Causes of visual impairment, Folk remedies, and plants

Learn about visual impairment and its causes. And therapy, exercises and supplements. And tips on how to treat and prevent it.
Estimated read time: 14 min

Causes of visual impairment, Folk remedies, and plants
The term visual impairment is used to describe vision problems that affect a person's ability to see. Different types of visual impairment can be treated with medication, exercise, and vitamins. and dietary supplements. follow with us this article to know more about visual impairment

The serious woman has visual impairment at a clinic wearing lenses
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General introduction to visual impairment

Deterioration of visual abilities is most often observed in people whose age is approaching 50 years. This is due to the natural aging process of the body. But in our time, the problem of mankind with vision is much smaller. More and more young people with various eye diseases can be seen

During the visit with the ophthalmologist. It would seem that there are no healthy people left today .it is difficult to find such a person who has one hundred percent vision, and his eyes during the day did not experience tiring stress. This is related to the form

Direct improvement of living conditions: 

comfortable living conditions. the transition from physical work in the field to office work on the monitor. the development of security in society. and the emergence of modern technologies: television, computer, and mobile phones. and tablets. 

From the appearance of a person, the eyes played one of the important roles in the process of his survival: while hunting. one had to see his prey from afar, to protect one's tribe in time. and one had to notice the enemy on the horizon. the onset of cold weather was determined by observing clouds and stars.

So today, with the help of the eyes, a person receives basic information from the world around him, and thanks to the organs of vision, he lives a full life. However, as the visual function of a modern person in a big city began to develop, it began to lose its original capabilities.

Visual impairment may be temporary or permanent. 

The widespread belief that a sharp decrease in vision is an obligatory sign of eye diseases is often mistaken. The body is a kind of Whole since all its systems are directly related to each other ،

Thus, the disease of one organ often entails a violation of the functions of the other, which at first glance is not related to the first. For example, a sharp deterioration in the quality of vision can occur against the background of diabetes mellitus, pituitary adenoma, hypothyroidism, or some sexually transmitted diseases. 

In many of these cases

 vision problems can be corrected by identifying and treating the underlying disease. A temporary decrease in vision is often the result of banal overwork, prolonged sedentary work at the computer, long reading of books and documents. as well as other factors that have a special effect on the eyes. 

The above reasons are often accompanied by headaches, pale skin, irritability, and fatigue. Frequent stress, lack of sleep, and long work can adversely affect the function of the visual organs.

But serious eye diseases that require surgical intervention or serious treatment, unfortunately, are also far from uncommon in our time. To accurately identify the causes of visual impairment and prevent possible negative consequences, it is necessary to consult a qualified doctor as soon as possible.

Advice :

To avoid eye diseases accompanied by visual impairment, it is necessary to observe eye hygiene, observe the correct load and rest regimen, and also undergo an examination by an ophthalmologist 1-2 times a year.

Causes of visual impairment

1. Age. 

The cells of the retina of the eye contain a photosensitive pigment that a person sees. With age, in the process of aging of the body, this pigment is destroyed, which leads to a decrease in visual acuity.

Advice :

To slow down the natural aging process, you should constantly eat foods containing vitamin A (carrots, milk, meat, eggs, fish). A special substance that restores visual pigment is contained in blueberries.

2. Lack of work of the eye muscles.

 If you constantly focus for a long time on a computer monitor or the text of a book, the muscles that control the lens become lethargic and weak. Like any other muscles that do not need to work for a long time, they lose their shape and atrophy to a certain extent.

Advice :

In such cases, it is necessary to train the eye muscles with the help of special Gymnastics for the eyes. First of all, you need to make it a habit to periodically distract from the monitor or book and focus your eyes either on distant or near objects.

3. Deterioration of blood circulation.

 Nutrition and respiration of all cells of the body are carried out with the help of blood vessels. The retina is a very sensitive organ that suffers even from the slightest circulatory disorders.


In such a situation, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will select the means and diet that improve the condition of blood vessels. In addition, it is necessary to refrain from a long stay in the bath and sauna, as well as protect yourself from sudden changes in pressure.

4. Excessive eye strain.

 Retinal cells are especially affected when exposed to bright light, as well as from stress in weak light.


Protect your eyes from bright light, and do not try to read, write and look at small objects in dim lighting.

5. Violation of the spine. 

This may be a displacement of the vertebrae, their damage, and other diseases. Vision can deteriorate during prolonged work at the computer when stress extends not only to the eyes but also to the spine. In this case, the load and the risk of developing visual impairment double.

Advice :

All serious sets of exercises aimed at training the eyes include exercises for the spine: turns, tilts, etc. Learn and do it every day. Use massage tools and other medical devices that help create a favorable condition for the spine.

6. the eyes' mucous membranes become dry.

 The purity of transparent membranes is very important for the clarity of vision. The beam of light reflected from the objects passes through the shells. They are washed off with special moisture, so a person begins to see poorly when his eyes dry out.


It is beneficial to cry a little bit for visual acuity. Special eye drops, similar in composition to tears, are also suitable. With focused vision, while working at a computer or reading, you need to blink a lot so that your eyes do not dry out.

7. Clogging of the body. 

Abuse of bad habits and malnutrition can lead to vision loss. Fast food, low-quality drinks, bad water, alcohol in large doses, smoking-all this negatively affects eye health. If you have not yet realized this, now start a fundamentally new and healthy lifestyle.

8. Diabetes mellitus. 

Diabetes is a disorder that develops when the blood sugar level is too high. The fine blood vessels of the retina can be damaged in this condition, which is called diabetic retinopathy and is one of the common eye problems in diabetes.

Advice :

Eat only healthy foods, get enough vitamins A and C, drink plenty of clean water, stop smoking, exercise, and monitor blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

9. Eye diseases.

 Common causes of poor vision quality are the eye diseases themselves:

  • An eye cataract causes the lens to become cloudy.
  • Glaucoma is a disease caused by a chronic increase in intraocular pressure.
  • Myopia (myopia) is a pathology that affects the quality of vision in which a person sees objects close to his place well, but observes the image poorly at a certain distance.
  • Farsightedness (hypermetropia) is the opposite of myopia, in which a person sees distant objects well, but cannot distinguish between objects located near him.
  • Plomo-clouding of a certain area of the cornea of the eye, accompanied by visual impairment.
  • Keratitis is an inflammatory disease that affects various structures of the eye.
  • Astigmatism is a defect associated with a violation of the shape of the lens, cornea, or eye, as a result of which a person loses the ability to see clearly.

These eye diseases carry great risks and dangers. 

In the absence of qualified medical care, they can lead to an even greater or complete loss of vision. Therefore, the treatment of these diseases should be under the supervision of a qualified doctor.

Folk remedies for restoring eyesight

1. Parsley.

The parsley root is crushed in a meat grinder, then honey and lemon juice are added, Everything is thoroughly mixed. The proportions of the ingredients depend on the taste preferences of each person. The resulting mixture should be taken with a teaspoon one hour before meals. The course of treatment is about two months. The mixture also has a general strengthening effect on the entire body.

2. Tincture of Calamus and calendula

Take in equal proportions a handful of Calamus and calendula herbs, mix and pour half a liter of high-quality vodka, and let it brew for 12 days. Then put the bottle of tincture in a dark place and take a teaspoon three times a day before meals. Before use, the tincture must be shaken. During the year, it is advisable to take 4 such courses, so the tincture can be made immediately in four bottles, because the longer it lasts, the greater the medicinal properties.

3. Peppermint oil

Take one drop of peppermint oil and dilute it in 100 ml of distilled water. Apply the liquid in the eyes twice a day, two drops in each eye.

4. Motherwort

Take 15 g of chopped motherwort grass, pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave for 40 minutes, then strain. Take the infusion inside 2-3 times a day, one tablespoon.

5. Brewing tea

To clean the eyes, you can wash them with tea leaves. Brew strong black tea, soak a cotton swab in the tea leaves, and wipe your eyes with it. Chamomile decoction is also suitable for these purposes.

Juice treatment

Freshly squeezed juices from fruits, vegetables, berries, and herbs are one of the first remedies for improving vision at home.

1. The most useful is freshly squeezed nettle juice. 

It is often diluted with apple juice to enhance the flavor. Nettle is useful in any form of visual impairment: in salads, in soups, in the form of tea from dried leaves, and even more so in live form.

2. Blueberry juice (as well as Berry and leaf decoction)

 has long been used in folk medicine to improve vision and treat various eye diseases. Berry juice can be carefully filtered through several layers of gauze, diluted with distilled water in a ratio of 1: 2, and instilled into the eye one drop once a day. According to folk experts, the effect will be noticeable after 3-5 days of daily use.

3. To restore vision,

 and especially to strengthen the eye muscles, it is effective to use a mixture of parsley, dandelion, celery, and carrot juices. The ingredients should be mixed in equal proportions and drunk once a day. The duration of treatment is at least two weeks, and juices should be freshly squeezed.

Phytotherapy for visual impairment

If your professional activity is associated with a long stay in front of a computer monitor or an increased load on the eyes, then you just need to take care of your eyes and strengthen them with vitamins. 

If your eyes are often watery and tired, then after a while the work begins to distinguish the line poorly and a burning effect appears - the eyes clearly lack some vital vitamins that need replenishment in your body. 

Preparations made based on blueberry natural antioxidants are well suited for these purposes. One of the most effective preparations of this group is Bilberry.

 Forte with vitamins and zinc, which contains only natural ingredients: 

blueberry anthocyanins, several vitamins, and zinc, which are necessary for the daily maintenance of normal visual abilities.

Biologically active substances of blueberries. acting in tandem with B vitamins. vitamin C and zinc, help relieve eye fatigue and maintain vision, protect the eyes from fatigue and rapid irritation. 

improve visual adaptation in the dark and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. including the blood vascular bed, have a positive effect on the functional state of the organs of vision associated with a lack of vitamins and microelements.

In addition, the preparation Bilberry-Forte does not contain toxic and synthetic substances, which do not cause any side effects or negative consequences for any organs and systems of the human body.

Eye exercises to improve vision

Ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians, Greeks, and Chinese documented the importance of eye exercises in maintaining good vision. The modern scientific community has also begun to recognize the benefits of eye exercises. \

Several studies have shown that regular eye exercises can improve visual acuity and help prevent age-related vision deterioration.  Exercises that work the eye muscles can help improve blood circulation in the eyes and increase the elasticity of the eye muscles.

 They can help improve the range of motion in the eye muscles. This may help improve vision in people who have a limited range of motion due to age or other factors.

Vitamin supplements for the visual impairment

Vitamin supplements are not always necessary, but there are certain times when they can be beneficial for our eyesight. If we are deficient in certain vitamins, this can lead to vision problems.

 For example, vitamin A is important for night vision, while vitamin E is important for protecting our eyes from free radicals. Free radicals are molecules that can damage our cells, are found in the environment, as well as produced by our bodies.

Diabetic retinopathy

The main factor contributing to vision impairment and blindness in persons of working age is diabetic retinopathy. It can develop in anyone with diabetes, but it is more common in people who have had diabetes for a long time and who do not control blood sugar levels well. 

Poor blood sugar control is the main cause of diabetic retinopathy, but other factors, such as high blood pressure and smoking, can make it worse. Diabetic retinopathy can be treated with laser surgery, but it cannot be cured.

Macular degeneration causes visual impairment

Macular degeneration is a degenerative eye condition that deteriorates the macula, the small central area of the retina responsible for acute central vision. Macular degeneration usually affects the elderly and can lead to loss of central vision. 

Macular degeneration can occur in two ways:

dry and wet. Dry macular degeneration is the most common type and is characterized by the gradual accumulation of small deposits, called dross, under the retina.

 visual impairment is brought on by glaucoma.

To understand the causes of visual impairment, one must first find out what the condition is. Visual impairment is when someone has a reduced ability to see. This can be caused by many different things such as an injury, illness, or birth defect. There are many different types of visual impairments, but the most common are myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism.

How to avoid visual impairment

Prevention is better than cure. To maintain good vision and prevent vision problems, one should visit an ophthalmologist for regular eye examinations ،

  •  A balanced diet ،
  •  And exercise regularly.
  •  And while you're outside, use sunglasses.

 Some other ways to reduce the risk of vision problems include: 

Non-smoking, blood pressure control, diabetes management.

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