Signs and causes of hearing loss, volatile recipes and exercises to improve it

Identify the signs and causes of hearing loss in finding the best way to improve it. The reasons include age, illness, injury, and some medications.
Estimated read time: 10 min

Signs and causes of hearing loss, volatile recipes, and exercises to improve it
Hearing loss is a common condition, it can be caused by many factors, including age, genetics, and exposure to loud noise. There are some simple exercises that you can do to help with hearing. Follow this article to learn about the causes and treatment of hearing loss

A woman with a hand on her ear suffers from hearing loss

hearing loss

This a rather serious problem that significantly reduces the quality of life, because it is through sounds that we receive a significant part of the information from the outside world. Hearing loss occurs when the sound-perceiving or sound-conducting part of the head is damaged.

 As a rule, by the age of sixty, almost every person begins to experience a deterioration in the quality of hearing, which subsequently continues to decline steadily. This, as it is not difficult to guess, is connected with the aging process of the body, and in such a situation it is already impossible to completely eliminate this phenomenon, only to slow down and restore somewhat.

Contrary to popular belief about hearing-impaired elderly people

hearing disorders also occur at early ages. Over the past ten years, the number of such patients in clinics has increased significantly. Hearing loss before the age of sixty in a healthy person from birth is an abnormally acquired disease, a pronounced pathology that requires an immediate visit to a doctor.

Persistent hearing loss in medicine is called Hearing Loss. Communication between patients with other people in his presence becomes very difficult. Patients with a mild degree of hearing loss, being in a silent room, find it difficult to distinguish whispers from soft speech. With the hearing loss of an already pronounced nature, a person can perceive only loud sounds that are emitted next to him.

Many factors negatively affect the healthy functioning of the human hearing organ:

 prolonged exposure to strong noise, chronic diseases of the hearing organs, damage to the eardrum, and much more.

Hearing impairment can be caused by several diseases, including diseases of other organs and systems. Therefore, to establish an accurate diagnosis and prompt treatment, it is necessary to contact an otolaryngologist.

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Signs of hearing loss

It is worth sounding the alarm and paying special attention to the state of your full hearing abilities so far in the following cases:

  • If you stop hearing the running arrow of a mechanical clock in the room.
  • If you suddenly turned up the volume of the TV or radio more than before.
  • If you find it difficult to navigate and continue the conversation when two or more people are talking nearby.
  • If loud sounds start to cause you pain in the ear or head area.
  • If it seems to you that people you have known for a long time began to speak less clearly.

Children pose a special group of risks in the modern world with its technologies and household gadgets, since their hearing organs are not yet strong, unlike adults, who can withstand stronger sounds. 

The fact that a child has started some hearing problems can be recognized by the following signs:

  • He began to ask questions more often.
  • Turn up the volume on the TV or audio player.
  • In the usual home environment, he began to speak louder.
  • He does not respond when talking to him in halftones.

Hearing impairment is often accompanied by noise in the ears or head. Noise can have a different tone and intensity, it can be one-sided or two-sided, low-frequency or high-frequency, weak or sharp, periodic or constant.

Many patients describe it as squeaking, ringing, tinnitus, mosquito buzzing, gurgling, and wind noise. In some cases, these phenomena become very painful, which prevents a person from doing business or relaxing. 

In such cases, when noticing any signs of hearing loss, adults and children should immediately consult a qualified doctor. Remember that the treatment of progressive hearing loss in the early stages will be as effective as possible.

Causes of hearing loss

1. Cork.

 The most common causes of hearing loss in children and adults are sulfur plugs, the ingress of foreign bodies into the auditory canal, and the penetration of fluid into the tympanic cavity. Getting rid of sulfur, liquid and foreign objects instantly restores hearing.

2. Inflammation. 

Fluid can form in the eardrum, which prevents the perception of sounds, during the inflammatory process. Otitis - inflammation of the ear, as a rule, is accompanied by a certain decrease in hearing and discomfort. Purulent otitis can penetrate the eardrum. The pus that constantly flows out of the ear does not allow the hole in the eardrum to multiply. If the treatment is provided in a timely and correct manner, the quality of hearing will return to its previous level.

3. Rupture of the membrane. 

Significant hearing problems can be caused by a ruptured eardrum. When they rupture, temporary hearing loss occurs. The gap can be caused by severe infections, injuries, and extreme sports when the ear cavity is subjected to a strong pressure drop: immersion in water, parachute jumping, and weight lifting.

4. Exposure to loud noise.

 With frequent noise measured by a large number of decibels (engine noise, sounds of firearms, percussion sounds, and electronic musical instruments), the sensitive nerve endings of the eardrum die, thanks to which a person hears.

5. Various ear and body diseases.

 Hearing loss occurs when the inner ear or auditory nerve is affected. Hearing loss can occur as a result of Viral Diseases, be the result of vascular disorders characteristic of atherosclerosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, and hypertension, and occur as a result of traumatic brain injury and even severe emotional stress. Rheumatoid arthritis, syphilis, and miners' disease can also cause problems with sound perception.

6. Take medication.

 For some people, hearing loss may be caused by the use of certain medications and antibiotics.

Traditional medicine for hearing loss

1. Viburnum berries and honey

Take a handful of viburnum berries, crush them and add half a teaspoon of honey. Wrap the resulting mixture with a small cloth or bandage, and put the package overnight in the ear with a knot outward. Continue the Daily course for two weeks. This method helps to restore hearing and get rid of tinnitus.

2. Garlic and camphor oil

Grind a clove of garlic finely and add 3 drops of camphor oil to it. Put some of the mixtures in gauze or a bandage and insert the resulting tampon into your ear. Keep pressing it until it burns, then takes it out. The procedure should be performed daily at bedtime so that the quality of hearing improves.

3. Bow

Grate a small onion on a medium grater, squeeze the juice from the resulting mass and apply 3 drops in each ear 3 times a day. The course of treatment is about a month. after which resume the course after a two-month hiatus. For a year, it is advisable to conduct 3-4 courses of treatment with onion juice. This will help improve hearing and get rid of frequent earplugs.

4. Plantain juice

Collect the plantain leaves, wash them thoroughly and squeeze the juice out of them. Bury in each ear 3 drops 1-2 times a day until the condition improves. The juice of the plant helps to soften the accumulated sulfur, and also prevents the occurrence of tinnitus.

5. Almond oil

Buy almond oil at any pharmacy and 2-3 times a day, drip 6 drops in hot form into each ear. Then close the ear canal with cotton and keep the oil in the ear cavity for several hours.

6. Raspberry roots

Raspberry roots contribute to the healing of even fairly old damage to the eardrum. No less effective infusion of raspberry roots also helps with chronic purulent otitis media. Collect the roots of garden raspberries in the fall, clean them from the ground, wash, chop them finely, and store them in a dry and safe place.

 If necessary, brew 2-3 tablespoons of roots in 1 liter of boiling water and leave for 12 hours. Take this infusion half a glass inside twice a day for a month.

7. Propolis and vegetable oil

Mix 40% alcoholic tincture of propolis with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1: 4. Shake the mixture to make an oil-alcohol emulsion of propolis. Soak gauze or bandage Wicks with the resulting emulsion and place them in the ear canal. Hold them until discomfort appears.

Daily exercises to improve hearing

There is a special Gymnastics for every day, developed by Chinese folk medicine, which is aimed at restoring hearing. 

Simple exercises have long allowed elderly and sick people to improve their hearing

  • 1. Press both palms tightly to the ears so that nothing is heard. Stay in this state for a while.
  • 2. While in the same position, with two middle fingers of both hands, start hitting yourself on the back of the head 12 times. There will be a noise in the ears, like a drum beating.
  • 3. Firmly press the palms of the hands to the ears, and then sharply release the ears from the hands. Do this exercise 12 times.
  • 4. Insert your index fingers into the ear passages and rotate them back and forth three times as if you were cleaning your ears, then quickly remove your fingers.

Repeat this complex (points 1-4) twice in the indicated sequence. Be sure to do this exercise in the morning after waking up.

a summary

To improve the quality of hearing, experts identify several necessary conditions: active saturation of tissues with oxygen, and improvement of blood flow in the brain and hearing organs. prevention and elimination of the development of infectious diseases of the inner ear, and an increase in the elasticity of the vascular walls. 

lowering cholesterol in the blood, normalization of metabolism, and improvement of microcirculation in the body, which contributes to the activation of the immune system. There are no such pills in the pharmacy that could normalize all these processes in the body. In addition, the intake of chemicals is not complete without side effects that affect the functioning of other systems and human organs.

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