Overview of breast cancer: causes, symptoms and treatment

Breast cancer causes: age, medical history, living habits. Symptoms. Changes in the skin of the chest,pain often occurs in the upper back.
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Overview of breast cancer: causes, symptoms, and treatment
Breast cancer is the most common disease and has the highest mortality rate among women. Therefore, at the moment, we need to provide ourselves with the necessary knowledge for prevention, early detection, and timely treatment. Learn about the causes, symptoms, and treatment of breast cancer.

Breast cancer. woman in aerial view holding breast cancer awareness Ribbon, pink

What is breast cancer?

First, we have to understand basically what breast cancer is and how seriously it affects the body. This disease is a malignant tumor that occurs when cells become abnormal and divide uncontrollably. Most breast cancers begin in the milk ducts, partially developing from milk sacs or lobules.

Breast cancer is an endocrine-related disease, and rarely before the age of 25, the likelihood of developing the disease increases with age. Whether before, during, or after treatment, this disease also causes a lot of effects on the health and psyche of the patient.

Common causes of breast cancer

The causes of This disease are often unknown. it depends on the location and condition of each person. However, there are some important problems related to his disease that everyone should be aware of.

Gender: the disease is more common in women. According to statistics, the incidence of breast cancer in women is a hundred times higher than in men.


The frequency of This disease is proportional to age, the older you get. the more likely breast cancer will be. Most women get This disease between the ages of 50 and 60.

Medical history: 

There is a family history of breast cancer or a personal history of diseases such. as ovarian cancer, cysts or fibroadenomas, uterine cancer, etc. People who have an early period before the age of 12 and menopause after the age of 55. People who give birth late are not fertile. or are not breastfeeding are also more likely to develop This disease.

 Living habits: 

People have to be constantly exposed to harmful chemicals and radiation.

People who are obese, and lazy exercise. eat vitamin deficiency, smoke, and drink alcohol.

Symptoms of breast cancer

The signs of This disease are often nonspecific. If a person is indifferent to his health. it is difficult to recognize the disease at an early stage. You need to pay special attention to the following common symptoms for timely examination and treatment:

Chest pain, dull pain, failure to follow clear rules. If the pain in the chest area is accompanied by a constant burning sensationز or worsens, you should immediately see a doctor.

modifications to the chest's skin.

 The skin may appear many wrinkled or concave like a boil, often with blisters in the surrounding skin. itching for a long time without stopping. 

Swelling or swelling of the lymph nodes in the armpit. Use your hand to pull up from the breast along the armpit cavity, if you feel the presence of lymph nodes in the armpitز you may haveThis disease and you need to go to the doctor immediately. Back. shoulder, or neck pain.

 Most often the pain occurs in the upper back

 or between the shoulder blades, and it is very easy to confuse it with diseases related to the spine. Nipple changes. It may be flat, flat. or with discharge from the nipple. sometimes with blood. The skin of the nipple is scaly or rough and inflamed.

As mentioned earlier, the disease is initially unclear, with many signs. such as common diseases are not dangerous, but do not be a topic with your health. if your body is abnormal, please go to the doctor immediately.

How is Breast Cancer Treated

Depending on the individual and the disease's stage. The best course of therapy will be suggested by the doctor. You can refer to some commonly used methods below

Breast cancer surgery

For small tumors, the doctor will recommend surgery to remove the tumor. If cancer has spread, the doctor will perform mammography (a technique to completely remove the mammary gland including the skin, nipple, and milk glands).

The doctor will make a skin-saving emulsion to help rebuild the mammary gland more smoothly. At the same time, a lymph node biopsy can be removed to see if cancer has spread to the lymph nodes. In some cases. a woman may choose a proper mastectomy (called a "prophylactic mastectomy") for the risk of This disease due to genetic factors. or carrying a mutated gene predisposing her to cancer.

radiation treatment for breast cancer

This therapy is based on the principle of using high-energy beams (X-rays and protons), to destroy cancer cells by external irradiation after embolization (if necessary).

Chemotherapy for breast cancer

Chemotherapy employs drugs to kill cancer cells. People who apply this method are people whose cancer cells are at high risk of recurrence. or become widespread across the body. Sometimes, chemotherapy is indicated first to shrink a large tumor, followed by surgical removal. This method is usually indicated when cancer cells have spread, the goal is to control the accompanying symptoms well.

a summary

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer and the second biggest cancer killer among women worldwide. It is characterized by abnormal cells that grow and spread in the breast. The causes of breast cancer are complex. Breast cancer itself is not caused by a single factor. but by a variety of causes, such as heredity, and lifestyle. and environment. The causes of breast cancer may vary depending on age and at what stage of breast cancer a person is diagnosed. Symptoms of This disease may include:

There are several causes of breast cancer, including genetic mutations and environmental exposure. once this disease has developed, it can be treated in a variety of ways. including surgery, radiation, and hormone therapy. A person's course of therapy is determined by several variables. including the stage of the disease and the age of the woman.'

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