5 common mistakes when eating watermelon | in hot weather

5 common mistakes when eating watermelon . Eating a lot of watermelons, very cold watermelon, at night, after peeling it for a long time
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5 common mistakes when eating watermelon in hot weather
Watermelon is a summer fruit with a fresh and delicious taste, chosen by many households to quench their thirst. However, eating watermelon the wrong way can make this fruit lose nutrients and .also affect the user's health. Find out right away 5 mistakes when eating watermelon to you in this article!

watermelon .Girl Eating Sliced Watermelon Fruit Bedside Table
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1. Eating a lot of watermelons:

You did not hear an error. Many people think that eating more watermelon helps the body calm down. Although watermelon contains 95% water if you eat too much. it will make the body prone to digestive disorders, inflammation of the intestines. as well as cause indigestion, and discomfort. this fruit contains the antioxidant lycopene if this substance accumulates in excess. you will get bloating and indigestion.

Some other diseases such as urolithiasis, and chronic pancreatitis. or gastritis will also appear if you eat a lot of this fruit. In addition, you also have to go to the toilet more often. which leads to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys. So eat this fruit in the right dose, and do not eat too much.

2. Eating a very cold watermelon:

Many people often like to eat watermelon cold to cool and add flavor, but this is a mistake that you should immediately give up. Because this fruit contains a lot of water and is. also cooler than other fruits, using watermelon when it is cold will affect your stomach more. easily causing digestive disorders.

You will be at risk of bloating, indigestion, or even diarrhea if you constantly use cold this fruit for a long time, which leads to abdominal discomfort. On the other hand, when the watermelon is cooled, the upper surface is susceptible to bacterial contamination. it is no longer fresh, and nutrients are also lost a lot.

3. Eat watermelon at night:

The digestive process in the body slows down in the evening, so if you eat a lot of watermelons, it means that more water is added to the body. which causes the kidneys to work more and is also not beneficial for the digestive system, which can cause bloating and indigestion. And difficulty sleeping.

In addition, eating a lot of this fruit in the evening makes you have to go to the bathroom several times and can interfere with sleep. People with poor digestion, they should not eat watermelon in the evening.

4. Eat watermelon after peeling it for a long time:

When using watermelons, you should eat the whole fruit, and when the melon is exposed to the outside air. there is a risk of bacterial infection. as well as a decrease in latent nutrients. When you leave this fruit outside for a long time, it makes you susceptible to intestinal bacteria infection and this fruit will no longer taste delicious. So when you finish peeling this fruit. use it immediately, avoiding leaving it outside for too long. as it loses both nutrients, loses flavor, and damages digestion.

5. Eat watermelon without seeds:

There are a lot of people who often drop watermelon seeds when eating, and this is a mistake that we immediately abandon. These fruit seeds contain a lot of nutrients and are. also considered the panacea that watermelon brings us, in which some of the food components are glutamic substances that promote brain development and lysine. Helps to replenish collagen and increase calcium absorption. and tryptophan helps to relax before bedtime.

a summary:

Eating a lot of this fruit causes diarrhea because watermelon is cold food. if eaten in large quantities it can harm the spleen and stomach. Especially in the summer, this fruit contains a lot of water that dilutes gastric juice causes indigestion and reduces the resistance of the gastrointestinal tract. and is also easy for secondary bacterial infection, so it is easy to cause diarrhea.

If the symptoms of diarrhea are relatively mild. you should stop in time to avoid dry stools and even constipation.

If diarrhea is severe, it is accompanied by abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. and other uncomfortable symptoms. It may be caused by digestive disorders caused by cold and cold stimulation. You can take rehydration salts orally to avoid dehydration. Take care to keep the abdomen warm, and use hot compresses to relieve the symptoms of diarrhea.

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