some tips on what to eat for a healthy, nutritious breakfast

A good breakfast should include carbohydrates for energy. proteins for satiety. fats for slow absorption. , Include a source of vitamins and minerals
Estimated read time: 8 min

some tips on what to eat for a healthy, nutritious  breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, it is done in the right way, and it protects the line and the state of Health. Let's see some tips on what to eat for breakfast to start the day in a healthy and nutritious way.

breakfast .Healthy  Fruit and Nuts.  breakfast
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The first meal after waking up is the most important because it allows us to face the day with the right energy. Skipping breakfast is wrong but it is also wrong to have a poor and not very nutritious breakfast. 

To be clear, drinking only coffee and leaving the house or consuming a hood and brioche are not among the ideal breakfasts. 

In fact, choosing to eat foods rich in fats and refined sugars burdens digestion and digestive organs, overloading them with toxins.

Breakfast should be the most important meal while dinner should be the lightest. Many people do the opposite, burdening the night before bedtime with a lavish dinner because they are driven by hunger pangs.

 In this way

 they compromise the quality of sleep and do not follow the physiology of the organism.

Traditional Chinese medicine holds that each functional system of the body reaches its maximum activity at a certain time of the day and at another time its activity is at its lowest. 

The functional systems of the stomach and spleen are very active and full of energy between 7 and 11 while they are weaker between 19 and 23. The digestive process needs a lot of energy for its implementation. 

This energy is concentrated during the first half of the day and decreases from the afternoon to late at night. That is why the proverb is known: have a king's breakfast, a prince's lunch, and a poor man's dinner.

 What is the importance of breakfast?

A skipped or bad breakfast brings many consequences that we probably ignore or underestimate? When the stomach is empty or half empty, nervous hunger arises in the middle of the morning and pushes you to eat anything. Often at lunch the appetite is reduced and you do not eat as it should.

A poor or non-existent breakfast slows down the metabolism. By not receiving the right amount of food early in the morning, metabolism stops. If the first meal of the day is based on coffee, then gastric juices, stimulated by this drink, lead to inflammatory phenomena that, over time, irritate the gastrointestinal tract and make digestion heavy.

Finally, breakfast with cappuccino and brioche is difficult to digest and involves, over time, weight gain. In addition, brioche is generally rich in saturated fats and refined sugars which leads to an increase in blood sugar.

What is the perfect breakfast? 

As mentioned earlier, there is no ideal standard breakfast recommended for everyone? Several variables need to be considered. What is certain is that there are guidelines, which, if desired, can be customized taking into account gender, age, and physical activity performed.

 First of all, we must consider that breakfast should represent a good percentage of the total energy intake to be consumed during the day, equivalent to about 20% of the total calories. 

For a healthy breakfast,

 it is recommended to eat 60% carbohydrates and the rest, in equal parts, proteins, and fats. In this way, the first meal of the day becomes a full meal.

It is necessary to carefully select the right foods to start the day without overloading the body with toxins. In addition, it is advisable to periodically change breakfast. Is a sweet or salty breakfast better There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. 

Everyone's lifestyle, work, and personal tastes should be taken into account. 

For example, those who play sports or those who do manual work can choose a delicious breakfast. while those who work more than the mind will benefit from a sweet breakfast, the important thing is that the first meal of the day is healthy and balanced. 

✗ For foods that are not recommended in the morning

 , first of all, it is necessary to abruptly eliminate foods that raise blood sugar from breakfast; therefore, it is better to avoid milk, refined sugars, and saturated fats.

 Butter is not a good food to start the day because it is rich in saturated fats. 

The jam we consume must be controlled. First of all, it is necessary to check what kind of sugar was added, Then it should be remembered that industrial jams undergo sterilization processes that Deplete the content of vitamins in the fruit. 

If possible, it is better to choose homemade jam.

 ✓ Breakfast meals that are suggested

let's see below some general tips on what to eat for breakfast to prepare a good, healthy and nutritious meal. 

You can replace cow's milk with yogurt rich in lactic acid bacteria

 or with vegetable milk of rice, soy, oats, almonds, coconut, etc.; Also cereals, muesli, or whole grain flakes (such as oat flakes) are fine. 

You can also choose homemade biscuits with low sugar and saturated fat.

 For a delicious breakfast, you can opt for eggs, smoked salmon, tuna, beans, or bresaola, all foods that also provide a good portion of protein; a portion of fruit is perfect to accompany any type of This fluff, sweet or savory. 

Choose what you like and try to eat seasonal fruits;

 you can consume wholemeal bread with honey (possibly organic and unpasteurized so as not to lose nutrients) or homemade jam.

 Homemade pancakes can be a good option for introducing protein into This fluff. 


in a sweet breakfast, in addition to pancakes, can be withdrawn from soy milk, yogurt, or soy yogurt. 

Almonds and walnuts

 are rich in essential fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6) and are very useful for starting the day. They can accompany sweet and savory breakfasts.

3 ideas for a healthy breakfast

 here are three special recipes, different from the usual, to start the day in the best way. 

1 breakfast without coffee 

is exciting and often creates acidity, so you can choose alternative infusions such as Rooibos, African red tea, decaffeinated and with few tannins, and therefore naturally sweet. It is also suitable for children.

 It goes well with a breakfast of Whole biscuits, spread with tahini or sesame seed cream, fruit, and honey. The taste is excellent and the nutritional intake is very balanced. 

2 ginger infusions early in the morning 

to start the day with a lot of energy and without heartburn and heaviness, you can choose an infusion of ginger, which has toning, invigorating, and stimulating properties that are very useful in the morning.

 It is excellent to accompany a delicious breakfast of wholemeal bread with scrambled eggs or smoked salmon. 

In the vegetarian version, it can be accompanied by toast stuffed with tofu cream and vegetarian cold cuts. Also, combine a portion of your favorite fruit. 

3 breakfasts with vegetable milk and mixed cereals 

there are different types of vegetable milk, and the best thing is to alternate them to ensure the intake of various nutrients throughout the week. 

They go well with cereals for a nutritious but light fluff. Also here, you can use different types of cereals, corn, rice, spelled, barley, quinoa, flakes and puffed. Often you use one type at a time, rather, it is possible (in fact, it is desirable) to mix them together. 

Also in this case add a portion of fruit, which provides vitamins, fiber, and minerals important for health. In addition, always with vegetarian drinks, we can prepare chia pudding, to be consumed at breakfast. To learn more, 

Eat the right foods to fuel your day

 starting to eat active and fatty foods helps maintain an excellent state of psychosomatic health and disease prevention. 

It also keeps weight gain at bay and avoids blood sugar peaks, helping in the Prevention of diabetes. 

Prevention of hypertension and high cholesterol is also carried out, maintaining a healthy body. Starting the day with the perfect breakfast supports the body, but does not only, but it also fills us with energy and a good mood.

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