Review: Can I keep the tablet after the Sword Health program?

sword health tablet is provided for users to return tablet after the program is completed to allow the company to make it available to other users
Estimated read time: 7 min

Review: Can I keep the tablet after the Sword Health program?
An online physical therapy program is provided by Sword Health as an alternative to conventional in-person therapy. The program includes a tablet that is used to access the program and complete the exercises and activities. The tablet is a key component of the program and is provided to users as part of the kit. In this article. we will take a closer look at the return policy for the Sword Health tablet. and explore the options for continuing treatment after the program is completed.

Sword Health company

The return policy for the Sword Health tablet

The Sword Health tablet is provided to users. as part of the physical therapy program and is used to access the program and complete the exercises and activities. As much as users typically love the tablet. the company does ask for it to be returned after the program is completed. A prepaid return shipping label is provided to make it easy for users to return the tablet.

It is important to note that the tablet is an integral part of the Sword Health program 

and is needed to access the app and complete the exercises and activities. Therefore. it is important to return the tablet after the program is completed in order to allow the company to provide the program to other users.

If you are interested in continuing to use the program after the initial course of treatment is completed, there may be options available to continue treatment through the app. However, the specifics of these options may vary depending on the individual user's situation and the policies of the company. It is recommended to discuss these options. with your physical therapist. or the Sword Health customer support team to determine the best course of action.

What to do with the tablet after the Sword Health program

After the Sword Health physical therapy program is completed. users are required to return the tablet to the company. A prepaid return shipping label is provided to make it easy for users to return the tablet.

To return the tablet

 users should follow the instructions provided by the company. This may include packing the tablet in the original packaging and attaching the prepaid shipping label to the package. Users may be able to drop the package off at a local shipping facility. or arrange for it to be picked up by the shipping company.

It is important to return the tablet in a timely manner and in good condition. If the tablet is not returned. or is returned in damaged condition, the company may charge additional fees.

After the tablet is returned 

users may be interested in continuing to use the Sword Health program to maintain the benefits of treatment .and prevent future injuries. There may be options available to continue treatment through the app, although the specifics of these options may vary depending on the individual user's situation and the policies of the company. It is recommended to discuss these options with your physical therapist. or the Sword Health customer support team to determine the best course of action.
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The benefits of using the tablet during the Sword Health program

The tablet is a key component of the Sword Health physical therapy program and is used to access the program and complete the exercises and activities.

 Here are some benefits of using the tablet during the program:

  1. Convenience: The tablet is portable and can be used from the comfort of the user's own home, making it a convenient option for physical therapy.
  2. Personalization: The program is tailored to individual needs. and goals of each user, ensuring that users are receiving treatment that is specific to their condition and needs. The tablet is used to access the personalized treatment plan. and track progress.
  3. Video demonstrations: The tablet is used to access video demonstrations of the exercises and stretches in the treatment plan. which can help users understand how to perform them correctly.
  4. Ongoing support and maintenance: The program includes ongoing support and maintenance from a licensed physical therapist. who provides feedback and guidance through the app and monitors the user's progress. The tablet is used to communicate with the therapist and track progress through the app.

How to return the tablet after the program is completed

After the Sword Health physical therapy program is completed. users are required to return the tablet to the company. A prepaid return shipping label is provided to make it easy for users to return the tablet.

To return the tablet. users should follow the instructions provided by the company. This may include packing the tablet in the original packaging and attaching the prepaid shipping label to the package. Users may be able to drop the package off at a local shipping facility. or arrange for it to be picked up by the shipping company.

It is important to return the tablet in a timely manner and in good condition. If the tablet is not returned or is returned in damaged condition, the company may charge additional fees.

After the tablet is returned

users may be interested in continuing to use the Sword Health program to maintain the benefits of treatment and prevent future injuries. There may be options available to continue treatment through the app. although the specifics of these options may vary depending on the individual user's situation and the policies of the company. It is recommended to discuss these options with your physical therapist. or the Sword Health customer support team to determine the best course of action.

The options for continuing treatment after the Sword Health program is completed

After the Sword Health physical therapy program is completed. users may be interested in continuing to use the program to maintain the benefits of treatment and prevent future injuries. There may be options available to continue treatment through the app, although the specifics of these options may vary depending on the individual user's situation and the policies of the company.

Here are some potential options for continuing treatment after the Sword Health program is completed:

  • Continuing to use the app: Some users may be able to continue using the app to access their personalized treatment plan and track their progress. This may include ongoing support and guidance from a licensed physical therapist.
  • Purchasing additional treatment courses: Users may be able to purchase additional treatment courses through the app to continue their treatment. These courses may include a new treatment plan. as well as extra assistance from a physical therapist.
  • Transitioning to in-person therapy: Users who have achieved their treatment goals and no longer require the support of the app may be able to transition to in-person therapy. This can be a good option for users who prefer face-to-face interaction with their therapist. or who have complex needs that require hands-on treatment?

It is recommended to discuss these options

 with your physical therapist or the Sword Health, customer support team to determine the best course of action.

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