What is the sirtfood diet Is it as effective as rumors or is it harmful

The basis of the Sirtfood Diet is based on scientific evidence of proteins called sirtuins that are important for body functions such as metabolism
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What is the sirtfood diet Is it as effective as rumors or is it harmful
Many new diets are constantly appearing and are advertised to help with effective weight loss along with many good health effects. Have you heard about the sirtfood Diet How Sirtfood helps the body? and are there any risks of harm? Let's explore together!

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The sirtfood diet has become a new trend for many celebrities in Europe. especially because it is very popular and it allows the use of red wine and chocolate. The authors of sirtfood emphasize that this is not a temporary trend. but in fact, it is the secret to helping reduce fat and prevent diseases.

However, medical experts say that sirtfood is not necessarily. as effective as advertised, it can even be harmful if done in the wrong way.

What is the sirtfood Diet?

The author of sirtfood is nutritionists Aidan Goggins and Glen Matten working in a private gym in the UK. They claim that this diet is a new revolutionary solution for health. helping to activate the slim gene in our body.

The basis of the sirtfood Diet is based on scientific evidence of proteins called sirtuins that are important for many body functions such as metabolism. inflammation, and longevity. Some substances contained in natural plants stimulate the body to produce sirtuin. so these foods are called sirtfoods.

According to the authors, the best foods in the sirtfood range are:

  • Cabbage 
  • Vintage red,
  • Strawberries,
  • Onion,
  • Soybeans,
  • Parsley.
  • Extra virgin olive oil,
  • Dark chocolate (contains 85% cocoa),
  • Matcha powder,
  • Buckwheat seeds.
  • Turmeric,
  • Nuts,
  • Arugula (radish, rocket),
  • Dangerous hot pepper,
  • Cranberries.
  • Coffee

The sirtfood diet uses the above foods along with the principle of calorie restriction. so it is believed that it helps stimulate the body to produce more sirtuin.

The authors say

 that sirtfood helps to lose weight quickly while maintaining muscle tone and preventing chronic diseases. Now there are many books written on this diet menu. which recommends that after the end of the diet period. it is recommended to continue using typical sirtfood foods and green vegetable juices for this diet. Daily meals.

Is the sirtfood system effective?

The authors say that this new method has the effect of accelerating weight loss and activating the thin genes in the body, preventing the development of diseases. However, there is currently not much evidence to confirm this. There are no definitive results that show that. Compared to other calorie-restricted diets, the Sirtfood Diet is more effective in promoting weight reduction.

It can be noted that many healthy foods by their nature are beneficial to health. but no long-term studies are confirming that this diet has special effects on the human body.

In their book about sirtfood,

 the authors cite an experiment that they conducted on 39 clients in their own gym. One week after applying the sirtfood system along with daily exercises, the participants lost significant weight - about 3.2 kg - and still retained muscle, even gaining muscle.

But this result is not surprising, because a calorie-restricted diet combined with exercise will, of course, help with weight loss. The problem is that although this approach is fast. it is difficult to maintain it in the long term. and the authors do not follow up with clients to see if they are gaining weight again. In addition, this study did not appear in the main medical sources.

When we are deprived of energy from food,

 our body relies on stored energy from glycogen in addition to fat and muscle. Each glycogen molecule binds to 3-4 water molecules in a reserve state. so when glycogen is broken down to generate energy, this water is also secreted. which helps to lose weight.

When applying a low-calorie diet, 

at first, weight loss is largely due to water, and muscle. and glycogen, while fat accounts for only about a third. When you recharge calories from food, your body will synthesize stored glycogen and gain weight again.

This method of reducing calories in particular can lower the body's metabolic rate, which causes fewer calories to be burned. So you may lose a little weight at first, but when you stop dieting, you will probably regain it again. As for the preventive effect of the disease. a period of several weeks is not enough to assess the long-term effects.

Most sirtfood foods are nutritious

 and contain many healthy plant compounds. Research has found that most of these foods are beneficial, as consuming cocoa-rich dark chocolate in moderation can reduce the risk of heart disease and fight inflammation. Green tea has a blood pressure lowering effect and reduces the risk of stroke and diabetes. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties and contributes to the Prevention of chronic diseases related to inflammation.

The health effects of sirtuin protein are not well proven. but animal studies are very promising, for example, increasing some sirtuin proteins prolongs the life of animals and reduces fat in mice. When the body fasts or reduces calories, these proteins stimulate the body to use more fat. and improve insulin sensitivity.

Research also shows that sirtuin may help reduce inflammation,

 suppress tumors, and slow the progression of heart disease and Alzheimer's disease. However, there are no human studies evaluating the role of sirtuin in longevity. or disease prevention.

In any case, these foods are very healthy, and they can be added to your daily diet without closely following the sirtfood Diet.


The sirtfood diet may help with weight loss because it is low in calories. but it is also possible to regain weight again if the diet is stopped, and the long-term health effects are not conclusive.

How to follow the sirtfood Diet

A two-phase sirtfood diet for three weeks, consisting mainly of meals containing a variety of sirtfoods, most of which are readily available. 

One of the main components of an exciting food system is a daily homemade green juice. so a juicer and a small scale should be used to accurately calculate the weight of the ingredients.

The recipe for green vegetable juice from sirtfood:

  • 75 grams of turnip.
  • 30 grams of arugula,
  •  5 grams of parsley, 
  • 2 stalks of celery,
  •  1 cm of ginger root
  • 1/2 green apple
  • 1/2 lemon
  • 1/2 tsp mash 

all the above ingredients are in a blender, except matcha and lemon. Squeeze the lemon juice and mix it with matcha powder, then add it to the vegetable juice.

 The first stage

These are the first seven days of the diet to start the weight loss process,

 mainly reducing the calories in the meal and drinking plenty of green juice.

For the first three days, you should limit your daily intake to 1000 calories. drink juice 3 times plus one meal a day according to the recipes in the book.. such as miso tofu, fried eggs Sirte food. or fried buckwheat noodles with shrimp.

From the fourth to the seventh day, get an increase of 1500 kcal per day. and drink juice twice plus two meals according to the recipe in the book.

According to the authors, this stage can reduce about 3.2 kg of weight.

The second stage

This is a maintenance phase that lasts for two weeks to continue losing weight. Calorie intake is not specifically restricted, every day you can eat 3 sirtfood meals plus one juice drink.

You can repeat the above diet cycle several times if you want to lose more weight, and at the end of the diet. you still have to add sirtfoods to your daily meal or snack, especially to continue, drinking green juice every day. As such, sirtfood cannot be considered not just a batch diet but a permanent lifestyle change.

Is the sirtfood Diet good in the long run?

Sirtfood foods have very good antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, but eating too little of them does not provide sufficient nutrition to the body, there is a risk of developing a deficiency of protein, vitamins, and minerals. especially in the first stage.

In addition, the limit of 1000 kcal/day can be dangerous if it is not monitored by a doctor or nutritionist. Even 1500 calories a day is not really necessary. Restricting calories that are too low. and eating only certain foods can make it difficult for many people to continue this diet for 3 weeks.

The sirtfood Diet also requires a daily intake of vegetable juices,

 which also contain sugar, while providing a lot of vitamins and minerals, especially since most of the beneficial fiber in whole fruits and vegetables has been removed. Not to mention that drinking juice continuously throughout the day can raise blood sugar and damage teeth.

Finally, the cost of a juicer, and manuals. some hard-to-find ingredients, and the time-consuming process of preparing meals. and making juice makes the sirtfood system seem impractical to many people.

Does the sirtfood system cause side effects

The first stage of a calorie-restricted diet is very low and may be nutritionally deficient, but due to its short duration, it has little effect on the body of a healthy person. But for diabetics need to be very careful because of restricting calories. and excessive vegetable juice consumption may have an impact on blood sugar levels.

For healthy people, the biggest side effect is a feeling of hunger when eating only 1000-1500 calories a day. as well as a feeling of fatigue and dizziness.


The sirtfood diet uses a lot of healthy foods but is by no means a safe and useful long-term method and the advertising of health benefits has not been clearly proven.

Including sirtfoods in your diet regularly may be advantageous. but the sirtfood system itself is risky. Instead of following this trend, you can choose other ways of healthy eating that are easy to apply.

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This site talks about topics related to physical mental health, physiological fitness, Aga articles, mental health , mental health, healthy hair, healthy skin, seniors , surprising benefits, weight loss, healthy plants, physical health, physical act…

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