gout sufferers What should eat ? and what to avoid to avoid complications

Should you eat gout? Foods rich in fiber and vitamins. Foods low in purines. Drink water. Gout should refrain from Seafood. Red meat. High-fat foods
Estimated read time: 7 min

gout sufferers What should eat, and what to avoid to avoid complications
Gout is intimately correlated with a person's daily routine and food.s. The question is: what should gout eat and what should be avoided to prevent acute gout attacks and serious complications of the disease?

gout. Gout Comparison
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According to scientific research, gout is usually concentrated in countries with developed and developing economies, it is common in middle-aged men about 30-50 years, and male patients account for 90% of pathological cases. If the disease is not closely controlled. people with gout will have early manifestations of acute gout attacks and in the long term. they can suffer serious consequences for the bones, joints, and other organs of the body.

What is gout

Gout is a metabolic disorder, and with arthritis, the main feature is an increase in uric acid in the blood leading to the deposition of monosodium urate salt crystals in the tissues.

Symptoms of acute gout such as sudden joint pain, and swelling. limited mobility for a few days. and frequent, more severe recurrence can leave serious complications, namely: joint damage. affects the bones, paralysis of the limbs, accumulation of stone particles under the skin around the joints and joint capsule, kidney disease (kidney stones, kidney failure, interstitial nephritis, etc.)...), and Cardiovascular diseases (hypertension).  Accidents, stroke, etc.).

What causes gout

1. Primary gout is usually hereditary or alimentary

Genetics: several studies have shown that gout runs in families. A family history of gout increases the risk of hyperuricemia and This disease.

Nutrition: eating foods with a high content of purines increases the production of uric acid in the blood because purines are the main components of uric acid metabolism in the body. and uric acid is the cause of the deposition of monosodium uric salt crystals in tissues. and joints, causing pain, arthritis, and This disease.

2. A low incidence of secondary gout is often the result of other diseases

Some diseases are the cause of secondary This disease .such as chronic renal failure, and the use of diuretics (decreased excretion of uric acid: decreased filtration rate and excretion of uric acid in the kidneys),...

Thus, in addition to effective drug therapy and intervention methods, a reasonable diet, lifestyle, and daily habits for control. This disease has a huge role in the development and severity of the disease.

1. Should you eat gout what

foods with plenty in vitamins and fiber, including:

Vegetables, tubers. and mushrooms are all useful for people suffering from gout

Cereals: oats, brown rice, etc.

Nuts: walnuts, macadamia, almonds, etc. 

Low-purine fruits such as apples, grapes, kiwis, bananas, peaches, oranges, etc.

Vitamin-rich foods: especially vitamin C can reduce 

Foods low in purines

Reduce protein consumption and consume low-purine foods: lite milk, 


soy, tofu, eggs, vegetable oil, and white meat (eg: chicken breast, river fish) ....).

Drink plenty of water 

Drink plenty of water, alkaline mineral water (bicarbonate-containing water) helps to increase the excretion of uric acid.

Some other observations

Give priority to dishes that are processed with less fat. such as steamed, boiled, sauteed, fried, or sauteed with a lot of fat.

Foods of natural origin and herbs should be chosen instead of packaged and processed foods.

Gout should refrain from what

Acute These disease attacks often begin suddenly after a large meal. so they are associated with foods that people with gout should avoid. This is:

Limit foods that are high in protein. which are high purines such as:


 shrimp, crabs, crabs, scallops, etc. are not useful for people suffering from this disease. since the amount of uric acid is rapidly metabolized.

Red meat 

(dog meat, beef, veal, etc.)...), Animal organs (liver, heart, kidneys, spleen, hypoglycemic, brain, stomach). rich in protein can cause serious complications.

Fish that contain high amounts of purines such as mackerel, sardines, herring, etc.

Beer, alcohol, soft drinks, and carbonated drinks: should not be drunk because they have a high purine content. which increases uric acid in the liver and reduces the filtering and excretory function of the kidneys. so there is a risk of diseases and their rapid recurrence.


 Brewer's yeast and Baker's yeast are among the foods with a high purine content.

Reduce the amount of fat in the diet:

Packaged and processed foods. such as pizza, tinned beef, fried chicken, fries, and so on. which are high in fat and calories.

High-fat foods:

 fried, fried, fatty foods. animal skins, fatty meat, etc. increase the likelihood of obesity, which leads to a high risk of recurrence of gout.

Eliminate such risk factors as tobacco, foods containing a lot of sugar and starch (bread, cakes, syrups, etc.) should be avoided...) Although they do not contain a lot of purines, they can cause hyperglycemia. as well as easily increase uric acid. Blood.

You should limit the above foods, control weight, and lose weight so as not to be overweight or obese. However, it is recommended that excessive abstinence leads to nutrient deficiencies. and nutritional deficiencies.

What is the feeling of gout pain?

The big toe and ankle are the most common joints to experience sudden and sharp bouts of pain, swelling, and redness. and tenderness. When the joint is compressed, the pain is the worst and comes and goes quickly. The suffering could last for several hours or even days. On average, the left side of the body experiences more pain. When you have a gout attack. your big toe may feel like it's on fire and may wake you up in the middle of the night.

Or your foot. Such attacks can last for minutes. and include strong burning pain in the affected joint. Rest, pain relievers, or other medications may help reduce seizures.

What drink will save you from gout

In a clinical trial for gout, people were given a drink containing 75% apple cider vinegar, 25% lemon juice, and 5% turmeric. The treatment group had significantly lower levels of markers of pain. inflammation, and inflammation. This result suggests that the drink may be beneficial for people with gout.

Relaxation techniques and acupuncture are sometimes recommended for gout. In a small study, patients were given a combination of gout pain reduction techniques and acupuncture. The results showed that the combination of relaxation techniques with acupuncture is twice. as effective as individual therapy. If you have gout, consider trying this combination of relaxation techniques. and acupuncture.

a summary

In addition to knowledge about what to eat and what to refrain from This disease builds a menu for people suffering from gout. regular exercise. health training and medical and interventional methods of treatment are very important. They help improve the disease and reduce the risk of recurrence. progression, and possibly serious complications.

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