Flatulence : the causes, What is the meal to get rid of it

Many people suffer from digestive problems including flatulence. The causes of flatulence are multiple and are related to the foods we eat.
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Flatulence: the causes, What is the meal to get rid of it
Aren't there a lot of people who worry about their stomachs as they get older? The causes of flatulence include fat accumulation, constipation, and poor posture. This time I will show you an effective meal method to relieve a distended stomach.

How to get rid of  flatulence? We present to you how to eat!

What is the cause of flatulence that worries me year after year?

A bulging belly is something that worries many people as they get older.

Especially when it comes to the season of light clothing. There are several reasons for a distended stomach.

cause of flatulence: Accumulation of fat

The accumulation of visceral fat is one of the causes of a bloated stomach.

There is subcutaneous fat and visceral fat in body fat, and visceral fat is fat that sticks around the organs around the abdomen.

. Obesity with a large amount of visceral fat is called visceral fat obesity.

It is more common in middle-aged men and is mainly caused by overeating and lack of exercise.

As you get older, basal metabolism gradually decreases, which makes it easier for you to accumulate fat even if you eat the same amount.

Excessive visceral fat is said to increase the risk of lifestyle-related diseases such as dyslipidemia, hypertension, and diabetes.

 cause of flatulence: Constipation

If bowel function decreases and stool and gas accumulate, this can also lead to a bloated stomach.

Constipation can be caused by a variety of factors, including poor eating habits, irregular lifestyles, excessive stress, lack of sleep, and lack of hydration.

 cause of flatulence: Bad posture

Poor posture can deform the pelvis, which is the foundation of the body, and cause the stomach to swell.

For example, in a bent position, the pelvis leans back, which weakens the abdominal muscles and leads to protrusion of the lower abdomen.

In the bent waist position, the pelvis leans forward, the stomach becomes in a prominent position and the stomach becomes full.

If you are used to holding your legs or carrying a heavy bag with one hand, your body will deform.

 cause of flatulence: Muscle weakness;

There are no bones around the abdomen, and muscles support internal organs.

Due to age, lack of exercise, poor posture, etc., the muscle tone around the abdomen decreases, and the position of the internal organs tend to fall, which can lead to bloating of the stomach.

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 flatulence: How much energy do you need per day?

To burn fat, which is one of the causes of a bloated stomach, it is important to revise your daily diet.

The accumulation of fat is caused by consuming more energy than you spend.

To maintain this balance, it is important to first understand your proper energy level and pay attention to what you eat every day so as not to exceed your calorie intake.

First, check to see if your current weight is healthy.

The appropriate weight can be calculated by height (m) × height (m) × 22 (body mass index).

BMI is an indicator used internationally to express the degree of obesity, and it is said that weight at 22 is the least likely to get sick.

For example, for a person whose height is 160 cm, it is "1.6 × 1.6 × 22 = 56.3" ، and the appropriate weight is 56.3 kg.

The number of calories you need to stay healthy also depends on your gender, age, and level of physical activity.

If you drastically reduce your calorie intake, your muscle mass will decrease, and basal metabolism will decrease, which will make losing weight more difficult.

To maintain good health, refrain from severe dietary restrictions and try to follow a balanced diet.

What is the meal to get rid of flatulence?

to get rid of flatulence: I'm having breakfast

When food enters the stomach, the intestines begin to move and defecation occurs.

Skipping breakfast increases the chances of constipation.

Breakfast also awakens the body and raises body temperature.

If you don't have breakfast, your body temperature won't rise easily, which can slow down your metabolism.

If the time until the next meal is long, the blood sugar level will rise quickly when you eat the next meal, and it will also cause you to gain weight easily.

Try to have breakfast to get an easy body in losing weight and to relieve constipation.

 to get rid of flatulence: Eat protein with every meal

Protein is a nutrient that forms the basis of the body, such as muscles, bones, and blood.

Even if you do your best in muscle training and exercises if you do not have enough protein to build muscle, the effect of muscle training will be halved.

Since the amount of protein that can be used at one time is limited, it is important to consume it frequently.

Try to eat protein-containing food in three meals a day.

The goal is to eat meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, soy products, etc. evenly so as not to be biased by meat or fish only.

It is said that you can supplement the necessary amount by eating ingredients that contain enough protein for one meal.

It is very difficult to calculate the amount of protein every time you eat.

to get rid of flatulence: Eat plenty of dietary fiber

When the blood sugar level rises rapidly, it becomes easier for sugar to accumulate in the form of fat, which facilitates weight gain.

Dietary fiber is expected to have the effect of slowing the rise in blood sugar levels and suppressing the absorption of cholesterol.

It is useful to start eating vegetables rich in dietary fiber at the beginning of a meal.

Dietary fiber is low in calories and has a rubbery texture, which makes you feel full, and helps prevent overeating.

In addition, dietary fiber is also expected to increase the amount of stool and improve the intestinal environment.

to get rid of flatulence: Enter fermented foods

If the intestinal environment deteriorates, it can also cause constipation.

Lactic acid bacteria contained in fermented foods adjust the balance of intestinal microflora and are effective in relieving constipation.

It is also recommended to combine moderately fermented foods such as yogurt, cheese, natto, rice bran pickles, and kimchi.

 Eat moderate amounts of good fats

Fats are essential components of the body that serve as raw materials for cell membranes and hormones.

However, since it has a high-calorie content, if you eat too much, you will have excess energy, and the amount that is not consumed will be stored in the form of fat.

Let's be careful not to eat too much fat with a guideline of 20-30% of the total energy per day.

Also, it is important to pay attention to the quality of fats.

Blue-backed fish such as mackerel, sardines, linseed oil, perilla oil, etc. contain a lot of them, and it is said that they can be expected to be effective in lowering cholesterol and preventing atherosclerosis.

Be careful not to overeat saturated fatty acids contained in meat, dairy products, butter, lard, etc.,

to get rid of flatulence to much hydrate

If you don't have enough water, your circulation will be poor and you won't be able to get rid of waste well.

As a result, weight gain becomes simpler and your metabolism slows down.

Also, a lack of water can make stools hard and cause constipation.

It is said that it is necessary to drink about 1.5 liters of water per day other than meals.

Let's try to keep the body hydrated frequently. It is recommended to refrain from juices containing a lot of sugar and drink water or tea.

 Let's make exercise a habit!

Make moderate exercise a habit

Regular exercise is also important for burning fat and building muscle.

Aerobic exercises such as walking and jogging have a fat-burning effect and are effective for dieting if you keep practicing them for 20 to 30 minutes a day, 3 to 4 times a week.

In addition, you can expect the effect of increasing basal metabolism by training large muscles such as thighs and buttocks.

Squats and planks are recommended because they can be easily combined without the need for tools.

Strength exercises are effective when they are performed at a pace of 2-3 times a week.

It is also important to maintain correct posture regularly so that you can keep your pelvis in the correct position.

Get a good night's sleep

When you don't get enough sleep, hormones that suppress appetite decrease, and hormones that increase appetite increase.

Then it is said that it becomes easier to gain weight because the amount of food tends to increase.

Lack of sleep can also cause an imbalance of the autonomic nervous system.

When the autonomic nerve balance breaks down, bowel movements become worse, which can also lead to constipation.

To stay healthy, try to sleep 7-8 hours every day.

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