What are calories | Lose weight intelligently with calorie counting

calories . are a unit of energy used to measure the amount of food we eat and activities. Such as breathing, movement, eating, walking, heart rate
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What are calories Lose weight intelligently with calorie counting

There are three types of calories in the body, which are carbohydrates, fat, and protein. Each type of calorie has a different effect on the body. The body needs all three types of calories in order to function properly. follow this article to know What are calories Lose weight intelligently. 

calories. Glass of Water Next to Apple Slices and calories Count Record on Brown Wooden Table
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A calorie is an abbreviation for calorie. You can roughly understand that a calorie is a unit of energy used to measure the amount of food we eat to maintain life and activities. The source of calories also helps us maintain functions. such as breathing, movement, eating, thinking, walking, heart rate, etc.

Each type of food when consumed contains a certain amount of calories and different nutrition

What are calories How is it different

Sure, in fact, you often come across people who say kcal. but someone else relates to calories, which leads to confusion about how they relate and what they mean. right Gia NJI will answer here

According to scientific research:

  • The thermal energy required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 degree Celsius is known as a Power unit.
  • The thermal energy required to raise the temperature of 1 kg of water by 1 degree Celsius is known as Kcal.

A calorie is a microscopic unit of food energy, and a small cake can contain up to 800 calories. More specifically, many types of fast food exceed thousands of calories. so to make the calculation easier, people have come up with a way to convert 1000 calories to 1 kcal.

If you come across a product that indicates an energy level of 600 kcal or 600 kcal. they all mean the same thing. 

Calories in food:

1. high in calories 

Foods that are considered high in calories, or calorie-dense. Oils, butter, and other fats; fried food; and sugary sweets are high-calorie foods. While high-calorie foods are often associated with fast foods. Some of them have a lot of nutritional value.

Healthy, high-calorie foods include avocados, nuts, olive oil whole grains, and, in moderation, dark chocolate, according to the USDA Nutrient Database.

Raisins are an example of high-Power unit food that may surprise some people. You can eat a glass of grapes and get the same calories as a quarter cup of raisins. according to the Mayo Clinic. 

2. Low-calorie foods

Foods that are considered low-calorie are low-calorie compared to their serving size. Fruits and especially vegetables are usually relatively low in Power units. For example, two cups of chopped lettuce or spinach contain 16 Power units, a large celery stalk contains 10 calories. one large piece of corn contains 123 Power units, one cup of broccoli contains 15 Power units. and orange contains 70 calories. U.S. Department of Agriculture Nutrient Database. 

How many calories should you consume daily?

Power units are the energy that our body provides us with every day. If you do not know how to load correctly, loading too much will lead to weight gain. and vice versa will lead to a lack of nutrients leading to the consequences of lack of nutrients, dizziness, and vertigo ... Many of you are always wondering. I wonder, how many calories are enough.

Currently, in the Vietnamese market, calories for both men and women are 1600-2200 kcal. This also depends on the height, age, and weight of each person.

There is advice that there is a way to most effectively maintain the weight and energy system of the body:

  • Need a scientific diet: breakfast should be full of protein and fat, creating a feeling that will help you fight snacking, longer, meals should be divided during the day, besides eating slowly.
  • chewing well.
  •  eating a variety of fruits and vegetables for more fiber.
  • Exercise is good for the mind and health.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Get enough sleep, at least 7 hours.
  • Calculation of calories for weight loss/weight gain.

Uses of calories

The calorie function helps you understand the amount of energy contained in food, including protein, fat, and carbohydrates.

For example, if you look at a pack of oats: 160 calories, and if you look closely, you will see that there are 2 grams of fat, 4 grams of protein, and 32 grams of starch.

Calorie weight

1 kg is equal to how many Power units.

It is based on it that researchers know that 1 kg is equivalent to 3500 kcal.

500 calories are equal to how many kilograms.

According to statistics, 1000kcal is equal to 0.3 kg, so 500kcal is equal to 0.15 kg.

What number of calories should I eat each day to lose weight?

You must eat fewer calories each day than you expend in order to lose weight. It can be difficult to do this without knowing the caloric value of the food you are eating. 

What number of calories do you normally expend each day?

 Metabolism, or the rate at which calories are burned, is influenced by many factors including age, activity, diet, and genetic makeup.  The average person burns about 1900 calories a day with normal activity.  If you are active, you may burn more Power units.

How many calories do you burn while sleeping?      

 This is an interesting question because it is not always clear how many calories a person burns during sleep. One study found that the average person burns about 250 calories during sleep.

Should I cut calories or carbohydrates?

The debate about the best diet for weight loss continues. A new study in the journal Obesity looks at what happens to people on a low-carb diet compared to a low-calorie diet. The study found that people who cut calories and carbohydrates were equally likely to lose weight over two years, but people in the low-carb group were more likely to lose weight in the first few months of the diet.

a summary

Caloric intake was first introduced into the scientific literature in 1824 by the French physicist Nicolas Clermont. In the context of Physiology. calories indicate the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water by 1 degree Celsius at a pressure of 1 atmosphere. 

A related unit, kcal (kcal). is commonly used in nutrition. and is equal to the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water by 1 degree Celsius. When used in a dietary context, the term calorie usually refers to calories.

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