أسباب تقلب المزاج عند كبار السن ، ولماذا يتم ذلك على هذا النحو؟
بالنسبة للكثيرين ممن لديهم أقارب لكبار السن. عاجلاً أم آجلاً ، تأتي لحظة. عندما يتعين عليهم القتال ليس فقط مرض أحبائهم. ولكن أيضًا مع مثل هذا العدو مثل مزاج سيء. الشيء الرئيسي هو تحديد تغيير السلوك. وظهور الاكتئاب في الوقت المناسب ، واتخاذ الإجراءات التي من شأنها تحسين الحالة المزاجية لكبار السن.
ماذا تشير الحالة المزاجية السيئة لكبار السن؟
من المعتقد تقليديًا أن الدخول في حالة اكتئاب هو أكثر سمات صغار السن أو كبار السن. ولكن ، كما تبين الممارسة ، فإن هذا الرأي خاطئ ، والمتقاعدون كذلك. أيضا ، في كثير من الأحيان في مزاج سيء بشكل مزمن.
إن تشخيص الاكتئاب الأولي لدى كبار السن ليس بالأمر السهل. يعتقد الكثير من الناس أن فقدان الشهية ، والمزاج السيئ طوال الوقت ، وإظهار مؤشرات اليأس ، والانفصال. وقلة الرغبة في التفكير الإيجابي علامة على الشيخوخة. تم العثور على مثل هذه المفاهيم الخاطئة ليس فقط في الأقارب. ولكن أيضًا في بعض الأطباء.
كل هذه الأعراض تشير إلى تطور الاكتئاب.
وفقًا للإحصاءات ، فإن حوالي 15-20٪ من كبار السن الذين تتراوح أعمارهم بين 60 عامًا وأكثر عرضة للإصابة بهذا المرض. لمن لديهم مشاكل صحية ملموسة. يمكن أن يصل هذا الرقم إلى 40٪ -60٪. أي أكثر من نصف السكان المسنين. بطريقة أو بأخرى ، يعاني من الاكتئاب. ويفقد الاهتمام بالحياة وما يدور حولهم.
أهم 5 أسباب لتقلبات المزاج لدى كبار السن
1. التغيرات المرتبطة بالعمر.
بمرور الوقت ، تقل قدرة النفس على التكيف مع الواقع الحديث. تدهور الجهاز العصبي. من هنا يظهر التهيج. تصبح الظروف المجهدة أكثر تواترا. والتوتر العصبي - كل ما لا يفكر فيه الإنسان حتى في سن 35-45 سنة. في كبار السن. تزداد هذه الأعراض فقط ، مما يؤدي في النهاية إلى الاكتئاب.
2. الأمراض الجسدية.
Elderly people, in one way or another, are prone to somatic diseases. Some of these diseases may have several, and this situation does not bode well: the mood worsens, and a person always feels unwell. As soon as these conditions become permanent, the development of depression begins.
This is facilitated by low physical activity and restriction of the circle of communication. In addition, depression can be caused by the appearance of vascular diseases in the brain. The causes of depression are not limited to pathological problems of the nervous system. These can be diseases of the thyroid gland, thyroid gland, arterial hypertension, diabetes, etc.
3. Change in social status.
A well-known fact: a person's retirement is accompanied by a general deterioration in his condition, and exacerbation of chronic diseases. For many, this causes the so-called retirement depression. Psychologists explain this situation by a sharp change in the foundations of the habitual life of each person. People are left out of active life and begin to feel the uselessness of society. Such changes are perceived especially acutely by those who are commonly called workaholics and professionals.
Their world is built around work, and all this collapses in an instant. Often, this role is assigned to men who are unable to adapt to the new situation in society. They do not even try to find new hobbies for themselves, to replace old habits with something.
All this causes a bad mood in elderly people
which eventually leads to depression. Women, due to the greater emphasis on family values. Thanks to communication with grandchildren and children. Find the willpower to avoid being depressed. For them, the retirement process is not that difficult.
4. The social circle shrinks.
Perhaps the most common reason that leads to a deterioration in the mood of older people is the narrowing of the social circle. Creating new connections is becoming increasingly difficult. And the circle of old acquaintances is only decreasing. Therefore, many pensioners are afraid of loneliness in old age. It is also not easy for a person to experience a break in family relations during this period.
At the age of 50-55, children are increasingly moving away from their parents, and with them, the need to take care of someone disappears. In addition, according to statistics. More than 50% of women after the age of forty face a crisis in personal relationships. Which in no way contributes to improving their emotional background.
5. Take medication.
Regular use of medicines for various diseases also does not improve the mood of the elderly. On the contrary, it can lead to the appearance of so-called secondary depression. Drugs that can affect the psychological state of the elderly include antihypertensive drugs (methyl dopa, digoxin. Beta-blockers, and calcium channel blockers). Corticosteroids (for example, prednisolone). Drugs from the group of analgesics. And various sleeping pills.
How positive communication skills can help seniors improve their mood
For an elderly person to feel that he is living a full life, he needs to find confirmation of his importance and uniqueness. It doesn't matter at all what he did before retirement. The problem lies in the possibility of self-realization in new, unfamiliar conditions.
What can an elderly person do to adjust to a positive situation?
Pay attention to your style of communication. The use of positive phrases in speech instead of complaints and criticism will only improve the mood of older people. The ability to pay attention to the positive aspects of life allows not only to improve mental health. But also to develop a strategy for positive communication in society.
Many ways allow you to change the passive mode of communication to the opposite.
- When you meet people, tell them about the pleasant moments of your previous conversations or trips.
- Tell us about your new hobby. Or share some fascinating information.
- Even if you talk about problems. Try to focus on the options for solving them, and not complain about the situation.
Additionally, this will assist listeners in better understanding what is required:
- Show interest in the feelings, and interests. And hobbies of older people. You can enhance the impression of your meeting with a portion of humor.
- Do not skimp on compliments. Support the interlocutor morally.
- At every opportunity, express your gratitude. And do not forget to congratulate the person on memorable dates.
- Take it as a rule - when discussing faces. Not present during communication, to mention only their positive qualities. Or character traits.
- Expression of sincere attention. And respect will help improve the mood of older people and make your relationship warmer.
We must realize that if there are more signs of attention to elderly people on our part, this will allow us to raise the level of their openness. And confidence in communication.
Such simple actions can only strengthen relationships with loved ones. And make communication more fruitful.
A proven way
to improve the microclimate in family relationships is to repeatedly mention the positive aspects of your loved one, focusing on his achievements. Also, do not forget to express gratitude for any help or work. Even if it is ordinary household duties.
- من المهم أن تكون لطيفًا عند التواصل .
- في الوقت نفسه ، لا داعي للتفكير في أي شيء.
- يكفي توخي الحذر ، وسيكون هناك سبب بالتأكيد.
- في البداية ، قد يكون أسلوب الاتصال هذا فضوليًا. خاصة إذا كان من المعتاد قبل ذلك في الأسرة التواصل بشكل مختلف.
ومع ذلك ، فإن النتيجة لن تستغرق وقتًا طويلاً لتظهر. وستكون سعيدًا فقط بعاداتك الجديدة. أفضل طريقة لتغيير حالتك العاطفية هي تغيير أنماط سلوكك.