diet to stop hair loss ,provide nutrients needed for its development

hair loss: healthy diet including fruits, and vegetables. whole grains are recommended. protein, vitamins A, C, and E.
Estimated read time: 8 min

diet to stop  hair loss, provide  nutrients needed for its development
To prevent hair loss, it is important to adjust your lifestyle and maintain the cleanliness of your scalp. as well as consume various nutrients with a balanced diet. We will provide the ingredients. and nutrients that you want to consume to prevent hair loss.

Nutrition necessary for healthy hair growth, a diet for hair loss

 What causes hair loss

The hair has a hair cycle that repeats the growth cycle (from 2 to 6 years→). the catagen phase (about two weeks). → and the telogen phase (3 to 4 months).

The hair that has reached the end of its life falls out and is replaced by new ones.

We have about 100,000 hairs on our heads. and it is said that even people with a healthy scalp lose 80-120 hairs a day.

The growing season is gradually shortened by aging.

Hair loss is normal, but if for some reason the hair cycle is disturbed, the amount of hair loss may increase or cause thinning.

There are various causes, but they are said to be caused by aging, stress, lack of sleep, smoking, and excessive drinking. and nutritional imbalance due to unreasonable diets, and unbalanced diets.

What nutrients are needed to stop hair loss?

Our bodies are constructed from food.

To prevent hair loss and healthy hair growth. it is important to take in the nutrients necessary for hair production and improve blood circulation in the scalp.

Three nutrients are especially important for preventing hair loss: protein, vitamin B6 and zinc.

The main component of hair consists of a protein called keratin. so if you lack the protein you get from your diet. you will not be able to produce healthy hair.

In addition, keratin contains an amino acid called cysteine, and vitamin B6 is required for the synthesis of this Cysteine.

Zinc has the function of creating cells and promoting growth. 

Zinc deficiency can lead to impaired hair growth and cause dryness. split ends, and hair loss.

In addition to these nutrients, many nutrients are needed, such as vitamin E, which expands capillaries and improves blood circulation, vitamin C, which is involved in collagen synthesis, vitamin A. which has an effect on maintaining healthy skin, and vitamin B2, which supports lipid metabolism and helps create new cells.

Nutrients work to help each other, so in addition to getting enough protein, vitamin B6 and zinc, it is important to ingest other nutrients in a well-balanced way.

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 Foods you want to eat to prevent hair loss

Eat a lot of protein

For healthy hair growth, it is necessary to consume a good amount of protein, which is the main component of hair.

The recommended amount of protein for adults is 60 ~ 65 g for men and 50 g for women.

It is difficult to calculate how much protein you have at each meal. so it's worth remembering that if you eat three meals a day. eat enough protein to fit into one meal.

Seafood such as chicken, liver, tuna, bonito, and mackerel are. also rich in vitamin B6.

Even if you eat a lot of protein at a time, the amount that can be used in the body is limited, so it is most effective to take it in three meals.

Try to get a good balance between meat, fish, eggs, soy products, dairy products, etc.

 Eat foods rich in zinc

Zinc, One of the Minerals, is involved in protein synthesis and is an essential nutrient for hair growth.

Zinc is abundant in seafood and meat.

Rich ingredients include oysters, Eels, king crab, lean beef, liver, fried tofu, natto, and nuts. and Parmesan cheese.

50 g of raw oysters (edible portion) contains 7 mg, 100 g of beef thigh (red meat) contains 5.1 mg, and one pack of NATO (50 g) contains 1 mg of zinc.

Zinc is a nutrient that is difficult to absorb in the body. so many people are said to be deficient in it.

It is recommended to take it with foods rich in vitamin C, which helps the absorption of zinc.

If you squeeze oysters with lemon. which is rich in vitamin C, you can get nutrients efficiently.

Often consume green and yellow vegetables.

Dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals are found in abundance in vegetables.

Green and yellow vegetables are rich in vitamin A (β-carotene) and vitamin E. They are necessary to stop hair loss.

Green and yellow vegetables are vegetables containing 600 mcg or more of β-carotene per 100 g of the edible portion, pumpkin, spinach, carrots, Mallow, etc. Which fall under the category of green and yellow vegetables.

Vegetables that contain β-carotene less than this norm but eat a large amount at a time, tomatoes, peppers, asparagus, etc. that are eaten more frequently are classified as green and yellow vegetables.

It is recommended to eat at least 120 grams of green and yellow vegetables per day. Cooking by heating reduces dryness and makes it easier to eat. so add a lot of it to hot vegetable salads, soups, simmered dishes, French fries, etc.

Which ingredients should I refrain from

High-fat foods

If you overeat fat, the amount of sebum will increase and the pores of the scalp will become clogged.

Hair loss may occur due to clogged pores. so be careful not to eat too many high-fat foods such as fried foods and fast food.


When you drink alcohol, alcohol is broken down into a component called acetaldehyde, which is toxic to the liver.

For this acetaldehyde to decompose into harmless components. The body needs vitamins and amino acids.

High alcohol intake requires more nutrients to break down acetaldehyde, which can also lead to a lack of nutrients needed to make hair. 

Try to live a normal life

Get 7-8 hours of sleep a day

If sleep deprivation persists, the autonomic nerves will be unbalanced and blood circulation throughout the body may deteriorate.

When blood circulation is impaired, it becomes difficult for the nutrients needed for healthy hair growth to reach the hair roots.

In addition, since cells are repaired during sleep, if sleep deprivation persists, damage to the hair matrix cells that function to make hair will not be adequately repaired, leading to a deterioration in their function.

The right amount of sleep varies from person to person, but about 7 to 8 hours is a guide.

To get a good night's sleep, it is important to warm up your body by soaking in a lukewarm bath with a temperature of 38 ~ 40 degrees Celsius, and finish dinner 3 ~ 4 hours before going to bed.

Create a routine of light exercises

Light exercise improves blood circulation throughout the body and facilitates the access of nutrients to the scalp.

In addition, it not only improves blood circulation but is. Also successful in reducing stress.

If you make it a habit to walk or jog for 20 to 30 minutes. you can expect to be effective in preventing hair loss.

If you don't have time to exercise, it is recommended to try to increase the amount of activity, such as walking at one stop more than usual or going shopping on foot instead of by bike.

 Try to eat a balanced meal!

To prevent hair loss, it is necessary to take a good balance of nutrients such as protein, vitamins, and minerals to maintain healthy hair.

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This site talks about topics related to physical mental health, physiological fitness, Aga articles, mental health , mental health, healthy hair, healthy skin, seniors , surprising benefits, weight loss, healthy plants, physical health, physical act…

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