scratching the skin, should and should not eat

scratching the skin, should and should not eat Certain foods and drinks can provide the calories, vitamins, minerals, and protein needed to promote
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scratching the skin, should and should not eat

Certain foods and drinks can provide the calories, vitamins, minerals, and protein needed to promote the wound-healing process. scratching the skin, what does he eat, and what does he fast?

scratching the skin. hand with scratching the skin
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for scratching the skin1. nourishments rich in vitamin c:

Nutrients that contain huge amounts of vitamin C are essential for healing skin wounds. Eating foods rich in vitamin C can improve skin repair. By strengthening unused skin cells to develop within the affected area.

In addition, vitamin C can also build collagen protein. which promotes faster healing of scar tissue. Foods rich in vitamin C include citrus fruits, guava, and bell peppers. strawberries, and green verdant vegetables.

for scratching the skin2. Foods rich in vitamin A:

Why should people with skin abrasions eat foods rich in vitamin A. an important antioxidant that helps skin heal? Vitamin A calms the infection and controls the inflammatory response.

Vitamin A can too advance collagen generation. that is crucial for pores and skin restoration and regeneration.

Some foods that are high in vitamin A include whole milk. yellow and orange vegetables. red fruits, fish, dark green leafy vegetables, sunflower seeds, carrots, sweet potatoes, etc.

for scratching the skin3.  Protein-rich foods:

What to eat if you fall into the car Experts recommend that. as soon as you get a scratch or wound. you should add protein-rich foods. This component makes an important contribution to the process of repairing damaged skin. and building collagen.

If you do not provide your body with enough protein. the recuperating preparation will be impeded. The correct sum of protein will offer assistance to wounds mend at the ideal speed.

Protein-rich foods include lean meat, fish, soy, low-fat dairy products, etc.

scratching the skin,4. Zinc-rich foods:

Zinc is a component that helps the body synthesize proteins. utilize fats, and develop collagen. and promote the growth and healing of damaged tissues.

Similar to vitamin A, zinc. also plays a role in protecting the skin from inflammation or infection. Foods rich in zinc include oysters. nuts, ruddy meat, entire grains, etc.

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One food that has outstanding antibacterial qualities is turmeric. anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial. Turmeric not only helps wounds heal faster but also reduces pain and limits the formation of scars.

You can take turmeric, drink turmeric powder and apply it to scratches for quick healing of young skin and healing of scars.


What to drink when scratching Milk is rich in calcium. and minerals essential for the body, so it can speed up the wound recuperating process.


 Sunflower seeds, almonds. and walnuts are a few of the nuts accessible. They help heal wounds faster. Nuts provide plant proteins, vitamins, and minerals. and sound fats that bolster healing.

 It is additionally wealthy in zinc, manganese, magnesium, and vitamin E. which act as cancer prevention agents and protect against cell harm within the body.

What to eat with skin scratches Berry:

Berries contain numerous supplements, including vitamin C. which can invigorate collagen generation. helping scratches heal faster. Berries also contain antioxidants. and have anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and immunosuppressive properties.

You should eat strawberries. fruit such as cherries, blueberries, raspberries, and grapes... This fruit is useful for wounds and also beautifies the skin.

Cruciferous vegetables:

Cruciferous vegetables provide a variety of vitamins. and minerals needed to heal the body. Such as vitamins and fiber.

You should add it to your diet vegetables. like broccoli, cabbage, bok choy, arugula, and spinach ... This vegetable is also rich in zinc. which supports wound healing enzymes.

Healthy fats:

Not all fats are bad. Healthy fats are essential for the body. They provide energy. as well as vitamin-which, which help reduce the appearance of scars on the skin.

Healthy fats are found in coconut oil. olive oil and avocado ... This type of fat strengthen the immune system. thereby reducing the risk of bacterial invasion that causes inflammation.

Skin scratches should refrain from eating:

You already know what you eat with scratched skin and wonder what you don't eat with scratched skin Here are some foods you should not eat because they can take longer to heal, even causing itching or scarring.

1.  Spinach water:

Watery spinach is not good for people with severe scratches or wounds. This vegetable contains made, threonine, valine, and lysine ... Some components can cause keloids.

Broken skin should not eat If you do not want your skin to be scarred. it is best not to eat spinach in water during this time.

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2. Chicken:

Chicken is a slice of healthy poultry meat rich in protein. However, when infected, do not eat chicken. This type of meat can cause the wound to itch, especially when the skin is young.

What should not be eaten with a scaly wound You should refrain from eating chicken. so as not to feel itching that causes itching and skin infections. This makes the wound take longer to heal.

3. Seafood dishes:

Shrimp, crab, crab ... Rich in nutrients. However, they can stimulate the formation of cells in the wound, causing keloids.

In addition, for some people with allergies. seafood dishes also cause itching, making you want to itch and prolonging wound healing. and can also cause infection.

Skin scratches and car accidents. should not eat Remember to refrain from seafood dishes until complete recovery. 

4. Peanuts (peanuts):

Can you eat peanuts scratched According to nutritionists? peanuts are high in nutrients. but are not a reasonable choice when there is a wound.

The reason is, that peanuts contain high levels of a coagulation-stimulating substance. which increases the likelihood of inflammation and pain. which negatively affects the wound-healing process.

5. Chicken eggs :

Egg white contains glucose, and protein. and components that can increase the fibrous tissue of collagen, resulting in the extrusion of the degenerative skin. and thus the formation of keloids. 

Skin scratches should refrain from eating Eggs should be refrained. for a faster healing process. and at the same time do not leave ugly scars on the skin.

6. Glutinous food:

Dishes of sticky rice such as sticky rice, Panh Chung ... contain amylopectin-a very thermogenic component. that can cause aggravation and inflammation of wounds and scratches. Even when the skin is growing. if you eat a lot of sticky foods, there is a possibility that you will get keloids.

7. Beef meat:

What to eat with a facial wound Beef is rich in proteins. iron, and zinc ... But when you have skin wounds, you should not eat beef. Some components of this meat can leave deep scars... So, if you do not want the skin, especially a scarred face. you should temporarily refrain from eating beef until the wound is completely healed.

In addition to paying attention to what you eat and what to refrain from scratches. to speed up the healing and recovery process. you should have clean skincare and hygiene regime.  Do not be personal at all and think that small injuries are not dangerous.

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