Kegel exercises for pregnant women and after childbirth correctly

Kegel exercises for pregnant. Choose the right mode. Pressure and release movement. should diversify workouts. Do not contract the abdominal muscle
Estimated read time: 9 min

Kegel exercises for pregnant women and after childbirth correctly
Pregnancy and childbirth are not to be a nightmare for an episiotomy, urine leakage, and uterine prolapse. It is necessary to do Kegel exercises early to increase the elasticity of the pelvic floor muscles. This article will guide you on how to do Kegel exercises after childbirth, as well as during pregnancy for women in the most detailed and effective way.

Kegel exercises. Bowel and bladder control positions.
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What are Kegel exercises?

Kegel exercises, simply understandable, are to identify the pelvic floor muscles. and train them to stretch and stretch. These exercises were developed in the late forties by Arnold H. as a non-surgical way to help women avoid urinary incontinence. Through research, this exercise also promotes the same effect for men.

What are the pelvic floor muscles?

Vinh Thanh in Tu Do hospital, a woman's pelvic floor is the sum of three systems: the genitourinary system (uterus, vagina), the lower urinary system (bladder, urethra). and the urinary system. The lower digestive tract (rectum, anus) has many blood vessels. and nerves. The main task of the pelvic floor is to keep these organs in place, not falling when moving, running, and jumping.

The organ systems of the pelvic floor work harmoniously with each other. which helps to open and close the openings of the urinary tract, vagina, and anus at will, which is very important in sexual activity and helps the birth process easier.

The muscles of the pelvic floor 

are thick and firm located at the base of the pelvic floor? bordered by the pubic bone, coccyx, and lateral seating, where there are openings for the urethra (urine duct), vagina, and anus. It is easy to imagine that without the pelvic floor muscles as a solid lining. the internal organs, primarily the uterus, bladder, and intestines, would fall through the pelvic cavity.

Why women should do Kegel exercises

Although it doesn't help you get in shapes like aerobic exercise. or fitness to lose weight, exercising the pelvic floor muscles plays an important role in supporting the bladder. and many internal organs, thus preventing symptoms. For elderly people, people who have just undergone surgery ...), Prolapse of the uterus, significantly improves sexual life. It can be said that daily Kegel exercise is a healthy and beneficial lifestyle for everyone.

For women in the process of childbirth, the influence of hormones and the strong pressure of the uterus cause the pelvic floor muscles to relax. so it often causes pain accompanied by urine leakage. Many women complain about the exit of a person who controls their bladder well. as it leaks out of them every time they sneeze, laugh, even when climbing stairs.

Poor elasticity of the pelvic floor muscles 

is also the reason why women after childbirth feel that their genitals are wide. and the ability of the vagina to contract is obviously less pronounced (due to lack of support for the pelvic floor muscles), which reduces the quality of sexual life. On the other hand, if the pelvic floor muscles are inflexible and stretch well enough, they will hinder delivery by the lower route. causing the doctor to make an incision in the perineum - which causes a lot of pain and inconvenience to the recovery process. Mother's recovery.

With the main reasons listed above, it is easy to see that Kegel exercises help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. not only useful for both women and men in general but also especially useful for pregnant women and after childbirth. Be patient with Kegel exercises. and you will be rewarded with easier delivery and recovery.

Determination of pelvic floor muscles

Although the content of the exercise is relatively simple. the difficulty is in determining the correct pelvic floor muscles. About 30% of people who do Kegel exercises target the wrong muscles - they use the abs, buttocks, and thighs from the inside. so they don't get much benefit from this exercise.

Some techniques to help you determine the right muscle area to work:

Sit with your back straight on a chair, your foot perpendicular to the floor, and bend forward. backward, right, and left to identify the bony protrusions that support your sitting - this is the area where your basal muscles are limited, the pelvic floor. 

The easiest way to do this is to hold urine, which is the muscle that contracts when the pelvic floor muscles are.

 If you can't completely stop the flow of urine,

 it may be because your muscle group is not strong enough and mature. Don't worry. as long as you reduce the flow of urine, you are using the right muscle group. Holding urine to determine the pelvic floor muscles can be done several times to help you better visualize where to train. but keep in mind that this is not the way to train! 

Holding urine too much will lead to unnecessary disorders and infections. Some women identify this muscle group by pretending to tighten the vagina around the tampon (a type of tampon inserted into the vagina, common in foreign countries. and available in Vietnamese supermarkets). 

Imagine that you are sitting on small balls and lifting one (inside the human). If you select the right muscle group, you will feel the contraction of the pelvic floor muscles more posteriorly than anteriorly.

Kegel exercises following delivery and pregnancy

In essence, Kegel is simply a contraction and release of the pelvic floor muscles.

Choose the right mode:

You should start by lying down, you will be more likely to feel the contraction of the pelvic floor muscles. Lie down with your arms at your sides. feet flat on the ground, knees joined. When you have mastered it, you can practice many other poses, as long as you feel comfortable. for example, sitting upright in a chair, squatting, standing ...

Some experts also teach Kegel exercises with an object clamped between the thighs. such as a hard plastic water bottle, in fact, a moderate gap between the thighs will make it easier for you to feel the contraction and release of the kegel muscle area. Some yoga poses, such as the bridge pose. also help strengthen many muscle groups, including the pelvic floor muscles.

Pressure and release movement:

Contract the pelvic floor muscles for 3-5 seconds. Release, and relax for 3-5 seconds. Make 10 contractions and drop loops. Relaxation of unrelated muscles. 

Do not contract the abdominal muscles, legs, or buttocks,.or lift the pelvic floor off the floor. Gently put your hand down to realize if you are overusing other muscle areas to self-correct.

 Extend the training time. Gradually increase the length of each contraction and release. trying to lift for 10 seconds at a time. Set clear goals. Try to do 30-40 Kegel movements a day. 

The number of exercises per day should be divided instead of doing it all at once. You can take advantage of this practice when you are not noticed, for example, practicing some movements while waiting for a red light, or taking an elevator. or waiting in line to pay. 

You should diversify your workouts. 

Short exercises of 2-3 seconds of contraction and release alternating with long stretches help your pelvic floor muscles to be very flexible. Pay attention to regular breathing. Do not hold your breath even if you hold the muscle contraction for 3 seconds or 10 seconds. 

Holding your breath increases the pressure in your abdomen. and makes you think you made the right move. Beginners can put their hands on their stomachs to realize their breathing. and practice short contractions and drops synchronously with their breathing.

Some notes when practicing Kegel

Many healthy women have been practicing Kegel since the first months of pregnancy. but as a precaution, you should consult with your doctor before doing Kegel exercises - just like any other exercise. 

At first, holding your breath or contracting your abdominal muscles can make exercise uncomfortable, so break it down into short, slow movements, and rest if you're tired. and listen to your body. Kegels are a lifesaver if you experience leakage when coughing, sneezing, laughing, bending over. or lifting heavy objects, doing one or more Kegels at a time can help stop this. 

If you need to urinate urgently

 If you can't find a toilet, do Kegel exercises to prolong your time. The effect of proper Kegel training can be seen after a few weeks or months. depending on each person's body. However. if progress does not appear after a long period of practice, you may have exercised the wrong muscle area, this is also common, consult a specialist for advice,. and some hospitals have triggers. Electrical stimulation makes it easy for you to determine which muscle groups to exercise. Kegel exercises are a great way to prevent disease and promote health. and are also a physiotherapy exercise that is commonly recommended for patients with pelvic floor dysfunction. 


if the disease's signs are readily apparent. go to a medical facility for effective treatment and the best guidance. People who experience pain while exercising the pelvic floor muscles should not try to exercise without consulting a specialist doctor.

With just a few minutes of Kegel practice every day, our bodies will be cared for and loved from the inside. Exercise strengthens not only the health of pregnant and postpartum women. but also the secret to keeping everyone young! I wish you perseverance and success in your practice!

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