Lymphatic drainage massage : the essence of the process and its signs

Lymphatic drainage massage is used for therapeutic and cosmetic purposes. It is recommended for the treatment and Prevention of various diseases
Estimated read time: 11 min

Lymphatic drainage massage: the essence of the process and its signs
Lymphatic drainage massage is a variety of techniques for influencing the body to normalize the movement of lymph. It has a therapeutic and cosmetic effect, without injuring the skin. With regular massage courses, you can achieve excellent results, look younger than your years, restore immunity, and improve metabolic processes in the body.

Lymphatic drainage: massage the neck of a person wearing a black and white striped shirt

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Features of the lymphatic system

The main task of the lymph nodes is to transport proteins and nutrients from the tissues of the body to the large veins. It circulates through the lymphatic vessels, and they, in turn, are attached to the lymph nodes. Nodes act as filters, catching pathogens.

If the lymph flow is disturbed, lymphedema forms. The reasons for this condition can be:

  • Infections
  • Oncology
  • Genetic predisposition
  • Injuries, etc.

Treatment includes a whole range of activities, including manual lymphatic drainage.

What is lymphatic drainage massage: its benefits

You may feel that your lymphatic system is malfunctioning due to the following signs:

  • You have insomnia
  • You get tired quickly.
  • Your legs, arms, and face are very swollen.
  • There were acne and pigment spots.

Massage helps to eliminate all these symptoms, improve well-being and normalize the work of internal organs. Lymphatic drainage is aimed at removing excess fluid and toxins from the body. It helps to accelerate the outflow of lymph. The body quickly removes the products of cellular decay and receives nutrients in return.

Lymphatic drainage massage is used for therapeutic and cosmetic purposes. It is recommended for the treatment and Prevention of various diseases during the recovery period after injuries and surgical intervention.

What effect can be achieved with a lymphatic drainage massage

A lymphatic drainage massage performed by a specialist will not only improve the figure but also have a general relaxing effect. Relieves stress and helps you fall asleep faster. Also, after the massage, the severity of stretch marks and scars decreases.

With regular massage (7-10 procedures at least 3 times a week) you can achieve the following results :

  • Improve the appearance of the skin, increase swelling, and restore elasticity.
  • Reduce body fat.
  • Elimination of cellulite.
  • Acceleration of tissue regeneration after surgery.
  • Reduce body volume by eliminating puffiness.
  • Improve the contours of the body.

Lymphatic drainage massage is recommended to be performed after severe physical exertion

 During active sports, we often feel pain in the muscles. You need to properly approach the recovery after the gym. Massage promotes relaxation, rapid recovery of muscle tissue, and elimination of pain and spasm. Training will become more effective, and extra pounds will go away faster.

To achieve a good result, along with a massage course, you must follow the rules of a healthy diet. Get rid of sweet, spicy, and salty alcohol. Additionally, you must avoid greasy meals.

Indications and contraindications for the procedure

A sedentary lifestyle often leads to the stagnation of lymph and the formation of edema. A course of lymphatic drainage massage is recommended in the following cases:

  • Expressed cellulite
  • Swelling.
  • Reduced skin elasticity, and sagging.
  • Excess weight
  • Reduced immunity
  • Poor blood circulation
  • Varicose veins in the early stages.

A visit to the doctor is recommended before the course. The procedure has a number of contraindications. For example, it is not recommended to conduct a procedure for infectious and inflammatory diseases, dermatitis, eczema, or thrombosis. Also, massage is not performed during pregnancy and immediately after operations.

Absolute contraindications for lymphatic drainage massage 

are cardiopulmonary insufficiency, gangrene, thrombosis, aortic aneurysm, osteomyelitis, mental illness, and AIDS.

Any inflammatory processes in the body (acute respiratory infections, tonsillitis, pancreatitis) are temporary contraindications. After complete recovery, you can come for a massage.

You can not massage the part of the body where there is a malignant tumor (after its removal), there is psoriasis, warts, and depression. If a woman is diagnosed with mastopathy, then chest massage is contraindicated for her.

Types of lymphatic drainage massage

Lymphatic drainage massage differs in goals, as well as in the intensity of the effect. Distinguish between manual and hardware massage. Devices, in turn, are divided into several types:


The body is affected by a small current. This helps speed up the movement of lymph, remove toxins, and activate metabolism.


In this case, electric current is used, along with vitamins or medications, for a faster effect on the skin. Useful substances penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and improve its appearance. Electrophoresis is often used for age-related changes in the dermis, as well as for the treatment of acne and post-acne.

Vacuum lymphatic drainage

 It is carried out using well-known vacuum jars, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. However, it is difficult to carry out such a procedure on your own. If this is done by a specialist, the patient lies on a flat surface and completely relaxes. The massage therapist applies special oil or cream and pushes the jar exactly along the lymph flow lines. This massage requires professionalism and certain skills, otherwise, you can damage the blood vessels and not achieve a positive effect.

Lymphatic drainage with microcurrents

 The skin is treated with secretions of a small pulsed current. The procedure does not cause discomfort. Usually, the patient does not feel the effect of the current at all. Such lymphatic drainage helps to effectively fight age-related skin changes.


 The patient wears a special suit with a microcontroller. He can pump air into certain areas by pressing on specific points on the body. As a result, the speed of movement of lymph increases, and toxins are removed without harming the skin. This operation is carried out after intense sports to accelerate muscle healing, as well as to fight excess weight.

It is better to entrust lymphatic drainage massage to specialists. For example, if the suction technique is performed incorrectly, it will only lead to increased orange peel and bruising.

Massage technique

Usually, lymphatic drainage massage is performed only on those parts of the body where there is swelling or cellulite, so the procedure can also be considered an anti-cellulite massage. It is an active effect exclusively in the direction of lymph movement. In this case, strong pressure on the skin is not allowed so as not to damage the deep layers of the epidermis and blood vessels. Bruises should not remain after the massage.

3-4 hours before the start of the procedure, it is undesirable to eat. But during the whole course, you need to drink more clean water (without gas and flavors). This will accelerate the removal of excess fluid, will contribute to weight loss, and improve metabolic processes in the body.

To quickly notice the effect of lymphatic drainage massage

 you need to properly prepare for it. Before the procedure, do some aerobic exercise, warm up, and then take a shower. It is necessary to thoroughly clean the skin with a washcloth, shower gel, and scrub. There should be no makeup on the skin, so after a shower, you do not need to use moisturizers and creams.

The procedure is carried out using massage oil or a special cream. It is worth telling a specialist if you are allergic to any oils or herbal ingredients. Sometimes the massage is done on a towel so as not to damage the skin.

There are several techniques for performing manual lymphatic drainage massage:

  • Surface technique. The masseur gently acts on the skin, gently stroking the dermis, and warming it. He presses on the skin, but not strongly, only with his fingertips to improve the movement of lymph and relieve vasospasm.
  • Deep technique. In this case, the specialist affects not only the skin but also muscle tissue. He carefully works out all the problem areas, moving in the direction of lymph flow. This massage increases blood circulation in certain areas of the body and relieves stress, which contributes to faster fat burning.
  • Point technique. The specialist locally affects the lymph nodes. This technique has a general strengthening effect on the body.

Movement should always be directed along the line of lymph flow:

 from the neck to the chest, from the fingers to the shoulders, from the knees to the groin, and from the abdomen to the pelvis. All movements are smooth and accurate, without strong pressure, or jerks. The lymph moves slowly, so the hands of the massage therapist move slowly. With each new repetition of the movement, you can increase the force of pressing. But the patient should not feel pain. Any discomfort should be reported to a specialist.

After the massage, you need to lie down for 10 minutes, and only then get ready and get dressed. Within two hours after the procedure, you need to limit fluid intake, after which you can drink as much as you want.

How is the lymphatic drainage massage of the face and neck performed?

This type of massage will help improve the condition of the skin, remove puffiness, increase elasticity and restore a healthy complexion. You can contact a specialist or do a self-massage at home using oil or nourishing cream.

There are many lymph nodes located on the neck and face that respond to the flow of lymph throughout the body. The correct technique will help get rid of swelling and reduce the use of tonal products. The session lasts 10-15 minutes.

When performing a lymphatic drainage facial massage, the following recommendations should be observed :

  • The skin around the eyes should not be massaged strongly. It is permissible to make circular movements from the temples to the nose along the lower eyelid, and from the edge of the eye to the temple along the upper eyelid, working out only the area located along the orbital bone. It should not approach the ciliary edge of the hand. The skin of the eyelids is very thin and can be easily damaged or stretched.


  • The face should be massaged from the neck and chin towards the forehead. To remove puffiness from the cheeks, you can run your hands towards the temples, then on the sides of the face, closer to the ears, and leading to the neck.
  • Only the forehead is massaged from the middle to the periphery towards the temples.
  • The neck is massaged with light movements of the fingertips in the direction from the chest to the chin. So you have to do this several times. Apply a cream or oil to your skin first.
  • To remove the nasolabial folds, and make them less noticeable, run your fingers horizontally through each fold several times.

Each movement should be repeated 10-15 times

 If the cream is absorbed quickly, then you need to apply a small amount of the product to the skin. Try not to use large amounts of cream and oil at once. Fingers will slip a lot without enough pressure. You can also use special rollers made of natural stone. They simplify massage procedures and have a healing effect on the skin.

Do not use fatty oil that is not intended for facial skin massage, as well as too thick cream. This will lead to clogged pores and the appearance of blackheads and blackheads. The cream should be selected depending on your skin type.

The effect of the procedure can be seen after one session

 The skin may be slightly reddened, but the redness quickly fades. The face becomes less puffy, and the skin is smooth and well-groomed. Indications for such a massage are dull skin, low swelling, bruises under the eyes, swelling, and wrinkles. First, you need to visit a doctor and clarify the cause of the swelling. If it is associated with serious diseases of the heart or blood vessels, then lymphatic drainage massage cannot be performed. If you have a fever and swollen lymph nodes, you should postpone the procedure and consult a therapist.

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