Foods to eat to relieve joint pain: frequent causes and treatments
Joint pain is a common problem and there are many possible causes. There are many treatments for joint pain. that use Phytotherapy, food that reduces joint pain. or a combination of these treatments. Follow the following article to learn more about Joint pain: common causes. Phytotherapy, food that lower joint pain
what is Joint pain?
Joint pain today is a fairly common problem for people of different ages. After heart disease and digestive problems, joint diseases occupy third place on the list of common diseases.
It is known that a joint is a place where bones meet.
In order not to wear out the bones in the area of the joints, and for human movements to be smooth, the cartilaginous tissue is located between the bones.
Our skeleton throughout life is designed to withstand heavy loads, consisting of the weight of our body and all the burdens borne by man. And the maximum load falls on the most mobile parts - the joints and the spine. The joints perform support and movement functions.
The classification of systemic diseases depends on the location of the affected area. In total, there are about 360 different joints in the human body, therefore, there are a huge number of official types of their diseases - more than three hundred.
Regardless of the diagnosis
it can be said that the problem associated with joint diseases is a rather serious thing that can make a person incapable of several normal activities and, in the worst case, lead to disability. Joint diseases are an inflammatory process that can move from one affected area to another.
Pain in diseases of the joints
can manifest itself in different ways, with individual frequency. As a rule, the disease often reminds of itself in the off-season, as well as at night, after a working day, when the joints are at the peak of the load, and the sleeping position for sleep, in addition, impairs blood outflow.
It should be noted that the joints of women are much more susceptible to diseases than men. The ligaments of the female body are much weaker, and loads sometimes fall on the shoulders of many women. Unfortunately, they are quite large.
As mentioned earlier,
joint pain is accompanied by a huge variety of different diseases, so it is quite difficult to determine the cause of the disease on your own, an experienced doctor can do this. Only a qualified specialist and the necessary examination procedures can determine the presence of a particular disease as accurately as possible and choose a course of its treatment.
The most common causes of joint pain
Arthritis (and its types) is an inflammation of the joint that is accompanied by a mandatory manifestation of pain. The causes of arthritis can be different - rheumatism, senile cartilage degeneration, hypothermia, trauma, and much more.
Damage to ligaments and tendons, serious injuries, and bone fractures. For example, a change in gait as a result of an injury entails a change in posture, which increases the load on certain joints.
Excessive physical activity.
Physical stress often finds its reflection in diseased joints. Joint pain can also be caused by weight gain, which leads to a change in the center of gravity.
The main cause of joint problems in the elderly is the general aging of the body. Joints are accumulated throughout life by the negative effects of the environment, bad habits, malnutrition, and frequent or rare, but sudden loads. Also, the cause of pain in old age can be injuries and inflammations of the joints suffered many years ago, which seem to have completely recovered and have not been paid attention to for a long time.
is a disease of the joints that occurs when there is a metabolic disorder in the body, which is aggravated by the constant use of fatty foods and alcohol. Gout is caused by uric acid crystals that can accumulate in the body over the years.
This disease may be hereditary. In the Middle Ages, many people suffered from this disease. Gout was primarily a disease of wealthy people who ate a lot of meat and oily fish, as well as alcoholic beverages.
Osteoporosis is the leaching of calcium and other substances from the bones that provide skeletal strength.
Bursitis is an inflammation of the joint membrane.
Tendonitis is an inflammation of the tendon.
Osteoarthritis is the destruction of articular cartilage with its subsequent replacement by bone, in other words, this is the ossification of the joint.
The main methods of preventing joint diseases
are regular physical education (gymnastics, swimming), proper nutrition, seasonal strengthening of the immune system, and the exclusion of bad habits.
Even if the joints periodically ache, and the intensity of pain is low, you cannot let such a situation take its course, you need to give it proper attention. The pain may indicate some disorders in the body or, at worst, the appearance of some kind of disease, the diagnosis and causes of which only a doctor can determine.
Phytotherapy in the treatment of joint pain.
Folk remedies for the treatment of joints, as a rule, are used in combination with traditional drug therapy. Medicinal plants that are given to us by nature, due to their high content of active substances, enhance metabolic processes. and also relieve inflammation and pain in the joints. For diseases of the joints, the following plants are most often used:
1. Sibenik.
0.3 grams of cinquefoil should be finely ground, pour boiling water, and squeeze. Wrap the resulting mass with gauze and apply it to the affected joint.
2. Diverse flora.
Mix burdock leaves, calendula, cornflowers, St. John's wort, and nettle leaves in equal proportions. Boil the plant mixture, then leave to cool and take half a glass in the evening before going to bed. It helps weather-dependent people who suffer from joint pain when the weather changes.
3. Cacti.
Mix 4 teaspoons of aloe juice with two tablespoons of buckwheat honey and 4 tablespoons of ground salt. Rub the resulting ointment into the affected joint every day
4. Bay leaf.
It is considered a very effective remedy for removing accumulated salts. 20 leaves of laurel leaves should be poured with two glasses of boiling water, then boil for 5 minutes, and insist on a thermos for 4 hours. This broth should be taken in small sips (or 1 tablespoon 3 times a day) for 3 days. After a week's break, the treatment should be repeated.
5. Bow.
Finely chop one medium onion and fry it in 1.5 tablespoons of vegetable oil (over low heat until the onion becomes transparent), then put a teaspoon of beeswax in the pan with the onion and continue frying until the onion becomes light in color. Brown. Strain the prepared mixture through cheesecloth. and squeeze a little. Rub the ointment into the sore spots for at least 5 minutes. This medicine should be stored in the refrigerator in a glass container.
6. Preparations of a vegetarian group.
These drugs are made on a natural basis from useful plants and have all the useful properties that live herbs also possess. The undoubted advantage of these drugs is their medicinal elements. for wildlife are collected in pills and there is no need to search for plants, prepare, insist, filter, and take in large quantities in liquid form (decoction, tincture). Tablets are also recommended for increased loads on the musculoskeletal system. As a biologically active dietary supplement
Other folk remedies for joint pain
1. Gelatin and honey
Add a teaspoon of gelatin to 200 ml of water and let it steep overnight. Then add a teaspoon of honey and mix thoroughly. The incoming medicine is drunk half an hour before breakfast. The course of treatment is 10 days.
2. Salt and honey compress
Mix a tablespoon of honey with a tablespoon of fine salt, mix thoroughly and squeeze the inflamed joint overnight.
3. Beet compress
Pour a large beetroot with cold water into a saucepan and leave for 4 days, then add a tablespoon of salt and mustard. Then the contents are put on the fire and heated, but not brought to a boil. Soak a piece of cloth in a decoction and apply a compress overnight.
4. Coniferous compress
Pour 150 grams of fresh fir needles, 40 grams of resin, and a few drops of fir oil with one liter of water and bring to a boil. After that, boil the mixture over low heat for another 10 minutes. Soak a piece of cloth in the resulting decoction and apply a compress overnight.
food items that lower joint pain
Omega-3 fatty acids/fish oils.
Omega-3 fatty acids and fish oils are two of the many nutrients that are said to help reduce joint pain. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fatty acids found in cold-water fish such as salmon, tuna, and mackerel.
These fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties and have been shown to be effective in reducing joint pain. In addition, it is proved that fish oils have anti-inflammatory properties and protect against joint damage.
Lentils and beans.
Lentils and beans are two nutrients that have been shown to be effective in reducing joint pain. Lentils are a legume rich in protein and fiber. Beans are a type of legume that is also high in protein and fiber. Both have fewer calories and fat.
Nuts and seeds.
Several studies have shown that foods with high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, such as nuts and seeds, can be very helpful in preventing joint pain. In fact, a research that was journal-published.
Arthritis and rheumatism showed that people. who ate a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids had a 31% lower risk of developing joint pain than those who did not. Omega-3 fatty acids are important because they help reduce inflammation. Inflammation. is a natural reaction that helps to repair tissues after damage.
Garlic and root vegetables.
Garlic and root vegetables are some of the nutrients that have been shown to reduce joint pain. Garlic is a sulfur-containing vegetable and has been shown to act as an anti-inflammatory agent. Root vegetables are a good source of vitamin C, fiber, and minerals. It is also low in fat, which makes it a good option for people who are trying to reduce their calorie intake.
Brassica vegetables.
These are vegetables that come from the mustard family and include broccoli, kale, and cabbage. They contain a substance called sulforaphane, which has been shown to slow down the breakdown of cartilage.
Colorful fruits.
Nutrients such as berries, citrus fruits, and green leafy vegetables are all good sources of antioxidants and vitamins. By taking these elements, you can help reduce inflammation that can lead to pain.
Whole grains.
Whole grains are rich in fiber and other nutrients necessary for good health. A diet rich in whole grains has been linked to a lower risk of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. Whole grains may also help reduce joint pain.
Olive oil
Olive oil is a great way to reduce joint pain. It is a natural remedy that can be used topically or swallowed. It can be used in many different ways, as salad dressings, as a dip, or even as cooking oil. Many people believe that olive oil can help improve joint function and reduce inflammation.
Interesting facts.
In the Middle Ages, many people suffered from gout. Basically, this disease was a disease of rich people who ate a lot of fatty meat and fish, as well as alcoholic beverages.