6 nutritious foods for the elderly that you should supplement daily

6 nutritious foods for the elderly that you should supplement daily. Corn. Garlic. Honey. Tofu. Lotus. Broccoli is a staple food
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  6 nutritious foods for the elderly that you should supplement daily
We are increasingly susceptible to illness as we become older. Therefore, feeding the elderly makes each family member a permanent headache. But don't worry. With the 6 foods for seniors below, you have more options for your Daily Meal menu!

nutritious foods
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1. nutritious foods for the elderly Corn (corn)

Corn, also known as corn, is a very nutritious food for humans. Due to its high nutritional value, corn is considered an indispensable food today. Corn contains a large number of substances such as protein, vitamin B, vitamin E, and Vitamin A. as well as many potassium and magnesium

Fresh corn contains a lot of vitamin E, A vitamin that promotes cell division. slows down the aging process of cells, and reduces cholesterol in the blood. prevents skin diseases. helps the elderly stay young for a long time,. and reduces anemia. The functions of the brain.

 corn contains the highest amount of vitamin E

when you eat a lot of corn, your body will be stimulated to divide old or old cells in the body. From there, the body produces more healthy new cells. In addition, since corn is low in fat. it is easy for older people to eat it without worrying about obesity. This will help reduce cardiovascular diseases in the elderly. Some studies show that older people who eat a lot of corn also help prevent vision loss and slow down the aging process.

2. nutritious foods for the elderly Garlic is considered one of the magic foods

Although garlic is a pungent spice and often makes the elderly not like to use it. However, the dietary source of garlic can be considered a .panacea. for users, when it helps reduce colds and fever. In addition, garlic also helps fight inflammation, fight cancer, helps reduce blood sugar, and increases resistance to users. Especially for the elderly. when using garlic will help regulate the amount of fat in the blood, to reduce the risk of obesity (a common disease in the elderly).

3. nutritious foods for the elderly Honey-a food to drink every day

Although honey in the list of ingredients contains a large amount of glucose and fructose, for the elderly, this amount of sugar is quite beneficial for health if used appropriately. Many elderly people with hypertension are often advised to consume honey for better health.

Every day you can add a glass of honey mixed with warm water to the diet menu for the elderly. Honey contains a lot of inorganic salts, so it helps the body to metabolize better. In honey, there is a small amount of yeast that will also help support the ability to absorb food and the metabolism of the elderly.


 in addition to its ability to help with pain relief, is anti-inflammatory, and removes toxins from the body. It also helps people with coronary artery disease to reduce the risk of danger and also avoid constipation or indigestion in the elderly. Besides, honey has a sweet taste, is not too harsh, and is easy to use with the elderly, including picky eaters.

4. nutritious foods for the elderly Tofu - a very nutritious vegetable food

The more people grow up, the more they like to be vegetarians. Then tofu is the nutritious plant food that the elderly need. However, even if you don't like being a vegetarian, many people still recommend eating tofu for the elderly.

For older people, the amount of passion and protein is very important. Tofu also contains a large amount of protein, which is enough to provide adequate nutrition to the elderly. In addition, eating a lot of tofu also helps older people reduce cholesterol, reduce high blood pressure, and increase resistance. However, although eating a lot is good, feeding the elderly several times a week will inadvertently lead to protein residues and a lack of fiber.

5. Older people should use Lotus

Lotus seeds are often used to cook porridge for the elderly because of their delicious aroma. and they're very nutritious. Lotus seeds are also a food that contains a lot of potassium, contains a lot of magnesium, and is also rich in vitamins A, B1, and E. Therefore, more and more people use lotus seeds to prepare food for the elderly.

Thanks to the abundant nutrients from the above ingredients, the elderly will have increased resistance, reduce anxiety, improve sleep, sedate. as well as enhance the body's ability to eliminate toxins and cool down. When eating lotus seeds, the amount of fat will. also, be significantly reduced, but it also contributes to the Prevention of osteoporosis, making bones stronger and more elastic.

6. Broccoli is a staple food

Broccoli contains many nutrients for the elderly. Some of the substances that can be mentioned are vitamin B6, silicon, potassium, calcium, etc., where the amount of calcium and B-carotene is a substances that can help prevent cancer in the elderly. Due to its ability to protect healthy cells, and contribute to the improvement of resistance. many elderly people suffering from severe cardiovascular .or gastrointestinal diseases should strongly recommend broccoli.

a summary:

Many foods act as dietary supplements for the elderly. Some raw foods that can be easily incorporated into your diet include dark leafy vegetables, dark leafy vegetables. and fruits. Most raw foods are high in fiber. so they are also good for you. They are packed with nutrition and energy saving.

Some other foods that are great for seniors are cooked foods. Cooking food helps break down cells, making it easier for your body to absorb nutrients. Some foods that are good for cooking are cereals, pasta, potatoes, beans, lentils, and vegetables. Cooking also reduces the amount of fat and sodium in food, making it healthier.

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This site talks about topics related to physical mental health, physiological fitness, Aga articles, mental health , mental health, healthy hair, healthy skin, seniors , surprising benefits, weight loss, healthy plants, physical health, physical act…

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