Chapped lips: causes and prevention methods to make them pink and smooth

Chapped lips are a common problem that occurs due to wind. cold weather. sun exposure. dehydration. Treatment methods drink enough water. lip balm
Estimated read time: 8 min

Chapped lips: causes and prevention methods to make them pink and smooth

Dry, chapped lips make you uncomfortable, even bleed. Many people have dry lips because of the weather. while others have them because they apply lip balm. and lipstick improperly.

chapped lips . Cracked lips of a woman holding her finger
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A frequent problem that almost everyone may encounter at some point is dry lips. The skin of our lips is delicate and lacks sebaceous glands, making it more prone to dryness and cracking than other skin types.

Some common causes of dry lips include:

 chapped lips due to weather:

lack of moisture in the lips leads to dry and chapped lips. Dry conditions throughout the winter may contribute to a lack of moisture. In summer, late exposure to The Sun also contributes to dry lips.

The habit of licking lips:

 saliva from the tongue can remove moisture from the lips, making the lips drier.

You are taking medicine, thus a side effect is having dry lips. Supplements containing vitamin A and retinoids are examples of medications and foods that might result in dry lips (Retin-A, Differing), lithium (for bipolar disorder), chemotherapy drugs, diuretics, antihistamines, as well as treatments for acne that include salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide.

Chapped lips are common among those who have dry skin.

Dry lips are also more common in those who become dehydrated frequently, drink less water, or suffer from nutritional deficiencies.

chapped lips from chalices:

some people may experience dry lips more often than others, at which time they may already have cheilitis. Bacterial cheilitis causes the corners of the lips to bleed, split, burn and peel.

Fungal lips:

if you drool during sleep or have a bite (that is, the lower jaw is too far from the upper jaw), your lips are very susceptible to fungal infections, It causes dry mouth and peeling.

to get rid of chapped lips 

Dry lips can be treated at home. The guideline is to keep the lips constantly moisturized. Keep your lips moist by doing the following:

Apply lip analgesic all through the day and sometime recently reach the bed. You should choose the right type of lipstick, if you feel a sting and burning on your lips, it means that the lipstick contains components that are not suitable for your lips, You should switch to a different type. Before applying ordinary lipstick, add lip balm.

You should avoid lipsticks

Which include substances that may lead to dryness of the lips, such as camphor, eucalyptus, lanolin, menthol, phenol (phenyl), propyl gallate, salicylic acid, cinnamon (cinnamon), grapefruit, citrus, and peppermint (peppermint, peppermint).

Choose a lipstick

that contains moisturizing ingredients such as castor seed oil, ceramide, Dimethicone, hemp seed oil, mineral oil (mineral oil, petroleum jelly, or white petroleum jelly), and shea butter (shea butter). In addition, there are sunscreen components such as titanium oxide (titanium oxide) or zinc oxide (zinc oxide).

If your lips are particularly dry, you can use petroleum jelly (white petroleum jelly), cocoa butter, beeswax, or preparations containing mineral oil (petroleum jelly). You may be allergic to certain perfumes, softeners, soaps, etc. Please stop using the product or change it accordingly.

Drink water regularly.

Dizziness and lightheadedness are also signs that you are dehydrated. Use sprays to moisten living and working premises. Especially for those who sleep with their mouth open (breathing through the mouth), it is recommended to spray the bedroom.

Stop licking, biting, or touching your lips. Choose unscented lipsticks that are tasteless because they make you unconsciously lick your lips. Do not swallow metal objects, such as paper clips, jewelry, pens, etc. When uncovered in a cold or blustery climate, you should wear a mask or cover your lips with a cap.

Do not expose your lips to sunlight. 

Before going out, you should apply a lip balm with an SPF of at least 15. Every two hours, apply lip balm once.

If your lips are scaly, you can use a sugar scrub or baking soda to exfoliate your lips without causing pain or bleeding. People with a poor diet or diet can lead to vitamin and mineral deficiencies and malnutrition. You should see a doctor for advice on the right diet, if your body is full of nutrients, your lips may not be dry anymore.

Limit spicy and salty foods, which can cause irritation, flaking, and dryness of the lips. Reduce alcohol and smoking to prevent dryness, which causes dry lips.

When should you see a doctor?

If the condition does not improve despite good care of your lips, consult a dermatologist. Inflammation of the lips may require specific medication.

Cheilitis is often the cause of severe dry lips. Not only are the corners of the mouth painful, but the lips always crack and bleed. The color of the lips is dark pink or dark red, rough, ulcerated, swollen, with white residues. 

People with Crohn's disease are more likely to develop cheilitis. People with dental disease or overactive salivary glands often cause dry and chapped lips. Bacteria can enter cracks, causing inflammation. People who wear braces, dentures, and children with pacifiers are also at risk of developing cheilitis.

Your dermatologist will prescribe medications and guide you on how to keep your lips to stop this condition. For people with oral thrush, your doctor will also prescribe the appropriate antifungal drugs.

Moisturize chapped lips with natural remedies

To soothe chapped lips, you can apply the following natural ingredients directly to your lips:

Aloe vera: 

aloe vera gel contains vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants with anti-inflammatory properties that help moisturize the lips.

Coconut oil:

extracted from coconut, coconut oil can fight bacteria and has a softening effect on the lips.


as a great moisturizer, honey has antibacterial properties and contains antioxidant components, preventing inflammation of the lips.


this refreshing food is full of vitamins and minerals that help improve the color and hydration levels of your lips.

Green tea:

in addition to minerals and antioxidants, green tea also contains anti-inflammatory polyphenols. Dip a green tea bag in warm water and rub it gently on your lips to remove dead skin. This method is even gentler than traditional peeling methods.

What deficiency causes dry chapped lips

A lack of vitamin B12 can lead to dry lips, as it is necessary for the production of collagen. The skin's suppleness and flexibility are due to collagen. Vitamin B12 is also necessary for the production of red blood cells, and a deficiency can lead to anemia. If you suffer from dry lips, it might be a good idea to check your diet for vitamin B12 deficiencies.

Can an iron deficiency cause dry lips?

Iron deficiency can lead to a condition called angular cheilitis, which is a kind of cracking in the corners of the mouth. This can make it difficult to eat and talk.

Does vitamin C deficiency cause chapped lips?

In short, the answer is no. Vitamin C deficiency can lead to a number of problems, including bleeding gums, dry lips, and even swollen gums. However, chapped lips are not one of the symptoms associated with vitamin C deficiency.

Is ICE good for lips?

 Ice can be a great way to soothe chapped lips. By applying a cold compress or using ice compresses, you can help speed up the healing process and reduce the risk of infection.

 But it is not the best option. Injectable lip balm is the best way to address this issue.

In short, for common causes of dry lips, just apply the above methods and you will see softer lips in 2-3 weeks. When your lips improve, you should still follow the above principles to keep your lips pink and soft, and the color of your lips will become fresher and more youthful.

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