Any egg dish retains the best nutrition: boiled eggs, fried eggs, omelets, etc.
What do you cook with eggs? It is a question that many people ask when preparing meals for themselves and their families. But besides the delicious varied flavors. Did you know that the number of nutrients may vary depending on how they are cooked? that the body actually absorbs from eggs Let's find out
Studies show that choosing the right way to cook helps improve the nutritional value of eggs. Here we will explore each method separately, and look at its advantages and disadvantages. and finally, evaluate it relatively on a scale from 1 to 5.
But regardless of the classification, always remember that eating eggs is always good for health. and even in the case of dietary variations, these recipes are very easy.
What is the evaluation criterion?
To register these processing methods, we will rely on the nutritional value of eggs. As follows:
The amount of protein
One of the least expensive and most beneficial proteins in terms of nutrition are eggs.. which means that the protein contained in eggs is more efficiently absorbed. and used by the body of the human
There are many micronutrients contained in the yolk. Eggs are a major source of B vitamins that fight belly fat along with choline. In addition, this is also one of the top 20 sources of selenium to help regulate metabolism. and improve mood and immunity; vitamin B2 (riboflavin) helps the body with energy metabolism and vitamin B12.
The number of essential nutrients in eggs can be considerably decreased depending on how they are cooked.. so methods that retain more nutrients will yield higher results.
Excess calories
This is a matter of losing weight. Some cooking methods use fats. such as oil or butter. 100 calories are added to a meal with only one spoonful of butter. But if you don't care about weight. then you don't need to pay attention to fat when cooking, just choose the right kind of good fat.
Butter or extra virgin olive oil is perfect. A 2016 study published in the journal PLOS ONE found no link between avocado and heart disease. extra virgin olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fats and heart-healthy antioxidants, and oxidation prevents disease.
Eggs cooked in vegetable oil, on the other hand, contain more omega-6 fatty acids. a class of lipids that enlarge the waist and promote inflammation.
Now we will learn various egg processing methods to find out the nutritional value of finished eggs.
1. egg dish Eating raw eggs
Some people like to eat eggs raw, either plain or added to milkshakes to increase their protein intake while exercising.
Raw eggs contain higher levels of vitamin A compared to cooked eggs. based on a study that was published in the International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition. the levels of vitamin A1 (also known as retinol, which is essential for eyesight, skin, and Human Development) are 20% lower in cooked egg yolks than in raw form.
However, there is no need to worry about this decrease, because, according to the nutrition update from the USDA. vitamin A deficiency is currently very rare in the general population.
An increased risk of salmonella infection (eggs must be heated to about 70 degrees Celsius to kill these bacteria) .and the body absorbs only half of the protein from raw eggs (compared to 91% in cooked eggs), according to a study published in the Journal of nutrition ).
In addition, raw eggs contain a useful protein that binds to biotin - a B vitamin that helps maintain hair shine. Avidin prevents the body from absorbing biotin. but when cooked, avidin spoils and makes it ineffective.
Raw eggs have more bad sides than good sides, so cooking them is better.
2. egg dish Baked eggs
This is a whole egg or a beaten egg that is placed in a cup or cake pan. and baked in the oven at 175 degrees Celsius until fully cooked.
You will eat whole eggs, this method is very simple because there is no need to cook on the stove.
Be sure to use excess fat to prevent the eggs from sticking to the mold. In addition, prolonged cooking time can lead to the hardening of the eggs. and reduced nutrition. Research that appeared in the journal Food Chemistry claims that, after beating eggs and baking them at 175 degrees Celsius for 40 minutes, only 39 to 45 percent of vitamin D was retained.
Meanwhile, fried or boiled eggs can retain 82 to 88% of vitamin D, A substance that boosts the immune system and improves mood.
Vitamin D is often deficient in our diets (most people absorb vitamin D through sun exposure). The way eggs are baked reduces vitamin D. as a result of which a lot of points are lost.
3. egg dish Eat only egg whites
This way of eating is popular because American public health agencies have said that egg yolk can raise blood cholesterol levels. So, the chance of a heart attack and a stroke is increased. However, now experts have found out that this is not the case.
The 2015-2020 U.S. Dietary Guidelines eliminated the 300 mg dietary cholesterol limit. emphasizing that current evidence does not indicate a link between blood cholesterol levels and blood cholesterol levels. Even eating eggs in moderation can actually help lower cholesterol.
One egg white provides about 3 grams of protein (that is, half the amount of protein in a whole egg of 6 grams). and contains only 15 calories, while the yolk contains 3 grams of protein and 60 calories.
Egg yolk contains a lot of good micronutrients and fatty acids, including selenium, and riboflavin. vitamin D, phosphorus, vitamin B12, folic acid, iron, vitamin A, vitamin B6, and choline help prevent the accumulation of belly fat. In addition, if you want to remove the yolk, you have to break the egg. you often have to use more fat to process the Whites.
Since egg whites are high in protein and low in calories, they are still appreciated, but these calories can be compensated for by adding fat to cooking. If you are on a diet and need to monitor your calorie intake, you can use egg whites, but eat a little egg yolk to get more of the nutrients found in other foods such as choline, selenium, and vitamin D.
4. egg dish Soft omelet
This type of fried egg is made by beating a whole egg in a frying pan with a thin layer of oil. Before the underside of the eggs begins to Brown, you should turn the whole egg over until the yolk is intact and let the other side cook. cooking the Whites while the yolk remains liquid.
Stirring an egg makes the Whites less raw. which means that the protein contained in them is better absorbed by the body while keeping the yolk full of micronutrients that are easier to absorb.
Turning the egg upside down when frying will cover the dish with an additional layer of grease.
5. egg dish Solid omelet
To make this dish, one breaks an egg in a pan and makes the yolk break. Then the eggs are also turned over and left to cook completely on the other side. So both the yolk and the White are cooked perfectly.
The whole egg, yolk, and whites can be eaten.
When the yolk is cooked, antioxidants and heat-sensitive nutrients can be significantly reduced. According to the Journal of Agri-Food Chemistry, when the yolk is fried, up to 18 percent of the amount of xanthophyll, a carotene that can eliminate harmful free radicals. can be lost. In addition, the eggs are also covered with a layer of grease when turned over.
6. egg dish Scrambled eggs (scrambled eggs)
Method: break the eggs into a bowl and beat until the whites and yolks are mixed. then you can add water or cream. Beaten eggs are placed in a pan covered with butter or oil. usually over medium or high heat. Use a spoon to constantly stir the eggs in the pan so that the eggs cook evenly.
If you add a little water to the eggs, it will produce steam during cooking, which will make the eggs lighter and softer. This allows both yolks and whites to be eaten. and the quick cooking time also reduces the risk of losing temperature-sensitive nutrients.
This method often leads to overcooking of the egg, when the proteins are tightly connected to each other. When proteins are pressed close to each other and heated excessively, they push liquids out. pulling out some water-soluble vitamins, such as vitamin B12, one of the important substances in eggs.
The only source of the necessary vitamin B12 is meals that come from animals. One egg provides about 10% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin B12, and vegetarians are often prone to a deficiency of this vitamin, which can lead to inflammation and other health problems. Scrambled eggs are often cooked with a lot of butter, which increases the fat content.
7. egg dish Hard-boiled eggs
Here's how to boil eggs in boiling water for 8 to 10 minutes. This long cooking time allows both eggs and yolks to freeze completely.
This method is completely fat-free and preserves whole eggs.
Sometimes part of the whiteness sticks to the shell when peeling, which causes some protein to be lost. although not significantly. More importantly, a study in the Journal of Agri-Food Chemistry found that the boiling method reduced the antioxidants in egg yolks by up to 22.5%.
It is particularly affected by lutein, a vital compound that helps maintain eye health. The reason for this loss may be due to the long cooking time.
8. egg dish Omelet
Even though everyone makes this meal differently, it is a pretty well-known one. Americans, British and French have different techniques for this dish, be it country or restaurant style. stuffed or eaten, etc.
In both cases, first, beat the egg until it melts. Some people add water or cream, then pour the beaten eggs into a frying pan with oil or fat, some keep the heat low, and others keep the heat high.
Some methods involve throwing eggs around the pan to produce a partially cooked portion first. while the liquid is cooked by raising the edge of the omelet to allow the liquid to flow down the bottom. Once cooked, the omelet can be rolled or doubled.
consume the entire egg and continue to add veggies.
If you don't turn the egg over until the top is cooked, it may take longer to fry it. In doing so, the heat-sensitive micronutrients contained in the yolk are very easily lost.
9. egg dish One-sided omelet
This is a very light method of preparation because the product has a beautiful shiny golden yolk. but very few home cooks use this method because the top of the egg is not exposed to heat. so the Whites can be loose and unripe if they are not properly.
If done correctly, this dish will preserve all the nutrients in slightly raw egg yolk and use very little fat.
Since the eggs are not turned over, they may not be cooked enough to remove all harmful bacteria.
10. egg dish Boiled eggs
This method does not use any added fat at all, simply put the beaten egg in boiling water. and let it steep for four to five minutes. This makes the egg whites completely cooked and the yolks still liquid.
Studies show that the protein in cooked egg whites is easier to digest because its properties have been altered. Raw or slightly liquid egg yolks contain 50% more nutrients than well-cooked ones.
To properly make this dish, you should use fresh eggs of the best quality with thick and firm whites. otherwise, when placing eggs in boiling water. they will create many white fibers that dissolve in water, losing the amount of protein compared to other methods.
11. Hard-boiled (hard-boiled eggs)
The eggs in their shell are placed in boiling water for 5 to 6 minutes. which is enough time to cook the Whites completely while the yolks are still liquid.
Since it is also boiled, no additional fat is used and the whole egg is preserved. Since the yolk is still liquid, it retains many nutrients that are sensitive to high temperatures.
The whiteness can stick to the Shell and is difficult to peel off. Scoring: 5/5
This is a popular way to cook eggs because they contain few calories. eggs are rich in protein, and they are fully cooked while retaining micronutrients in the yolk. Especially the taste of boiled eggs is much tastier than boiled eggs or other methods.
So you already know the different ways of cooking eggs and the nutritional value of each method. What is your favorite way to eat eggs Leave a comment below in the comments section!