Anti-cellulite honey massage: benefits, Contraindications, effects
The beneficial properties of honey have been talked about for a long time. It is used to prepare various folk remedies, and cosmetic masks for hair and face, and is also used in the fight against cellulite. Honey improves metabolic processes in the skin, rejuvenates and smoothes it, and also has excellent cleansing properties. Cosmetic procedures with natural honey can improve overall well-being.
The advantages of honey massage for cellulite
Cellulite can appear at any age and at any weight, but, as a rule, it can be found more often in overweight people. Therefore, you need to get rid of cellulite with excess weight. Honey massage will help to make the forms more graceful. If the orange peel appeared after a sharp weight loss, the procedure will help restore the elasticity and tone of the skin and muscles.
Honey has been used for a long time to treat various diseases. Its Anti-cellulite properties have been known for some time. But we are talking only about natural honey, without additives, or chemicals. Promotes the production of collagen in the skin, detoxification, and strengthening of blood vessels. Honey perfectly tones has a lymphatic drainage effect and rejuvenates.
Honey massage can bring noticeable benefits:
- The fatty layer in problem areas will decrease
- The skin will soften, and comfort will become more
- The figure will become more harmonious
- Improve blood circulation and lymph flow.
- Pain and fatigue in the legs will go away.
- The skin color becomes healthier.
- Muscle tone will increase.
- Manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia will decrease.
This effect can be achieved if you massage regularly and correctly, using high-quality honey. The disadvantages of such a massage are few, but still, they are.
After the honey massage, be sure to use the products for additional moisturizing. Honey draws moisture from the skin, which is good for swelling, but the dermis needs to be moisturized after the procedure.
Indications and contraindications for the procedure
You can do a massage with honey for sagging skin, the appearance of an orange peel, and excess weight. You can also massage those parts of the body where the "orange peel" is noticeable: the back, legs, arms, hips, buttocks, and abdomen. Do not apply honey to the area under the kneecap, groin, thighs, neck, and chest. Indications are also stretch marks, postpartum stretch marks, scars, and scars.
Among the contraindications to the use of honey Anti-cellulite massage are:
- Any inflammatory processes in the body.
- Hyperthermia
- Allergic reaction to bee products.
- Neoplasms in the body of any etiology.
- Diseases of the thyroid gland.
- Any damage to the skin
- Dermatitis and eczema in the acute stage.
- Tuberculosis
- Menstruation؛
- Pregnancy in any trimester
- Diabetes mellitus
- Severe varicose veins.
Honey massage will be difficult on areas of the skin with dense vegetation. Honey sticks to the hair and pulls them out, which leads to discomfort. You can visit the salon and do hair removal 2-3 days before the massage.
On the internet
you can find many techniques for conducting such a massage at home. However, keep in mind that anti-cellulite massage requires certain skills. If you perform the procedure incorrectly or choose low-quality consumables, the problem will worsen: bruises and hemorrhages will appear on the skin and the relief will become more uneven.
What consumables are used
For massage, it is necessary to choose fresh and high-quality natural honey, preferably directly from the apiary. You should not take cheap fakes in stores, in such a product there will be one sugar and a minimum of useful substances and vitamins. When choosing honey for massage, you need to pay attention to the following nuances:
Complex. It should be natural (that is, only 100% honey), without additives and flavorings.
Consistency. In summer, you can buy natural liquid honey, and in winter it is thicker and cloudy. But this is not scary, because honey can be heated and made more liquid.
It is better to negotiate with sellers and buy honey only from an apiary, and not from supermarket shelves. Honey should be in its natural form, not mousse or creamy honey.
For Anti-cellulite massage
it is not necessary to use only pure honey. A good result will give a few drops of essential oil added to the product. Have a positive effect on the skin, eliminate puffiness, and improve the blood circulation of jasmine, almond, cinnamon, and citrus oils.
Be sure to test for the absence of allergies. First, you need to heat the honey to the desired consistency and add a couple drops of oil. This composition is applied to the skin of the hand, for example, on the wrist. If there is no redness, irritation, or discomfort, you can start massaging.
Massage technique
The duration of the massage depends on the areas being treated. For example:
- - Hand massage lasts for 15 minutes
- Buttocks and thighs - 30 minutes
- Preparation - 20 minutes.
To maintain the result for a long time, more than one session is required. It is advisable to take a course consisting of 10 sessions in one to two days.
During the procedure
the client should be comfortable. Massage is not carried out in a hot and stuffy room. The specialist will conduct an allergy test, and then tell the client what to expect. Anti-cellulite massage is aimed at working out adipose tissue and muscles, so the movements will be strong enough, which can lead to discomfort. But there shouldn't be too much pain.
Then the skin of the affected areas is cleaned with a wet towel, and honey is dissolved, but not boiled. The skin must withstand the temperature of honey. The technique of Anti-cellulite honey massage has its own characteristics:
The specialist takes into account the location of the lymph nodes, and the condition of the muscles and skin to reduce pain. If the stomach is massaged, then the movements are carried out only clockwise.
A mixture of honey and oil
is applied in a thin layer to problem areas, then the massage procedure begins. First, the therapist massages the skin warms it up and distributes honey over the surface of the body.
To improve the blood circulation of the skin and increase its tone, you need to put your palms on the skin, squeeze, and then sharply tear them off. With such movements, you need to solve the entire problem area. After that, small bruises may remain on the skin, but they go away quickly.
The massage ends with the same stroking movements. In the end, honey is washed off the skin and a light moisturizer is applied. It is good if the client lies down for 5 minutes after the procedure.
During the massage
honey with oils may begin to stand out on the skin. This is a normal reaction. If Honey begins to turn gray, this indicates that it has absorbed sweat and pollution from the pores. Do not eat an hour before and two hours after the massage.
Following the initial process, the result will be apparent. The skin will soften, and the relief will become softer but do not be lazy and give up the whole course. After 10-15 procedures, the result will last longer.
How is the operation done at home?
As mentioned above, massage should be done carefully at home. If you are not a specialist, do not try to pinch, crush and force the skin. It is better if they have a minimal effect, but do not harm the skin.
Buy fresh natural honey from a trusted manufacturer. Do not take any old jars into the closet. There will be little benefit from such honey.
Choose a natural product
Essential Oils, and do an allergy test. To warm the affected area, start stroking it without using honey. When you feel that the skin has warmed up enough, and slightly reddened, apply a little warm honey with oil to your palms.
Heat the honey to a comfortable temperature and a liquid consistency. Before applying, be sure to touch it with your finger so that burns do not occur. Apply honey first with rubbing movements, and then begin to stick your palms to the skin and tear it hard. If we are talking about the buttocks, then such a massage will not work on your own, you will need someone's help. Redness of the skin and light bruising are normal but pay attention to how you feel. If there is a burning sensation or severe pain, it is worth stopping.
After the procedure
you can apply an anti-cellulite cream to enhance the effect. This massage is performed on dry skin, not steamed after a sauna or a bath. The sweat released will reduce the effectiveness of honey.
Many talks about the benefits of a contrast shower. It really helps to tighten the skin, but do not take a shower immediately after the honey massage. Temperature changes after the massage will only harm the skin.
You can not use the same mixture twice
even if it is not very gray. Honey quickly absorbs toxins, sweat, and dirt, and after use, the mixture should be discarded.
If you want to enhance the effect, add a little natural coffee grounds to the shower gel before the procedure. Carefully work out all the problem areas. Do not rub the skin with a towel, just wipe off the moisture.
The technique of Anti-cellulite massage is usually manual, but you can also try a soft silicone bowl. Vacuum massage is always performed toward the heart. That is, you apply a thin layer of honey on the skin of the thighs, suck the jar over the bend of the knee and direct it only to the buttocks. Avoid a strong vacuum inside the jar, do not squeeze it with all your might, as this will lead to the appearance of bruises.
How to make the procedure more efficient
The causes of cellulite are a sedentary lifestyle, malnutrition, swelling, hormonal disorders, stress, varicose veins, etc. First of all, you need to try to influence the root causes.
Cellulite treatment should be complex and multidirectional. If you want to get rid of the "orange peel" faster in addition to massage, follow these recommendations:
eat right.
It is not necessary to follow a strict diet and eat only vegetables and chicken breast, but it is advisable to reduce the intake of pastries and sweets, abandon strong coffee in favor of green tea and not eat after 3-4 hours before bedtime.
Do not forget about the drinking regime
You need to drink at least 1.5 daily liters of pure water. Oddly enough, it is dehydration that often leads to bloating, slows down metabolism, and contributes to weight gain.
Stop taking alcohol and nicotine
Ethanol and nicotine worsen the body's metabolism, retain fluid and lead to swelling. Regular consumption of alcohol and smoking leads to a slowdown in lymph flow and blood circulation.
Do not forget about physical activity
You can choose any option: dancing, cardio training, or Power Yoga for weight loss.
Get enough sleep .get enough sleep
If you sleep little and get tired, stress levels rise. The body begins to store excess fat and water. Try to sleep at least 8 hours a day.
It is important to choose exactly the types of physical activity that will help burn calories. Stretching exercises and yoga are also useful. They tighten muscles, increase blood flow to problem areas, and improve the condition of the joints. Together with a massage, this will give a good result. To keep them for a long time, adhere to proper nutrition, and move more.
To enhance the effect of the massage, do not eat for an hour before the procedure, drink more water, and also take a shower with warm water. You can use a mild scrub to remove impurities from the skin.