Foot massage: technique, indications, effect, home methods

Foot massage to get rid of the symptoms of heaviness and puffiness of the lower extremities fatigue, and pain you can perform this procedure at home
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Foot massage: technique, indications, effect, home methods
Every day we perform a huge number of movements, all this leads to various diseases of the legs, which are subjected to heavy loads every day. On the other hand, more people lead a sedentary lifestyle and suffer from being overweight, which leads to diseases of the venous system of the legs.

A Foot Massage for Someone
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The benefits of foot massage

Heaviness and swelling of the lower extremities, fatigue, pain: there are many ways to get rid of these negative symptoms, one of which is foot massage. You can perform this procedure in specialized centers or at home on your own.

Feet, calves, hips - each part should work well, only in this case we can talk about the full health of the lower limbs. One of the effective ways to maintain muscle tone and blood vessels is foot massage. It also allows you to relax after a busy day.

In the massage of the lower extremities

 various techniques are used that are aimed at specific muscle groups and nerve endings. It was actively used by doctors in ancient China and India, where people who knew all the subtleties of this massage were especially appreciated.

Why and when was it used Our legs are divided into several sections, each of which has its own columns and nerve endings, which are affected. The largest number of nerve endings is concentrated on the feet, which together regulate common reflex zones. They are connected with some systems of the body, which makes it possible to influence problem areas and influence them positively.

With a foot massage, you can :

  • Remove swelling and tired legs.
  • Blood flow is improved and restored. 
  • Activation of brain work (memory, attention).
  • Strengthening immunity
  • Improve digestion and appetite.
  • Strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  • Adjust the hormonal background.
  • Improve skin elasticity
  • Elimination of spasms and pain.

To achieve maximum effect, it is better to contact qualified specialists. This is especially important if the doctor prescribes massage as an additional treatment. By conducting regular massage sessions, you can maintain and improve the functioning of the whole organism.

Causes and effects of foot massage

When prescribing a therapeutic massage or doing it yourself at home, you should consider in which cases it can help, and in which cases it should not be used.

Massage of the lower extremities is recommended in the following cases :

  • Elimination of back and head pain.
  • Restoration of hormonal balance.
  • In the treatment of dermatitis and allergies.
  • With viral lung diseases (ARI, SARS, FLU).
  • With disorders of the nervous system.
  • In the fight against excess weight.
  • To improve blood circulation.
  • Removal of chronic fatigue.

This procedure is useful and accessible to many, but it has its limitations.

Contraindications for foot massage

  • The vein.
  • Chronic diseases.
  • Load.
  • Severe types of dermatitis with purulent formations.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Blood clots.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Diseases of the nervous system.

This type of massage should be refrained from for people with cardiovascular diseases, as well as in the presence of open wounds of the lower extremities.

ways for feet massaging  

In medical practice, specialists use more than 20 types of methods and techniques for massaging various areas of the lower extremities. 

The impact is carried out in 3 main areas:

  1. Loin.
  2. Reed.
  3. Ft.

According to the degree of impact, restorative and relaxing massages are distinguished. The result is achieved by the degree of pressure on certain points. Some masters work in the guasha and Shiatsu styles using specialized tools.

The most common types of foot massage are:

  • Medical or rehabilitation. It allows you to eliminate functional disorders, reduce the time to restore muscle function, and avoid its atrophy.
  • A classic. It is used to maintain muscle tone, and improve blood flow and elasticity of blood vessels.
  • Vacuum. In this technique, special equipment is used that allows you to increase the elasticity of the skin, remove toxins and accumulated harmful substances from the body, and also improve blood circulation.
  • Anti-cellulite. It is actively used in cosmetology to eliminate the effect of orange peel on the thighs and buttocks. It helps to improve metabolism.
  • Thai. When doing this, the Master uses special equipment and small sticks. This technique is aimed at relaxation. 

According to ancient beliefs, the legs contain important energy points through which life passes. Therefore, during the massage, not only physical recovery occurs, but also emotional recovery.

Technique for doing a massage of the back and front of the thigh

The most popular techniques for performing thigh massages from the back and front are classical and Anti-cellulite. It is carried out in several ways:

  • Surface Guide
  • Deep proof
  • Equipment.

Surface technology is used to eliminate pain, and spasms, and improve skin elasticity. It helps to relax and restore the nervous system. The surface technique is often used when working with young children. The main movements are: stroking, rubbing, and kneading with light pressure on the middle zone.

Deep massage is aimed at working out internal tissues (muscles, tendons, ligaments, blood vessels). Used for medicinal purposes. It is performed only by trained specialists, as it can be painful.

The following movements are used in the technique:

  • Stroking and rubbing with light pressure,
  • Pressure on energy concentration points,
  • Kneading muscles with increased pressure.

The hardware method implies the use of specialized equipment. Allocate such types as vacuum, Pressotherapy, and HydroMassage. It is often used for Anti-cellulite massage. It allows you to quickly and effectively remove small folds, and orange peel from the hips, improve skin condition, and stimulate metabolic processes in the body.

Classical massage is performed on dry skin or using moisturizers in the following order:

  • Light massage strokes are performed on the thigh with hands. Muscles during this procedure relax and warm up.
  • There is an increase in stroking movements with light pressure with a brush.
  • Enhanced rubbing has a tonic effect, and activates blood flow.
  • Knead the skin in certain areas of the thigh surface. It is performed by hand.
  • The lower part of the thigh and leg is clamped with the palm of the hand, performing twisting movements in different directions.
  • Chopped twists knead the leg from top to bottom of the thigh. Beating is done with the edge of the palm. Actions should not be strong, so as not to cause inconvenience.
  • The process ends with light relaxing strokes.
  • Classical foot massage is used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

 It is prescribed by a specialist doctor 

Anti-cellulite massage is performed in the groin and ankle parts of the leg, and the knee areas of the outer and inner parts are not affected. Before starting the session, it is necessary to warm the skin well. A hot shower can be used for this. This will soften the skin, make it supple and increase the effect of cosmetics.

The procedure is carried out in stages:

  • Oil or moisturizer is applied. It is best to use specialized Cosmetics With an Anti-cellulite effect.
  • Stroking and rubbing with palms of varying degrees of intensity. The procedures are performed from the top of the thigh to the bottom of the leg.
  • skin in trouble spots is made tighter. Grab and pinch to break up the Wen blocks.
  • Clap on the back of the thigh with clamping palms.
  • All procedures are performed alternately for 20-30 minutes.

It is necessary to undergo massage in courses of 10-12 Sessions. After a two-week break, you can then repeat the entire course procedure.

Foot massage: sensitive areas

Foot massage is not only a pleasant procedure but also very useful. Relieves fatigue from the whole body, allowing you to relax and recover after a hard day's work. Experienced masters with one-foot massage can achieve tangible results from the first session. The fact is that in this part of the body there are more than 60 active energy points that can affect certain organs and systems of the body.

For example, in the active zone of the feet, there are reflex points that affect the spine. By focusing on these points, you can remove Back Pain. And there are points connected to the head. With the help of its activation, you can relieve headaches, and improve vision and hearing.

The effectiveness of foot massage

According to ancient Chinese medical records, there are active areas on the feet with Channel points Jing-lo, which means road, and lo which means reticular tissue. According to this theory, energy flows go in a vertical direction, branching throughout the body. Knowledge of the main acupuncture points and the ability to influence them can help even in the most difficult situations.

Foot areas and their importance for the body

The location of the reflex zones and points is determined in two directions: transverse and longitudinal, and is also associated with body parts:

  • Toes on the feet. Responsible for the head and neck. Here are the points associated with the eyes, nose, teeth, and ears. For example, you can get rid of toothache by massaging the middle toe.
  • From the base of the fingers to the spike, the carpal part. Below are the points responsible for the chest and arms.
  • The arch of the foot. This area is responsible for the spine. Acupressure in this area can relieve back pain.
  • Longitudinal vault. Points in this area affect the work of internal organs.
  • The plantar part. An individual approach is required here since not all insoles have a reflex zone. These places are massaged with strong pressure since the skin in these places is thicker.

How to self-massage your feet at home

There are several ways to perform the massage of the lower extremities at home on their own. Of course, they will differ from those performed by masters in medical centers, but they are also effective and can bring a lot of benefits.

Before starting the procedure, you should walk on a soft surface (carpet, rug) to relax the muscles. Also, before starting self-massage, you should take a warm shower and massage your feet with a terry towel.

Further, all actions are performed in the following sequence:

  • Warm-up (get up on your toes, return to your flat foot, take a few steps in place, and walk on your feet both outside and inside).
  • Next, you should choose a comfortable place and choose a comfortable position for yourself (sitting with a leg bent at the knee, lying on a bed or chair).
  • Apply a moisturizer or oil to soften the slip on the skin.
  • The massage begins with smooth kneading movements from the fingers to the ankle, climbing the calf muscles to the hips.
  • At the end of the procedure, relaxing stroking movements are performed.
  • At the end of the event, you should stand up and jerk your foot and hands to relieve tension. Then repeat all the manipulations on the second leg.

The process can include procedures with various types of massagers (electric, plastic or wooden).

a summary

Foot massage is a great way to relieve stress and fatigue accumulated throughout the day, maintain health and stay active. They can be performed both in specialized salons and at home. The main thing is to follow all the rules of massage, taking into account the recommendations of your doctor.

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