gynecology: Causes, symptoms, treatment by folk methods, and plants

gynecology is caused by bacteria. Viral infections. Genetic disorders and environmental pollutants. There are folk healing methods and Some plants
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gynecology: Causes, symptoms, treatment by folk methods, and plants
gynecology, known to the general public as gynecology, are diseases of the female reproductive system, which is manifested by various signs and symptoms. Follow the following article to learn more about gynecology

couple touching belly because gynecology
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Introduction to gynecology:

The health of the female body is one of the most important factors ensuring the health of the offspring and, as a result, the future generation as a whole. That is why women's health is given special attention all over the world. Indeed, nature has entrusted to a woman the important role of a mother, endowing her with a complex reproductive system, 

providing all the parameters of reproduction:

  •  conception,
  •  bearing,
  •  childbirth,
  •  and feeding.

 Due to its complexity and complexity, this system is fragile and easily prone to failure. That is why nature has assigned to a man the role of a faithful protector and assistant, protecting a woman from danger and hard work, because the occurrence of gynecological diseases not only causes pain to a woman but can also seriously affect the health of future children.

Unfortunately, gynecological diseases are not uncommon in medical practice. There are also cases when women with inflammatory and infectious diseases do not hurry to visit a doctor, self-medicate, or even consider the disease insignificant and transient. In this case, the female disease can become chronic

Which leads to ectopic pregnancy

 endometriosis, the development of tumors, and many other diseases of the reproductive system. Also, because the urinary and digestive systems are very close to the genitals, they are often involved in the inflammatory process. Such problems can end in infertility. Therefore, it is better to treat the disease when it is at an early stage.

gynecology can be accompanied by many symptoms. 

These may include fever, excessive and unusual discharge from the genitals, irregular menstruation, spotting or bleeding, itching, and burning of the vulva. Almost all gynecological diseases are accompanied by pain or discomfort in the lower abdomen and lower back.

They can occur at the initial stages of the disease and be acute, may appear in the process of its development, or for the first time make themselves felt by already advanced disease. If one of these symptoms is found, even in a mild form, it is necessary to contact a gynecologist.

Recently, asymptomatic gynecology has become popular.

 Even pathological discharge from the genitals of a woman with such pathology is not always, abdominal pain, bleeding, menstrual irregularities and other symptoms may be completely absent. 

Despite the absence of symptoms, the disease in the meantime progresses and leads to complications. That is why every woman needs to undergo a preventive examination by a gynecologist at least twice a year and take the necessary tests to identify hidden diseases.

Causes of gynecology

There are many causes of gynecological diseases, and they depend on factors of a different nature. Conventionally, they are classified into external and internal.

External factors:

  • The onset of sexual activity is early.
  • Frequent changes in sexual partners.
  • Neglect of personal hygiene rules leads to the emergence and development of infectious diseases.
  • Various infectious diseases carry the risk of developing gynecological diseases.
  • Bad urban environment.
  • Frequent and uncontrolled use of antibiotics and other medications.
  • Strong stress reactions of the body.

Internal factors:

  • Diseases of a hormonal nature.
  • Abnormalities in the development of genital organs in women.
  • Incorrect location of the internal genital organs.
  • Miscarriage or abortion results in medical interventions, in particular curettage of the uterus.

General symptoms of gynecology

Gynecological symptoms are considered to be very specific symptoms that accompany exclusively diseases of the female reproductive system. The most common signs of gynecological diseases:

  • Bleeding from the genital tract that occurs outside the menstrual cycle may occur before or after it. Bleeding can be severe or spotty and very light. In addition, they can occur immediately after sexual intercourse.
  • Beli-pathological discharge from the genital tract of a woman of white color.
  • Burning or itching in the genital area, which appears to vary in degrees. The burning sensation can be very mild, or it can cause severe discomfort and unbearable sensations.
  • The occurrence of pain or discomfort during urination.
  • The occurrence of pain and discomfort during intercourse, up to the inability to have sex.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen is of a completely different nature: pulling, bursting, or squeezing.
  • Many miscarriages and infertility.

No matter how specific

 and individual symptoms of gynecological diseases are, as mentioned earlier, there are also those that occur with hidden or insignificant signs and indicate diseases of completely different organs.

 It is possible that a woman can be treated in such cases, not at all gynecological, which can develop in the meantime. This leads to the conclusion that the diseases of the female reproductive system are complex and require special attention.

Treatment of gynecology, by folk methods

Traditional medicine in the treatment of gynecological diseases is an auxiliary tool that accelerates the recovery of the female body. Remember that the main treatment should be prescribed only by a qualified doctor. Self-medication without taking tests, a gynecologist's examination, and an accurate diagnosis are strictly prohibited.

Home treatment of gynecological diseases must necessarily include proper nutrition and the use of natural medicinal products. 

Vegetable fruit juices play a good role in this. Useful for tumors of the genital organs are beetroot, carrot, potato, and cucumber juices. For erosion, a diluted tincture of calendula is used for douching, a decoction of the leaves of the stone fruit in the presence of leukocytes and menstruation stops.

 Nettle juice is considered

Especially useful for heavy menstruation, as well as for urological treatment and general cleansing of blood throughout the body. Also, sea buckthorn is indispensable for erosion - it is

When introducing tampons, it is used in the form of oil. This plant, which has special beneficial properties, helps in the treatment of infertility.

It is known that an active lifestyle and proper nutrition are not insignificant factors affecting the health of the female reproductive system. The excessive amount of heavy food in the digestive tract presses on the uterus and other organs of the small pelvis, which can provoke constipation, turning into a chronic form, which leads to displacement of the organs. 

A sedentary lifestyle and low physical activity are harmful to women. 

If you do not do gymnastics, exercises, walking, and other physical exercises, then weakened muscles will not be able to cope not only with childbirth but also with the normal course of the menstrual cycle.

Phytotherapy for gynecology

Finding mild signs of the disease, many women are in no hurry to visit a doctor. Instead, they go to the pharmacy and, after a brief consultation, buy another advertised drug. Many gynecological drugs work on the same principle - they kill harmful and beneficial bacteria for the genitals, which do some harm to the female body.

 If a woman begins to treat an infectious disease with these drugs, she may soon resume again with renewed vigor. In addition, harmful microorganisms develop resistance to drugs and treatments in general, which makes it more difficult to completely eliminate them in the future. Often, self-treatment of gynecological diseases leads to chronic gynecological diseases without symptoms.

If minor symptoms appear

it is reasonable to immediately consult a doctor, undergo an examination, and use Phytotherapy as an aid. Phytogroup preparations are preparations containing only natural ingredients from medicinal herbs, trees, fruits, and various substances that do not entail any side effects and do not expose the body to the risk of possible complications.

For women's health, the following drugs are recommended:

  1. With pain in the mammary glands, the cream Healer with red palm oil will help.
  2. Organic herbal tea nettle Mac Sun improves blood clotting and has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  3. Herbal tea Altai for women with a pine forest uterus is a good restorative remedy for menopause and hormonal disorders.
  4. Tea Evalar BIO for the kidneys is used as an effective diuretic in diseases of the genitourinary system.

a summary

Gynecological diseases can be caused by a variety of things, including bacterial and viral infections, genetic disorders, and environmental pollutants. There are also quite a few folk methods of treating gynecological diseases. Some plants are also used to treat gynecological diseases.
Some of these methods have been used since ancient times, while others have been developed more recently.

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