During the procedure, not only the face is massaged, but also the neck, head, and chest area. It is believed that the procedure can completely replace body massage because during its implementation there is work of many muscles, tendons, and biological points.


With this massage, the cheek area is worked out both from the outside and from the inside. The specialist works in sterile latex gloves. The effect on the mucous membrane allows you to improve and strengthen the facial muscles. Buccal facial massage gives a noticeable tightening effect.


 This is a kind of Japanese massage, in which not only the skin is affected, but also the muscles of the face. This procedure is called a non-surgical facelift. Pressure is applied not with fingertips, but with the palm of the hand.

Massage with Spanish vines

 This procedure is especially effective for dry skin with rosacea. Deep movements are replaced by soft, relaxing movements. During the procedure, a specialist can use not only fingers but also palms and even elbows.

Pinch massage according to Jaquet 

This procedure is effective for normalizing oily skin and eliminating acne, blackheads, and scars. After preparation, disc movements are made using classical massage techniques.


A very effective procedure for maintaining skin tone and eliminating inflammation. Countless beneficial ingredients may be found in honey. It allows you to quickly remove excess fluid and toxins. However, for such a message, only liquid natural honey without impurities is needed.

It should be borne in mind that not all types of massage are suitable for independent performance. Some techniques are quite complex and require certain skills and knowledge. Only an expert is capable of carrying them out.

Preparation for the procedure

Before starting the procedure, you need to choose a means of massage. If the skin is dry, then coconut oil is suitable, for the oily it is better to use grape seed oil or a light cream gel. The consistency of the product should not be too dense, but if it is quickly absorbed, it will not be possible to perform a full massage. You will have to apply the cream constantly. Check to see whether it clogs the pores.

The preparatory procedures include several stages:

Thorough cleaning. First, you need to remove makeup with a special tool: milk and micellar water. Then be sure to wash your face with foam or gel, wipe your face with a towel, but do not rub.

Warm-up. The skin responds better to massage with creams or oils if the skin was warmed up before the procedure. You don't need to steam your face, just put on a warm towel and wait 5 minutes.

Moisturize. Massage is done only after applying the cream. If you tighten dry skin, various wrinkles and damage will appear on it. Apply a light cream or oil in a small amount along the massage lines.

Do not neglect the preparation. Otherwise, instead of taut skin, you can get pimples, comedones, and various kinds of inflammations

Technique of execution

Classical massage has a gentle effect on the skin using serums or creams. All manipulations are performed along the massage lines.

The procedure is performed as follows:

A small amount of oil, cream, or lotion is applied to the fingertips. Then, with light driving movements, the entire face is worked out. Each area must be moistened.

Then each zone is worked out along the massage lines. Several types of movements alternate: stroking, kneading and rubbing. The specialist performs the procedure without taking his hands off the patient's face.

If this is a therapeutic massage aimed at activating regeneration processes, then the specialist will also use sufficiently deep disc movements, but not leave bruises. Vibration techniques can also be used.

The duration of one session is from 10 to 15 minutes. The course includes at least 10 sessions. After the entire course, you can see the result: more even and healthy skin.

It should be borne in mind

 that massage is aimed at removing excess fluid, as well as toxins. Do not drink alcohol, smoke, or eat fatty and salty foods during the course. Edema will again accumulate in the face area, and blood circulation will worsen due to vasoconstriction. It is recommended to combine facial massage with proper nutrition, walking in the fresh air, as well as nourishing and moisturizing face masks.

After the massage, you need to remove the remaining oil with a napkin or cotton pad. On dry skin, you can also apply a nourishing mask or cream. It is recommended to do the procedure in the evening so that after the massage you do not have to put on makeup or go out into the bright sun.

Self-made home facial massage

Self-massage includes all the same standard manipulations: stroking, kneading, patting, and rubbing. Be sure to check your skin before the procedure. It should not have wounds or painful acne under the skin. Always use cream or oil.

The peculiarity of self-massage is that you need to monitor your sensations on the face and fingers. Do not strain your fingers too much and do not squeeze or tighten the skin of the face. Remove all jewelry from your hands in advance, including watches, and avoid long nails so as not to injure the dermis.

You need to massage your face in the following sequence:

  • middle of the chin to the ears
  • the region close to the mouth.
  • nose to ears on the cheeks.
  • The nose is from the tip to the forehead.
  • The area around the eyes (with very light movements, with little or no pressure) ؛
  • Eyebrows and the skin around the eyebrows.
  • middle to outskirts of the forehead
  • The neck area from the neckline to the chin with stroking movements.
  • The lymph nodes should only be gently stroked, not subjected to intense pressure.

To get the result 

self-massage should be performed regularly. Enough 10 procedures 1-2 times a week. Then you can take a break. Avoid constant aggressive massage of the skin. Even from helpful operations, the dermis needs to take a break. If you overdo it, more wrinkles will appear on the skin.

For best results, it is recommended to do special exercises to strengthen the facial muscles. In combination with massage, they will significantly accelerate the lifting effect.

Mistakes During self-massage of the face

The result of the procedure largely depends on its correct implementation. Many people prefer to turn to specialists because they are afraid of damaging the skin. There are many blood vessels and nerve endings on the face. Massage should be done so as not to damage the delicate skin of the face.

There are several common mistakes that beginners make with self-massage:

You do a massage in the morning

 It is better to do the procedure in the evening, then apply a night cream and go to bed. Do not apply makeup immediately or go out in the sun after an intense massage. Active processes occur in the skin, which can lead to the appearance of pigmentation and other problems.

You don't clean your face enough

 It is necessary to remove not only pollution but also all traces of makeup. One milk is not enough. Oily skin is recommended to be treated with a light peeling or scrub before the massage.

You are using the wrong means

Dry skin should not be massaged with a light, quickly absorbed cream, and oily skin should not be massaged with saturated oil. The fatter the skin, the lighter the texture should be.

Your movements are chaotic

 Before you start massaging your face, carefully study videos or photos depicting massage lines. You need to move only along them, starting from the bottom (from the neck or chin to the forehead).

You do not respect the time of the procedure

 Massage should be done at home for 10 minutes. If the procedure is too short or, conversely, long, it may not lead to any effect or the appearance of new wrinkles.

You underestimate skincare

 Massage alone is not able to restore skin elasticity. Every day you need to use tonics, creams, serums, and emulsions suitable for your skin type, as well as make a nourishing mask once a week. It should be nourished and moisturized in the morning and evening using only a special cream or gel for the eyes.

I forgot the mirror

 You can do self-massage only in front of a mirror. So you can control the degree of pressure, and the intensity of movements and monitor the reaction of the skin. Without a mirror, it is difficult to assess how strong and synchronous your face massage will be.

Forget about posture

 In the salon, the face is massaged in a prone position. If you choose self-massage, it is better to do it standing or sitting, but only with a straight back. With incorrect posture, the skin on the face stretches a lot or, on the contrary, begins to hang, which complicates the massage process.

You also need to take into account the importance of regularity. If you massage from time to time, there will be no noticeable result.

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