The list of rickets | food that malnourished mothers should know

rickets food. Oatmeal porridge. Egg yolk porridge. fish porridge. Shrimp porridge. Beef with vegetables. Quail porridge. Crab porridge
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The list of rickets food that malnourished mothers should know
For a reasonable menu for children with rickets. you need to choose foods that contain sufficient nutrients. Don't worry. let's get acquainted with the following dishes for children with rickets .that are recommended by a children's nutritionist.

Osteomalacia Adult rickets. rickets disease

Why do children suffer from nutritional rickets?

First, we need to understand why children have rickets. According to statistics, children with rickets most often appear under the age of 3 years and stem from many reasons. This may be due to the baby not being exposed to sunlight. improper nutrition, not breastfeeding regularly. or giving the baby solid foods too early.

In addition to the common causes listed above, some children are diagnosed with the disease due to genes since the mother had some health problems. or harmful environmental elements.

Several signs of underweight children

Children frequently hiccup and throw up many times each day.

Children do not sleep well, do not sleep much during the day, worry, fuss, hide, and sweat a lot.

Children can have long-lasting constipation or diarrheal symptoms.

Children suffer from loss of appetite and impaired absorption. slow weight gain, and increased height.

respiratory illnesses' prevalence. and poor resistance such as bronchitis, viral diseases, colds, coughs, runny nose ...

Teeth grow slowly.

There is a hair loss on the back of the neck that forms a scarf.

Rolling, sitting, crawling, walking, standing, and other slow-motion movements are examples of slow motion.

Some foods that children should limit

Foods that contain a lot of organic acids such as spinach, pears, and tea.

Food groups with color and sweetness such as instant noodles, and sweets. soft drinks containing various sweeteners, etc.

Foods that contain many preservatives. and additives such as canned fish, canned meat, popcorn, salted fish, and grilled meat. among others.

Foods that contain stimulants. such as soft drinks (especially soft drinks), and chocolate, among others.

Foods with high-fat content. such as sweets, sunflower seeds, liver, etc.

The diet of malnourished children

1. from rickets food Oatmeal porridge

Oats are a good source of protein, soluble fiber, and B vitamins. Additionally, oats are an excellent provider of calcium. iron. phosphorus, and many other essential nutrients that are good for health. It is really a wonderful food that is indispensable to the dietary menu of your child.


  • Oatmeal (50 grams). 
  • Shrimp (150 grams).
  •  Carrots and cauliflower.
  •  Cooking oil.



  • Boiled shrimps are peeled and finely chopped.
  • Clean carrots and cauliflower, steam.
  • Put steamed oats, carrots, and cauliflower in a saucepan and bring to a boil.
  • Remember to stir during cooking to avoid sticking. and when the porridge is almost cooked, add the mashed shrimp and a little oil.

Let the porridge cool down and feed the baby. Feed your baby once a day and you should give your baby a different meal every other day. for a variety of nutrition.

2. from rickets food Egg yolk porridge

Eggs are a rich source of protein, calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, vitamins of Groups B, A, and D, and many other essential components. Consequently, eggs are regarded as a particularly nourishing diet for kids. However, eggs have a very high-fat content,. To prevent indigestion and bloating, you shouldn't give them too much.


  • 2 egg yolks. 
  • Rice (50 grams).
  •  Spices.


  • 2 hard-boiled eggs, just the yolks removed, should be powdered.
  • Roast the rice until golden brown, and then also grind.
  • Put the egg powder and rice in the saucepan. add enough water and mix thoroughly. Add spices and cook until porridge boils.

Feed the baby once a day and every other day (about 2-3 times a week) on an empty stomach, for about a month.

3. from rickets food Snakehead fish porridge (fruit fish)

Snakehead fish porridge is one of the best in baby food. Because the snakehead fish has an abundant content of nutrients and is necessary for the development of children. In particular, the combination of Fish. and snakehead vegetables add nutritional value. and is very beneficial for the baby's digestive system


  • 1 snakehead fish (about 300 grams).
  • Rice (50 grams).
  • Watercress vegetables (30 grams).
  • Whole spices.


Clean the fish, remove the entrails, and steam it until tender. then take out the meat and taste-marinate.

  • Rice is ground into flour.
  • Fish bones are crushed and filtered to obtain 200 ml of water.
  • The watercress should be cleaned and chopped into small pieces.
  • Rice flour is poured into steamed fish water in an amount sufficient for cooking porridge. Cook over low heat until cooked. then add fish meat, arugula, and spices and stir well, bring to a boil again.

Feed the baby twice a day and eat every other day with other nutritious foods. Use it for a minimum of one month.

4. from rickets food Shrimp porridge

You probably also know that shrimp contain a large amount of calcium which is very good for the development of children. In addition, shrimp also provide a lot of zinc and phosphorus. vitamins A and D, and many essential amino acids for the digestive system. as well as for the health of malnourished children.


  • Fresh shrimp (150 grams).
  • Red pumpkin.
  • Rice (50 grams).



  • Wash shrimp, peel and finely chop. Shrimp shells and claws are dried out and pulverized into a fine powder.
  • Washed, steamed, and mashed pumpkin.
  • A fine powder made of rice is produced.
  • Put all of the above mixtures in a pot of water that is only enough to cook porridge, add spices and stir well. Cook until cooked.

Feed the baby once a day on an empty stomach and he should eat 2-3 times a week for at least a month to achieve the best results.

5. Beef stew with vegetables

Beef contains a lot of iron and protein and is an indispensable food in nutritious snacks for children. When cooking, you should choose the tender part of the bee. without tendons, and cook. so that it is easier for your baby to absorb.

Note, as for this beef dish, it should be used only for children from one year old, and it is better to mash the beef portion for greater absorption. and for the benefit of the baby's stomach.


  • Beef 200 grams.
  • Potatoes, onions, carrots, coconut.
  • 3 cloves of garlic.
  • Spices (ketchup, sugar, fish sauce, pepper).


  • Cut the beef into squares, and season with two tablespoons of tomato sauce, sugar, and fish sauce. and pepper enough for 30 minutes to soak the spices.
  • Potatoes, onions, carrots. and coconut is washed and finely chopped.
  • 3 chopped garlic cloves.
  • Fry the garlic in a little oil, add the marinated beef above. and stir until the meat is tender. Finally, put the vegetable. and beef mixture in the pressure cooker and simmer until tender.

Your kid should be fed once daily and every other day (about 2-3 times a week).

6. Quail porridge

Quail has an average sweet taste. This is a dish for people with weakness, people with low resistance such as newly sick, and elderly people. pregnant and lactating mothers, especially malnourished children.


  • 1 Quail
  • Sticky rice (30 g)
  • Plain rice (50 grams)
  • Dried tangerine peel (30 grams)



  • It cleans quails and removes organs, heads,, and legs.
  • Grind dried tangerine peel, and glutinous rice. and ordinary rice into powder and put it all in the belly of the Quail.
  • Put the quail mentioned above in a kettle of water. When the beef porridge is ready, season to taste with spices and simmer.

Feed the baby once a day and he can eat for 5-10 days continuously.

7. from rickets food Crab foot powder porridge

Not only crab meat has a high content of nutrients, but also crab legs. Crab legs in particular contain a lot of calcium and are a great option for malnourished children.


  • Large and strong crab legs (300 g).
  • Green beans (50 grams).
  • Lotus seeds (50 grams).
  • Rice (50 grams).


  • Crab legs are washed, dried, and then ground into a fine powder.
  • Green beans and lotus seeds are washed, dried, and also ground into a fine powder.
  • Mix the above mixture thoroughly.

Every time you breastfeed your baby, you should use a tablespoon of the above mixture of crab powder and cook it with rice to cook nutritious porridge for your baby. Feed your baby twice a day. and eat every other day for about a month.

8. Chicken porridge

Chicken is an excellent source of protein and minerals that not everyone knows about. Besides, it is also considered one of the least fatty meats with the least amount of fat. As a result, remember to include chicken porridge in your child's diet.


  • Lean chicken breast or thigh (50 grams).
  • Pumpkin (50 grams).
  • Rice (50 grams).



  • Wash the chicken, remove the bones and finely chop.
  • Wash the pumpkin, cut it into pieces, then steam and mash.
  • Add meat and rice, and cook until meat and porridge are cooked. Add pumpkin and spices enough, stir well, and cook until boiling.

Feed your baby once a day and every other day 2-3 times a week for a month.

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