breakfast -rich diet is essential for energy and metabolism

Eating breakfast starts the metabolism and provides the necessary energy and nutrients. increases body temperature promotes bowel movements
Estimated read time: 7 min

 breakfast-rich diet is essential for energy and metabolism

Many people may not have the habit of eating breakfast, such as having no appetite in the morning, wanting to sleep until the last minute, or being too busy preparing breakfast. In this article, I will present the importance of a breakfast menu that can be easily prepared.

breakfast , Next to a bread platter is a fried egg. breakfast

 What is the role of breakfast?

Breakfast not only replenishes the brain and body with the necessary nutrients but also regulates the rhythm of life.

Energy replenishment

When you wake up, you haven't eaten anything for 8 to 12 hours, so your energy is running out.

Breakfast plays an essential role in replenishing the nutrients necessary for vital activities.

Increases body temperature

The body temperature remains almost constant but changes slightly throughout the day. Just before waking up, your body temperature is at its lowest.

Eating causes the digestive organs such as the stomach and intestines to move, and the body temperature rises.

Having breakfast raises your body temperature and switches your body to active mode.

Encourage bowel movements

Breakfast is also essential for Awakening the stomach.

When food enters the stomach, the intestines begin to move and bowel movements strengthen.

Skipping breakfast also increases the likelihood of constipation.

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 What are the effects of skipping breakfast?

Skipping breakfast can negatively affect your health due to disruption of your rhythm of life and lack of nutrition.

 Difficulty concentrating

The brain uses glucose mainly as energy.

The brain works even during sleep, so when you wake up, you are in a state of glucose deficiency.

If you don't have breakfast, your brain will run out of energy sources, leading to a dizzy mind and difficulty concentrating.

 Causes fatigue

If you don't eat breakfast, you will lack energy not only for your mind but also for your body.

Lack of energy can also cause the body to feel sluggish and tired.

 Rhythm disturbance in the body

The body has a system called the biological clock, which regulates various biological rhythms.

The circadian function allows the body and mind to work actively during the day and switch to a state of rest at night without realizing it.

When the biological clock is disturbed, various symptoms may appear in the body, such as difficulty sleeping, dizziness during the day, and easy weight gain.

It also increases the risk of lifestyle-related diseases such as obesity and diabetes.

It is said that the biological clock is 24.5 hours a day, which is 30 minutes longer than a day on Earth.

If this difference is left alone, then gradually there will be a gap and you will become a night owl.

Skipping breakfast, late dinners, and irregular mealtimes can also disturb your biological clock.

It becomes easier to gain weight

If you do not eat breakfast, you will be hungry for a long time. Then, it is said that the blood sugar level tends to rise sharply the next time you eat.

When the blood sugar level rises, a hormone called insulin is secreted, and the higher the blood glucose level, the more insulin is secreted.

Insulin is a hormone that regulates sugar metabolism and keeps blood sugar levels constant.

Insulin also has the function of storing sugar that was not used as energy like fat, so when blood sugar levels rise sharply and the amount of insulin secreted increases, it is easy to gain weight.

Also, if you have been hungry for a long time, you tend to be very hungry and eat more.

Continued overeating can cause obesity.

Obesity also increases the risk of causing lifestyle-related diseases such as diabetes and stroke.

Lack of nutrition

Two meals a day, lunch and dinner, do not provide enough nutrients to the body, which can lead to nutritional deficiencies.

Nutritional deficiencies can cause various disorders such as anemia and slowness.

 Nutrients that you want to take for breakfast

Have you ended up eating only carbohydrates, such as toast or rice balls in the morning

Nutrients work while helping each other, so a carbohydrate-biased diet will experience a shortage of nutrients necessary for the body.

For example, vitamin B1 is necessary for the metabolism of carbohydrates in bread and rice.

Therefore, a carbohydrate-only diet cannot metabolize sugar well, which can cause fatigue.

Therefore, a breakfast menu that allows you to eat a good balance of various nutrients is ideal.

A balanced diet does not have an excess or deficiency of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals.

Carbohydrates contain sugars and dietary fiber, which are mainly used as a source of energy for the body.

Protein is used to build muscles and bones and as a source of energy.

Fats are the most efficient source of energy and produce 9 kcal of energy per 1 gram.

It serves as a source for making hormones.

Vitamins and minerals are not a source of energy, but they help energy metabolism and tone the body.

For breakfast, eat one dish at a time from the following three items to make it easier to balance.

- Cereals, rice bread, potatoes, pasta, and other cereals that contain a lot of carbohydrates

- Meat rich in protein and fat, fish, eggs, dairy, and soy products

Vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins and minerals

 Try to live a normal life

There are many reasons why people skip breakfast, but late dinner, eating too much dinner, and not getting enough sleep has a lot to do with it.

If dinner is late, it's easy to skip breakfast because you're still not hungry in the morning.

This also increases the likelihood that the circadian rhythm will be disturbed.

When dinner is late, choose easily digestible foods and eat sparingly, which can reduce the burden on your digestive organs.

Going to bed late can cause you to wake up late, 

 try to live a regular life.

It can be difficult to make breakfast on a busy morning, but you can make meals without the hassle by preparing them the day before or using ingredients that can be eaten without cooking.

If you don't have the habit of having breakfast, you can start by eating a little of something that you can easily eat, such as yogurt or a banana.

Let's start the day actively with a delicious breakfast!

a summary

According to the American Dietetic Association,  eating breakfast starts your metabolism and provides the energy and nutrients needed to make it through the morning. A lot of people on the go choose to skip breakfast because they think they don't have time for it, but many quick and easy breakfast options can be prepared in no time at all. 

 Here is a list of some healthy breakfast ideas that can be easily prepared: oatmeal with fruit, whole grain toast with peanut butter, yogurt with granola, fruit juice, and eggs.  These are just a few examples, but many other quick and easy breakfast options will give you the energy you need to start your day.

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