Consuming certain foods can help with stomatitis pain.

Eating soft and bland foods helps stomatitis patients avoid causing their sores. Common stomatitis triggers include acidic, spicy, or crunchy foods.
Estimated read time: 12 min

Consuming certain foods can help with stomatitis pain.
When you get tired, you always get stomatitis, or you can't eat because it hurts. so even if you are not an elderly person, there is no end to worrying about stomatitis. If you think about it, some people have never had mouth ulcers.

Close-up of a man suffering from stomatitis while tasting food
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In this article, we will explore the causes and types of stomatitis and offer ingredients and dishes that are easy to eat even if it hurts

Types of stomatitis and measures taken

There are so many things! Types of stomatitis

You can get something round and painful. and sometimes it's hard ... There are different types of stomatitis.

Stomatitis does not describe a single disease. but is a general term for inflammation that occurs in the mucous membranes of the mouth and around the mouth.

First, let's look at the typical types of stomatitis.

Aphthous stomatitis

The most common form of stomatitis is an ulcer with a shallow depression in the center. which looks like a red round frame filled with white.

Food stains and pain appears.

This is called .ulcerative stomatitis, it is believed that it occurs when the immune system is weakened or undernourished due to lack of sleep, fatigue, or stress.

It usually heals completely in 1 ~ 2 weeks.

However, when too much of it is formed, when it is not treated, or when it recurs frequently, it may be caused by other diseases. or medications you are taking.

In such cases, seek medical advice.

Hemorrhagic stomatitis

Hemorrhagic stomatitis can also be caused by sliding gums. or hard objects that pinch the gums and scratch the gums due to dentures that no longer fit, burns, and injuries in the mouth, even if they are not dentures.

Of course, there is pain in the wound itself, but the wound area may turn red and fester, a blister may form, and if it worsens. you may experience unpleasant bad breath and the sense of taste may decrease.

It is better to consult a doctor before the symptoms become severe.

Viral stomatitis

There are many bacteria residing in our bodies.

Many of these have no effect when we are healthy and are quietly hidden. but when the immune system is weakened by a cold, they multiply and stomatitis may occur.

Candidal stomatitis

Candidal stomatitis is sometimes called oral candidiasis.

The cause is a fungus (mold) called Candida, pseudomembranous candidiasis, which forms a white film in the mucous membrane part of the oral cavity. atrophic candidiasis, in which the mucous membrane turns red. and hypertrophic candidiasis. in which the surface of the mucous membrane thickens.

Candida is a type of Resident bacterium that originally lives in our body and is more likely to appear in people. who are not very strong due to childhood. or old age, or when their physical strength is weakened due to various diseases.

If you are originally healthy, 

confident in your physical strength, and developed candidal stomatitis, which may be due to a decrease in physical strength. or a weakened immune system due to some serious illness, so do not take it as seriously as stomatitis and consult a doctor.

The most common symptom is pseudomembranous candidiasis. in which white algae stick to the inside of the cheeks, tongue, and inside the upper jaw.

What was initially dotted gradually spreads, and when it gets worse, it covers the entire inside of the mouth.

Forcibly peeling it may cause it to peel off or bleed, causing discomfort in the mouth, and taste disorders. and numbness in the mouth.

For treatment, antifungal drugs are needed. and common antibiotics are ineffective. It is important to seek medical advice and take prescribed medications.

Herpetic periodontitis

Herpetic gingivitis is an infection caused by a virus called herpes simplex that is transmitted through a towel or saliva that wipes the mouth.

Not only adults but also kindergartens and nurseries often spread it to the children around them. so home treatment is recommended until complete recovery.

After a fever of about 40 degrees Celsius for several days, small ulcers and blisters form in the mouth, accompanied by strong pain.

You may also see swollen gums and bleeding. It can also be accompanied by lymphocytosis. and once infected, it retains the virus in the body.

In this case, even in adulthood, it is more likely to develop when physical strength and immunity are weakened due to illness or stress.

Instead of being treated with over-the-counter medications, seek medical attention and treatment with prescription drugs.

Other stomatitis

In addition to those just presented, allergic reactions are caused by food fillings. or caries and irritation of stomach acid when vomiting repeatedly due to colds can cause stomatitis.

In addition, nicotinic stomatitis is caused by prolonged exposure of the mouth to smoke containing heat caused by cigarettes, and dry mouth caused by decreased salivation. dry mouth caused by breathing through the mouth, and damage to mucous membranes from dry air can also cause stomatitis.

If it does not heal easily, it may not be stomatitis!

Usually, stomatitis heals within a few days to two weeks. However, some of them do not heal even after more than a month.

In this case, what you think is stomatitis may actually be oral cancer.

A few years ago, a famous celebrity got infected with it, and it became well-known. but it is said that oral cancer occurs in many places in the mouth.

At the beginning of an outbreak, it is difficult to notice because the pain is small, but if you have unusual discomforts such as stomatitis, or lumps. or bleeding in your mouth. or if it does not completely heal despite the use of medication, you should immediately seek medical advice.

In addition to stomatitis, the causes of oral cancer include drinking and smoking, poor oral hygiene, caries, and wounds in the gums and tongue. and oral cavity caused by mismatched dentures.

Other diseases that cause stomatitis include:

  • - Graves ' disease;
  • - Leukemia;
  • ・Gastritis, stomach ulcer, stomach cancer.
  • - Diabetes mellitus;
  • - Behcet's disease.
  • - Crohn's disease.
  • - AIDS, etc.

To prevent and resolve stomatitis

Keep the oral cavity clean

In this way, the spread of viruses and bacteria in the oral cavity and stomatitis caused by dry mouth can be prevented to a certain extent by keeping the oral cavity clean and moisturized.

It is good to use toothpaste, and toothpicks, keep it clean and make it a habit to rinse your mouth with frequent gargling, unsweetened tea, and water.

If it is difficult to gargle or drink water frequently due to fear of aspiration, massage of the salivary glands is also effective.

Relieve physical fatigue and refrain from excessive drinking and eating

When you have stomatitis, you say, .my body is tired. or .isnot my stomach bad?.

Stomatitis is more likely to occur when the immune system is weakened, such as when fatigue builds up, after an illness, or during pregnancy.

If you have mouth sores, get a good night's sleep, rest your body, and recover from fatigue.

Please refer to the following for recommended nutrients, cooking menus, and recipes to restore fatigue.

Irregular life and stressful everyday life are also great enemies of stomatitis. Try to lead an ordinary life, go to bed early and get up early.

In addition, when the stomach becomes bad, stomatitis is more likely to occur.

Avoid foods that are difficult to digest or excessively spiced. and be aware of dishes with a mild taste that is quietly boiled.

What nutrients, foods, and dishes are recommended

When you have mouth sores, hot foods, foods that are too cold, and irritating foods such as salty and spicy foods. and sour foods are easy to soak and painful, making them difficult to eat.

In addition, hard foods and elastic foods such as kamado can. also, irritate stomatitis every time you chew them.

If stomatitis is severe, use foods that are as irritating as possible. soft, moist, and protect mucous membranes.

Vitamin B1

Vitamin B1 produces energy from carbohydrates.

Therefore, in addition to the rapid recovery from fatigue, which is one of the causes of stomatitis. it also has the function of maintaining normal brain function, which is mainly a source of nutrients for carbohydrates.

Its lack causes irritability, difficulty concentrating, impaired consciousness due to lack of nutrition in the brain, and swelling. likewise tingling in the hands and feet.

It is abundant in brown rice, oatmeal, liver, garlic, etc.

Vitamin B2

Vitamin B2 is a water-soluble vitamin that protects the skin and mucous membranes.

It is also called the growth vitamin because it breaks down fats, carbohydrates, proteins, etc., converts them into energy, and is significantly involved in growth.

Due to its water-soluble nature, the excess is excreted from the body. so it does not become hypersensitive to eating too much, but if it is insufficient, it will cause stomatitis, rough skin and mucous membranes, and easy tiredness.

In addition, growing children may experience developmental disorders.

They are abundant in the liver, dairy products, seaweed, mushrooms, and nuts.

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is a water-soluble vitamin responsible for protein metabolism.

Therefore, it is one of the essential nutrients for those who eat a lot of meat and fish.

It restores the synthesis of proteins distributed in the body into proteins in a form that suits our body. and has the function of maintaining healthy skin and mucous membranes.

If it is insufficient, in addition to stomatitis, glossitis, and angular stomatitis, hemoglobin cannot be synthesized in the blood, which can cause anemia.

They are abundant in lean fish such as liver, tuna, soy products, and eggs. and bananas.

Banana-apple smoothie

Bananas are soft in origin, but they can be difficult to eat if you have a mouth ulcer.

In such a situation, why not make a smoothie with bananas, milk, apples, etc

Bananas and apples are relatively high in dietary fiber and have an intestinal regulatory effect. It is also recommended for people suffering from stomatitis caused by the slow functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

It's easy to make, so it's a good drink to have at breakfast.

  • Ingredients 2 servings.
  • - Bananas... 1 bottle
  • Milk (or soy milk)... 150cc.
  • - Yogurt ... 50cc.
  • - Apple... 1/2 piece.
  • - Honey... About 1 tablespoon (adjust to your liking).

How to make

(1) peel the banana and cut it into bite-sized pieces, and the Apple is peeled and peeled as you like and cut into bite-sized pieces.

(2) put all the ingredients in a blender and stir until smooth.

you can add minerals such as calcium, vitamin A, folic acid, etc., and it is recommended.

Notable alumni

Zinc has the role of a coenzyme that helps many enzymes that divide and regenerate cells.

Therefore, it has the function of maintaining healthy skin and mucous membranes. I want to hold it firmly to repair wounds on the mucous membrane caused by stomatitis.

They are also abundant in seafood. such as oysters, scallops, crabs, beef liver, brown rice, and eggs.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C has the function of making collagen, which can be said to be the framework that supports the skin and mucous membranes.

In addition, since it has an immune-boosting function, it seems that it can be expected to be effective against stomatitis caused by viruses and bacteria.

However, you cannot eat sour fruits such as oranges and lemons because they hurt when you have mouth sores.

In such a situation, it is recommended to use potatoes. lotus root, and pumpkin.

The vitamin C contained in this vegetable is wrapped in starch. so it is heat-resistant and difficult to break down.

If you boil them in soup and then put them in a blender to make a thick pot of soup, they are gentle on the stomach and easy to eat.

What cools body heat

In Chinese medicine, stomatitis is considered to occur when the heat accumulated in the digestive tract cannot be dissipated well. In western medicine, it is the so-called inflammation.

Therefore, when you have a mouth ulcer, you choose ingredients that take the heat instead of foods that warm your body.

It is recommended to use cabbage, bitter melon, Konjac, beans, chrysanthemum tea, mint tea, etc.

Summary about stomatitis

Stomatitis occurs due to fatigue and stress. but nutritional deficiencies are also one of the main causes.

When food becomes thinner with age, it inevitably becomes unbalanced and it becomes difficult to get enough nutrition.

Painful stomatitis, is painful, isn't it If there is discomfort or bitterness in the mouth due to stomatitis itself or the application of the drug, then it will become even more unpleasant and eating will not progress.

In this case, you will be worried about nutritional deficiencies.

It's just stomatitis, but stomatitis. It is important not to underestimate what is common.

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