Body coldness causes stiff shoulders, fatigue, insomnia

Body coldness leads to fatigue and muscle stiffness and slows down the intestines, the body tries to warm up by burning calories
Estimated read time: 9 min

Body coldness causes stiff shoulders, fatigue,  insomnia
Many people suffer from stiff shoulders, constipation, and fatigue. and other physical problems that are not so many diseases. I will introduce the hot activity method that you can use right now.

Body coldness causes stiff shoulders, fatigue, and insomnia. warming habits
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 What are the effects of cooling the body?

Many people have physical problems such as stiff shoulders. back pain, swelling, sensitivity to cold, menstrual pain, fatigue, insomnia, constipation, rough skin, etc., although it is not a big disease.

Such disorders may be associated with Body coldness.

It is also said that the cold is the cause of all diseases, if left untreated, the common Body coldness can cause various diseases.

In addition, when the body coldness, the basal metabolism decreases. which makes it fatty.

There are many reasons why the body feels cold, but the main ones are muscle weakness, decreased basal metabolism, and stress.

In addition, those who often consume cold drinks. and foods that cool the body are also more likely to catch a cold.

One of the reasons why a cold body can cause discomfort is that blood circulation throughout the body deteriorates.

Blood transports oxygen and nutrients to all cells of the body.

Therefore, when blood circulation deteriorates, metabolism decreases.

In addition, the blood also has the function of excreting waste. so poor blood circulation can cause debris to accumulate. Which leads to blockage of blood vessels

In addition, immunity is also weakened. which can cause various diseases. such as colds and viruses.

When the body gets cold, the metabolism deteriorates and it becomes easier to gain weight. Still, fat can also cause the body to get cold. so if you get fat, you may fall into a vicious circle of overcooling your body.

Obesity can also increase the risk of lifestyle-related diseases. so maintaining an adequate weight is also important for preventing colds and maintaining health.

What is tonkatsu

Warming is the act of heating the body to eliminate the cold and raise the body temperature to the right temperature.

The ideal natural temperature is said to be between 36.5 and 37 degrees. If your normal temperature is 36 degrees or lower. then your Body coldness.

It is also said that when the body temperature drops by one degree, basal metabolism decreases by 10-20%, and immunity decreases by 30-40%.

Women suffer from cold bodies more often than men. but women have less muscle mass and less ability to produce heat than men.

By warming up the body and raising body temperature. improvement of various disorders and strengthening of immunity can be expected.

When your metabolism increases, you will easily lose weight. so you can expect the effect of dieting.

 Warming habits that you can do right now

To get rid of the coldness of the body. it is important to be careful not to cool and heat the body from the inside.

Here are five specific ways to warm up your body and raise your body temperature.

Clothes that prevent body coldness

The neck, wrists, ankles, and other parts of the body that are attached to the neck are especially cold. Wearing clothes that do not expose your neck and ankles. as much as possible will prevent you from catching a cold.

In winter, it is adequate to warm these areas with a muffler, a neck warmer, socks, tights, leg warmers, etc.

The neck has thick blood vessels that run close to the skin. so you can efficiently warm your body by keeping your neck from the cold.

It is also recommended to warm the back of the neck with a steaming towel. It can also be expected to be effective in relieving cold and stiff shoulders.

 the organs are collected in the abdomen

 so when the stomach is cold, the digestive function deteriorates. which can cause constipation and poor metabolism.

It can also cause menstrual pain and menstrual irregularities. One effective way to prevent a cold stomach is to warm your stomach by wearing a heating device on your stomach, waist, or belly wrap.

The body warms up from the inside

It's easy to imagine that cold drinks with ice cream and cold foods like ice cream cool the body. but there are also vegetables and spices that we usually eat casually that have the property of cooling the body.

To warm the body from the inside, it is effective to eat foods that have the property of warming the body.

Foods that have the property of warming the body include foods that are in season in winter. vegetables that can be harvested in cold regions. vegetables that grow underground, dark-colored foods, fermented foods, spices, and spices.

 miso, soy sauce, and pickles

which have a high salt content are also said to have an effect on raising body temperature.

Eat pumpkin, carrots, turnips, ginger, burdock root, onion, lotus, and root vegetables. and vegetables that are in season in winter because they can be expected to have a warming effect.

On the other hand, vegetables that are in season in summer, foods that contain a lot of water, and foods with a white color such as wheat flour and white sugar are said to have the property of cooling the body. so refrain from them when you are worried about a cold.

Foods that have the property of Body coldness can be eaten hot to prevent cold, such as hot vegetable salads, and soups. and boiled dishes.

 Drink white water when you wake up

When you wake up, your body temperature is the lowest. Also, you sweat during sleep. so your body is in a state of lack of water.

Drinking white water slowly upon waking warms up the internal organs and can be expected to have an effect on raising body temperature. Since bowel function is. also activated,. it is expected to effectively relieve constipation.

 Make moderate exercise a habit

Moderate exercise such as walking and jogging improves blood circulation throughout the body and has a warming effect on the body.

If there is too much fat in the body, it will cause Body coldness, but by continuing to exercise, you can expect a fat-burning effect. so it is also effective in dieting.

If you do not have the habit of exercising daily, it is recommended to start with walking. If you do this at a pace that makes you breathe lightly, the intensity of the exercise will increase.

It is also more effective to pay attention to your posture, such as keeping your back straight and swinging your arms wide. firmly using the soles of your feet.

Start with about 2-3 days a week.

Moderate walking for 30 minutes to 1 hour is effective. but do it within reasonable limits.

You can continue without difficulty by gradually increasing the time and number of times.

It is also effective to increase muscle mass through muscle training. If you increase muscle, your basal metabolism will increase and you can produce more heat. so it can be expected to be effective in improving your coolness.

Since the muscles gradually weaken with age. the basal metabolism decreases with age.

About 70% of the muscles are connected to the lower body, so you can efficiently increase basal metabolism by training the muscles of the lower body. such as the buttocks and thighs.

Squats are one of the most straightforward exercises to do at home. It is also recommended to exercise while standing on tiptoe while doing household chores.

Soak slowly in the bathtub

The shower alone only heats the surface of the body. so make it a habit to soak in the bathtub. If you slowly soak in the bathtub, your body will warm up from the heart.

The temperature of the hot water should be about 38 ~ 40 degrees Celsius. Bathing at a slightly lukewarm temperature for about 30 minutes will make the parasympathetic nerve dominant and you can get a relaxing effect.

On the other hand, if you take a shower with too hot water, the sympathetic nerves will become dominant, which can cause difficulty sleeping. so avoid this.

a summary

Body coldness can not only cause stiff shoulders, fatigue, insomnia, etc. but also cause various diseases if left cold.

You can support your health by wearing warm clothes to keep your body from the cold and warm your body from the inside with food.

If you have hypothermia or feel cold. you may be able to relieve your physical ailments by doing warm activities.

Try something you can do right now. such as trying not to cool your neck or choosing ingredients that warm your body for dinner.

Our bodies are made from what we eat. so a balanced diet is essential to stay healthy.

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