The nutritionist advises the ideal lunchtime for everyone

lunchtime Try to eat at the same time every day and ensure you eat the right amount of food. This will help you stay active for the rest of the day.
Estimated read time: 8 min

The nutritionist advises the ideal lunchtime for everyone
 the best lunchtime. if the missing breakfast is too full. or what if you have to skip breakfast in time to go to school. or work It turns out that lunch needs to be taken care of just. as much as breakfast and The best lunchtime for everyone, tips from a nutritionist, let's find out!

lunchtime Different  foods on a yellow background and a clock with the word. lunchtime

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When it comes to the importance of the day's meals for Health, breakfast. and dinner is often sought after, but what about lunchtime Busy life makes many people find it difficult 

Adults eat lunch at a set time every day, and sometimes they skip lunchtime.

According to nutritionists, many factors determine the best time for lunch for each person. Let's take a look at the advice of two American experts, Cynthia Sass and Sydney green to better understand and discover the most suitable time frame for yourself.

lunchtime, If you have had a hearty breakfast, what should you have for time for lunch?

According to expert green, in this case, we should rely more on personal emotions: if you are not hungry, you don't have to force yourself to eat anything.

A high-quality breakfast will help us feel full and give us enough energy to work for 4-5 hours, so if you have breakfast at 8 am, you should prepare lunchtime in the middle of the day. or at 1:00 PM, adds sass.

Green agrees, saying that if you had breakfast around 8 pm. it is better to have your next meal between noon and 2 pm, depending on when your body is hungry.

lunchtime, What if you only have a light breakfast or skip breakfast altogether

Sass explains that in this case, it depends on the level of physical activity of each person. Logically, if you skip breakfast or eat too little. your body will feel hungry sooner and need more energy to fuel activities - even when you are at work or school.

According to expert Greene, it is essential to get used to having lunch at a specific time, avoiding irregular eating patterns such as near noon, tomorrow afternoon, etc. In general, you can do it by eating breakfast at the same time every day. and consuming the appropriate amount of food.

If there is a reason that prevents you from having a full breakfast. or having to fast completely, you should add a small but nutritious snack. which is good against hunger and does not affect lunch too much.

Green also advises

 trying to maintain a moderate routine to avoid eating too many snacks throughout the day. Having lunchtime at a specific time is most convenient for you and adding a snack in the morning to get enough energy. Unless you are on an intermittent fasting regimen for weight loss. it is a good idea to have breakfast about one to two hours after waking up.

What if you don't have lunchtime or breakfast

According to expert Greene, if you can't sit down and have a hearty breakfast, you should add snacks rich in fiber, and proteins. and good fats - substances that help increase the feeling of fullness.

Some good options are walnuts with Bananas. apple and one to two tablespoons of peanut butter. and a boiled egg with 1/3 avocado. or a piece of cheese with some small carrots. Healthy snack alternatives come in a wide variety.

Saas says a typical snack with about 100 calories will keep you full. and comfortably running for up to an hour. Of course. this figure also depends on how much food you eat for breakfast and how active you are during the day.

How long is the interval between breakfast and  lunchtime to improve digestion

Expert Green says that there are different opinions about the ideal time between these two meals. but you should take about 3-5 hours to take a break between meals, this will give the body enough time to digest. As already mentioned, a breakfast in sufficient quantity. and quality can keep us full for 4-5 hours.

However, Sass also emphasizes that it is important to listen to your body instead of sticking to a fixed point. I advise my clients to pay attention to the signs of hunger and fullness. as well as energy levels, and mood. and other signals related to the time and quantity of food intake.

She also believes

 that it is better to eat when you are a little hungry. not really hungry. but you are hungry enough to feel it yourself for example. 

if you still don't feel hungry 6 hours after breakfast, it could be a sign that you're not doing enough to burn calories in the morning.

Sass experts often advise customers

 to try to get used to eating in moderation in terms of timing, balance, ingredients, and serving sizes. In addition to helping to improve digestion, this also helps improve energy levels, regulate blood sugar and insulin levels, and help with weight management.

And if you exercise in the afternoon, what lunchtime  and how much should you eat

In this case, experts offer two different ways to arrange dinner if you want to exercise in the afternoon.

Expert Green said:

 that after a workout, you need to immediately eat something to restore muscles. and before a workout, you can quickly eat to recharge. If possible, I recommend a post-workout lunchtime and that meal should contain enough protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats, she says.

She also recommends eating two pieces of dried fruit such as apples, and dates. or mangoes to provide fast carbohydrates for the energy needed for exercise.

Meanwhile, the expert SAS offers a different method. If you have had a healthy lunch rich in vegetables, lean proteins, healthy fats, and carbohydrates, wait for at least two to three hours for the food to digest before exercising, she says. Greene agrees If you choose to eat your lunch before exercising.

You can also split your lunchtime 

and eat healthy carbohydrates - such as baked sweet potatoes or bananas - about an hour before your workout, and the rest, says Sass.

Note that this depends on the timing of the exercise session. A split meal plan works better for an early afternoon workout (1 or 2 PM) than a late afternoon workout, so you won't have to delay dinner too late.

What if you want to skip lunchtime altogether and focus on dinner more

This is also not rare, because a busy work schedule makes many people not have enough lunchtime. so they choose to have a snack to hold until dinner. The question is: Is this healthy or not

Research has shown that people who eat most of the day's food in the evening tend to consume more calories, says Green. For this reason, I do not recommend skipping lunch. If you hate salads, eat a whole-grain sandwich with vegetables and protein. and leave the sauce or eat a warm bowl of cereal with at least a couple of handfuls of vegetables.

According to her, this way of eating will help us feel full all day and avoid the bad habit of eating unhealthy snacks instead of the main meal, and overeating at dinner.


Lunch is just as important as breakfast and lunchtime, so don't get too busy and don't forget about it. Listen to your body, eat right every day and choose healthy foods. and you will see that your health is improving and your life will be happier!

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