raw diet: improves the health of the body and skin

raw diet with unprocessed and uncooked vegetables and fruits, has many benefits, including weight loss and health improvement.
Estimated read time: 9 min

raw diet: improves the health of the body and skin

You've probably heard about a lot of different diets like keto, clean eating, paleo, and low carb ... But there are also new diets that are slowly gaining popularity lately. namely the raw diet. Raw with many wonderful benefits and effects in the healing of the inner body.

Bright fruits on a beige background for raw diet
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Although there are many conflicting opinions about this diet as it is not clean and does not contain enough nutrition, in fact, this diet has changed the lives of many people and internal health has also improved a lot. So let's get acquainted with this diet and its benefits for the body.

What is the raw diet?

Raw foods are organic fruits and vegetables that you can find everywhere such as in local markets, and grocery stores. or grocery stores. It is best to buy these foods at farmers ' markets because they are grown in a local environment and are more nutritionally safe

The raw food diet is a completely natural diet, with unprocessed and uncooked vegetables and fruits such as seeds, beans, etc.. as a result, you can absorb all the essential nutrients and enzymes from foods that are not consumed during the cooking process. or are influenced by additives such as monosodium glutamate, salt, etc.

Recommended foods when eating a raw diet:

  • Dark green leafy vegetables such as cabbage, radish, spinach, lettuce, lettuce, carrots, cucumbers, eggplant, and tomatoes. celery, onions, leeks, artichokes, bean sprouts, asparagus, mushrooms ...
  • Citrus fruits, tangerines, lemons ...
  • seeds from sunflowers, sesame, and pumpkins ...Fermented foods: nut yogurt, kimchi, kombucha tea, Greek yogurt, pickles ...
  • Avocados, watermelons, melons ...
  • The raw food diet is very similar to the vegan diet because it is based entirely on the plant, however, it will be different in the way it is prepared. 
  • On a raw food diet, if you cook food at high temperatures, it will be difficult to retain nutrients.

The benefits of a raw diet for health and skin

Author Norman Walker explains in his book raw vegan: the healing power of plants that we can lead a healthier life by following a diet of raw fruit juices. fresh plants. and vegetables. Healthy lifestyles full of vitality and longevity are all thanks to foods from plants and nature.

Many people think that eating mostly raw foods is ideal for human health and has many benefits, including weight loss and health improvement. If you follow this diet, you will be surprised at the improvement in your health. you will begin to feel that your skin is lighter and more vibrant.

There are countless benefits of a raw diet

 including improved skin, weight loss, improved digestion, and reduction of many diseases that affect the body such as diabetes and cancer, as well as many other debilitating diseases. Raw foods generally do not have a high content of trans and saturated fats compared to most processed foods, fast foods, and fried foods.

Raw foods contain a lot of nutrients

 such as potassium, magnesium, fiber, and plant compounds. Besides, it also helps to reduce cholesterol. and triglyceride levels in the body thanks to fresh fruits and vegetables. Moreover, a raw food diet will help consumers use less packaging and use less energy for cooking. so this diet is very convenient and environmentally friendly.

 there are many different benefits for the body from a raw diet:

  • Reduced inflammation improved digestion.
  •  helps to bring more energy to work provides.
  •  good fiber for the skin. 
  • improve heart health.
  •  improves liver.
  •  functions cancer prevention prevents or treats constipation supports weight loss and maintains healthy body weight.

The raw food diet has been studied since the eighteenth century and until now, it has received waves and responses thanks to the many different benefits that it brings.

Points to note when eating raw food

Despite the great benefits, we still have to talk about some of the bad points of this diet.

The raw diet eats only vegetables, fruits,

and plants in general without meat, so it is easy to lack important vitamins and minerals along with proteins for the body. While plant foods. They also, provide a lot of protein, but they are not complete proteins, nor do they provide all the essential amino acids for the body like animal meat.

a raw diet can contain harmful parasites 

because they are not cooked. Despite the cleaning, the current foods are also of unsafe origin. they are sprayed with drugs and injected with stimulants to look fresh, so it's easy to get food poisoning.

 when eating only raw foods

 without meat, fish, eggs, and dairy products, foods that provide vitamin B12 have a role in maintaining brain function. and red blood cell production, DNA synthesis, etc. At the risk of nutrient deficiency.

you will also be at risk of developing osteoporosis if eating raw food is not nutritious enough. While you can get calcium from dark leafy greens such as kale and broccoli, you will need to eat them in large quantities. If you don't eat enough, this can reduce bone density, leading to osteoporosis.

If your body does not have much energy, or it is tired, underweight, infertility, depressed, has nervous problems, loss of muscle mass, or weak bones, then you should eat more organic animal protein, and seafood to provide more nutrients to the body.

Is raw food healthier than cooked food?

When foods are cooked, they inevitably destroy certain enzymes, vitamins, and minerals that the body needs. If you eat a lot of cooked, microwaved, and canned food, you may be deficient in nutrients and even increase the risk of certain diseases.

Cooking food sometimes also changes the natural structure of food, it loses its nutritional value. According to the director of the American Institute of raw food, Ed Douglas, it is believed that the human body is not suitable for eating cooked food, but humans are creatures that eat natural and fresh food.

In the raw food diet

 there is no heat treatment for foods, so they retain a lot of vitamins and enzymes needed by the body, providing an excellent source of nutrients. However, it must be ensured that the food ingredients used are free of toxins, especially pesticides. Cooking and frying with heat can destroy toxins contained in food, but it is also a double-edged sword. So if you decide to eat raw, choose safe and healthy ingredients of obvious origin.

Depending on the type of raw food, if you are really interested in this diet, find out about its nutrition and benefits.

Each food has a different time when it is easy to lose nutrients when processing. When the temperature is too high, food begins to deplete nutrients, enzymes are lost, and the value of food decreases.

 raw food easily passes through the digestive tract

The longer the food stays in the digestive tract, the easier it is to ferment it, so it's not a good idea to eat foods that are difficult to digest. Raw foods also have a great effect on the acid/alkali balance in the body. Acids come from environmental pollutants, stress, and refined foods that lack nutrients and minerals. Therefore, eating raw foods helps to restore balance in the body, while cooked foods create more acidity.

Should I start a raw food diet?

Raw diets are often suitable for women who want to lose weight and have beautiful skin. As we see, in the cosmetic market, products extracted from natural plants are very popular, so when eating, plants are also very good at improving health and skin.

For many of you, it will be difficult to switch from your current diet to raw foods because not everyone prefers raw vegetables. If you really care about your health, then eating raw foods will help you.

If you do not have a preference for eating raw vegetables

you should not force yourself to fully eat according to this diet. When we indulge in a new way of eating without the body having time to adapt, our efforts will only be counterproductive. Start eating gradually increasing amounts of fiber-rich foods to allow your body to adapt and digest.

Despite the great benefits

 we still need to think about this diet. If you do not control and understand the matter, it will be very difficult to preserve and look at animal foods and starches to fill your stomach, because raw foods are not always easy to eat.

Do not force yourself to any strict regime, but be flexible in your meals. Eat more raw foods and can add meat and fish foods, but in a smaller amount, your body will achieve its best. This system will help a lot in terms of Health and fitness, especially for those who want to lose weight and keep fit.

You'll discover that eating in this manner

makes it easier for you to get the body you want and the health benefits of nutrients from fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, coconut oil, herbs, and herbal teas ... In addition, you will eat a lot of food and feel good about eating large amounts of food but with few calories.

About the Author

This site talks about topics related to physical mental health, physiological fitness, Aga articles, mental health , mental health, healthy hair, healthy skin, seniors , surprising benefits, weight loss, healthy plants, physical health, physical act…

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