What is refraction of the eye What are the causes of refractive error and how to fix it

Refraction of the eye is the curvature of light as it passes through the cornea and lens. Factors: heredity .The environment. Age.
Estimated read time: 7 min

What is refraction of the eye What are the causes of refractive error and how to fix it?
Our living habits greatly determine the health, intelligence, and character of a person. The eyes are similar. bad habits are the culprits that cause refractive errors of the eye that greatly affect everyday life ... Today he will explain it to you!

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1. What is refraction of the eye

A refractive error is a phenomenon in which the eye cannot clearly see a distant or Close object depending on various types of refraction. which significantly impairs vision and causes a lot of inconvenience in everyday life. Myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism are the most typical refractive defects.

from refraction of the eye Myopia

Definition: myopia is a phenomenon in which the eye cannot see distant objects, but only clearly closes objects. One of the most typical reasons is refraction. In children, the eyeball is very long, while in adults. the curve of the cornea or lens is very steep.

Symptoms: myopia can have a wide range of symptoms, from mild difficulty seeing nearby objects to severe visual impairment. Many people with myopia experience only mild symptoms. but for some, myopia can be a serious problem.

 Frequent eye pain, and strabismus when looking away. eye weakness when there is direct light.


Definition: farsightedness is a phenomenon in which the eye cannot clearly see nearby objects, but it is clear that this condition is also called hyperopia, it occurs when the eyeball is either too short or the cornea lacks enough curvature.

As a result, rather than shining straight on the retina, the light concentrates behind it.  As a result, distant objects appear clear. but nearby ones do not.  Farsightedness affects people of all ages but is more common in children and young adults.

Symptoms: there are many possible symptoms of farsightedness. The most common is the difficulty of seeing objects up close. Other symptoms include problems concentrating, and the ability to see in dim light. and difficulty reading.

 Frequent tearing, squinting when looking closely, double vision. blurry pictures

from refraction of the eye stigmatism

Definition: astigmatism is the phenomenon of uneven light rays that make the eye blurry. and blurred when looking. astigmatism is the phenomenon of uneven light rays. that makes the eye blurry and blurred when looking. Astigmatism is caused by The Shape of the eye and can be treated with a variety of eye surgeries to improve vision.


the primary symptom of astigmatism is blurred vision at all distances. This is caused by the inability of the eye to evenly focus light on the retina. Other symptoms can include eye strain. headaches, and squinting. An ophthalmologist should be seen if you encounter any of these signs. or an ophthalmologist for a thorough eye examination.

Eye weakness, blurred vision, difficulty concentrating. when looking at electronic devices without wearing glasses

2. What is the cause of the refraction of the eye

There are many causes of refractive errors in the eye. but the most common ones come from everyday life habits. Some examples are wearing glasses that are too strong or too close to your face. eating foods that are not good for your vision, and not getting enough sleep.

2.1. Read a book in the dark or on a moving train

Our eye is by nature a convergent lens that captures light from everything around us. If we read a book in the dark. and we don't have enough light, the text is blurry, or we are moving on a train, our eyes have to adjust a lot to be able to see the image clearly, which causes refractive errors such as farsightedness, and myopia.

2.2.cause of the refraction of the eye  Using electronic devices in the dark for a long time

Usually, at night we are all in the dark, right At that time, only electronic devices were still bright. so we were focused on one point for a long time. and this habit was repeated for a long time. which led to myopia or even astigmatism.

2.3 lying down while reading and watching TV (relaxation activities)

When the right eye is active in the lying position, the brain controls the eye to focus at full capacity. not giving the eye time to rest to serve the purpose of relaxation, so this habit is more likely to cause tics. Eye radiation.

2.4 congenital

In addition to living habits, in some cases, refractive errors can be congenital due to genetic inheritance. and often such cases are very severe because the eyeball is too short or too long, especially astigmatism.

2.5cause of the refraction of the eye don't wear glasses too often

Due to the concept that the eyes are the window of the Soul, many people have the habit of not wearing glasses for fear of worse eyes than before. But because this wrong definition makes the eye gradually weaken. the speed increases when it is necessary to look at something too far or too close, forcing the eyes to adapt a lot.

2.6. Lack of essential nutrients for the eyes

Sometimes because we often indulge in our food preferences. we forget that our eyes also need nutrients/ and a lack of nutrients will make our eyes weaker or less lively than normal eyes.

2.7. cause of the refraction of the eye due to age

This mainly causes farsightedness/ as we get older, the eye gradually deteriorates due to the aging of the parts of the eye which leads to refractive errors.

3. What is the measure to reduce the refraction of the eye

To reduce refractive errors, create good habits for yourself such as:

  • Read books, use electronic devices in a place with good lighting conditions
  • Relax in a sitting position. 
  • Limit the use of electronic devices to a minimum.
  • Supplement nutrients and functional foods are useful for the eyes.
  •  Wearing the right glasses. 
  • Regular eye checks every 6 months.

a summary

Refraction of the eye is the curvature of light. as it travels by the lens and cornea. The retina is illuminated by the eye's cornea and lens. This is the layer of tissue at the back of the eye that is sensitive to light.

Many factors can contribute to refractive error, ranging from genetics to ecology. Age can also play a role. as the eyes naturally become less able to focus as we age. The refractive error can be corrected through surgery, but many cases can be managed through various forms of eye care.

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