Solutions to protect the health of the Elderly people in the hot summer

Solutions to protect the health of the Elderly people in hot summer. Healthy dietary supplements. exercise, sports. attention to personal hygiene
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Solutions to protect the health of Elderly people in the hot summer
In the summer when the temperature is high, the humidity is low, the weather is dry. and the health of the Elderly people is easily affected. and leads to many diseases.

Friends  Elderly people Smiling at the Camera

People after fifty are often compared to being on the other side of the life slope, facing many dangers: old age, infection, etc. In the summer when the temperature is high, the health of the elderly is easy. Organ failure leads to infection.

Common health problems of the elderly in the hot season

Summer with record heat waves will significantly affect the health of the elderly - an inherently vulnerable group to injury. when it becomes hotter and people start sweating more. if you do not drink enough water and eat a lot of green vegetables. Water and electrolytes can be lost quickly. which leads to a decrease in the resistance of the elderly. if the issue continues for a significant amount of time. it will greatly affect the function of other organs such as the heart (the heart beats faster, and blood pressure decreases ...)

Elderly people are prone to colds and flu

 because they go out in the hot sun to go home immediately, and if it is mild, they may have a runny nose and headache ... Sudden cold showers: when you suddenly go out into the hot sun it can cause serious complications. such as dizziness, arrhythmia, and headache ...

Elderly people have a high incidence of stroke in the hot season, 

especially those who have a history of cardiovascular diseases (myocardial infarction, hyperlipidemia, atherosclerosis, etc.). It is believed that the reason is due to the large temperature change, and the strong influence of the regime on everyday life. and the high risk of myocardial infarction. Digestive disorders in the summer also increase due to improper diet: eating raw vegetables, eating packaged dishes, rarely undercooked, and drinking contaminated ice ...

Elderly people have loose stools, 

and going several times a day can easily lead to dehydration and loss of salts. Difficulty defecating (constipation). is also common. which causes abdominal discomfort. Constipation occurs because older people eat fewer vegetables and do not drink enough water. In the hot summer. a sudden change in weather can cause muscle and joint pain. especially pain that often occurs in the knee joints. the lumbar spine, and joints of the hands and feet. 

Skin diseases in Elderly people in the summer

 also have a chance to develop. Due to the temperature change in summer and the low resistance, it is easy for the viruses that cause dermatitis to spread. Conditions such as atopic dermatitis. an infection that causes ulceration, and nerve damage can cause shingles of the skin, infection, and pain. and discomfort for a long time. 

The habit of using the air conditioner at low temperatures for many hours. especially at night, can increase the risk of developing a cold stroke. In the summer, many people usually drink carbonated drinks, drink iced beer. which is also one of the causes of cardiovascular problems. and strokes in the elderly. Outbreaks of malaria and dengue fever often occur in the summer. so when sleeping,

Elderly people need to lie down in mosquito nets

 and avoid damp places where mosquito bites are common. 

Solutions to protect the health of Elderly people in the hot summer

Healthy dietary supplements for the elderly in the summer

Summer is the hottest season of the year with hot and humid weather patterns. The body undergoes many changes. when exposed to high temperatures, sweating is more due to heat. The high temperature makes the elderly feel tired and lose their appetite. but the elderly need to ensure a balanced diet and enough energy for the body to be able to cope with the heat. Adding healthy foods for the elderly in summer is a necessary solution. to help effectively protect the health of the elderly. You can make some food. and drinks to help your parents relax, such as:

Cooking artichoke water:

use fresh artichoke cotton to cook drinking water instead of tea daily. According to nutritionists and doctors, artichoke flowers have a blood-filtering effect. which helps to replenish blood for the body. In addition, the artichoke flower also has a liver tonic, and antioxidant effect to help with diuresis. 

Pumpkin juice:

 squash is often used to prepare dishes such as pumpkin soup and fried pumpkin. Especially pumpkin juice is very good for the elderly. Use 500 grams of zucchini, peeled, washed, cut into pieces, and squeeze for water. and add a little salt. The use of this juice to drink two to three times a day can prevent sunburn, boils, and thermal rashes.

 Sugarcane juice:

 sugarcane has a sweet and cool taste. Squeezing sugar cane for drinking water can prevent overheating caused by dehydration. inflammation, and dry mouth. However. Diabetics must pay close attention. when drinking sugarcane juice because the sugar content is quite high.

 Green bean porridge, mint, and honeysuckle:

 put bamboo leaves, honeysuckle, and mint in a pot, pour 2 liters of water, and cook for an hour, then drain the water to remove residues. After that, add green beans and rice, and add a little water. and cook, then add enough granulated sugar to use. Green bean porridge can cure thirst, body aches, and pains. which is very useful for health in this hot season. 

Stewed beef with vegetables: 

thinly sliced beef, chopped greens, peeled ginger, washed and then mashed and marinated in beef. Put the saucepan on the stove, pour about 2 liters of water to a boil, and season with spices to taste. then put both meat and vegetables in the saucepan to continue boiling, and then turn off the stove. Beef soup with vegetables can help cure fatigue, replenish energy and reduce joint pain well.

 Mint porridge: 

150 g plain rice, 1 kg fresh mint. Wash the mint, and cut it into pieces. and put it in a pot to boil with 1 liter of water for about 10 minutes, then drain the water to remove the residue. Put the washed rice in a saucepan with just filtered mint water, and cook it as a liquid porridge. and season to your liking. Eating mint gruel can treat hot sweaty skin, bloating, and headaches.


this is a very familiar vegetable, it is often used to cook soups with crabs. or mussels, it is cold and very tender. In addition, spinach can also treat several other diseases. such as bloating, constipation, and urination pain ... 

In the elderly. In addition to adding cold and frugal dishes, the daily menu for the elderly also needs to limit the use of fatty. fried, and spicy dishes. In addition, in the evening, the elderly should. also, limit eating a lot of meat. It can make it difficult to sleep and limit drinking a lot of water because it will urinate at night, causing insomnia.

Increase exercise and sports

The elderly can improve their resistance by exercising more regularly. Older people can do light exercises. such as walking, dancing, tai chi, slow running, or cycling. In addition, regularly perform breathing exercises before and after waking up, and exercise the hands and feet. and massage and massage the muscles to exercise and improve health.

Older people can play sports indoors, in parks or in clubs. Both have space for practice and have the opportunity to meet friends for exchange. and trust contributes to relieving stress in life. and at the same time share experiences in maintaining and protecting health.

Pay attention to personal hygiene and daily activities

Elderly people need to pay attention to daily bathing, never use cold water and, if possible, take a warm shower to avoid infections such as respiratory tract infections. 

At night, when you go to bed, you should use an air conditioner to keep the temperature at around 27 to 28 degrees Celsius. you can use a fan instead of an air conditioner. 

 Elderly people should go to bed on time. creating all the conditions for better sleep. 

The Daily needs to drink enough water (1.5 to 2 liters) to avoid dehydration in the summer in the elderly.  

a summary

Elderly people are susceptible to weather changes. Every season there are health problems that need to be taken care of to improve the quality of life of the elderly. To update sanitary protection solutions in the hot season.

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