Manual abdominal liposuction, to get rid of fat deposits in problem areas

Manual abdominal liposuction to maximize blood flow to the abdomen, stretching the subcutaneous fat layer, destroying fat cells and fibrous layers.
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 Manual abdominal liposuction: to get rid of fat deposits in problem areas
It is known that getting rid of visceral fat is much more difficult than anything else. Girls can torture themselves with diets, physical activity, and lose weight, but a small tummy remains. Manual liposuction is an effective non-surgical method of getting rid of fat deposits in problem areas. The specialist massages the abdomen breaks up subcutaneous fat, and corrects body contours.

abdominal liposuction: Masseur's Hands Massage
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How abdominal liposuction works

The procedure is an intense, deep-impact massage. The specialist massages the problem area for 1-3 hours. The essence of manual liposuction is to maximize blood flow to the abdomen, stretch the subcutaneous fat layer, and destroy fat cells and fibrous layers.

As you know, first of all, those parts of the body where blood circulation is better to lose weight. After a 4-week massage, fat cells are removed from the abdomen along with toxins. Customers notice how the stomach gradually becomes flatter and narrower throughout the month. This procedure is no less effective than surgical liposuction.

Clients who choose manual abdominal liposuction can expect the following results:

  • The abdomen is tightened from the outside, leaving fat, which cannot be eliminated in other ways. 
  • The turgor of the skin increases, and it becomes more even and elastic. 
  • Cellulite goes away, excess fluid goes away, and swelling subsides.

Also, many clients after the massage noted a general improvement in well-being. Power appeared, and efficiency increased.

The result depends on the individual characteristics of the body, as well as nutrition and physical activity. Subject to all norms and rules, a noticeable decrease in waist volume can be achieved.

Benefits of manual abdominal liposuction

Many argue that it is impossible to lose weight locally, you need to lose the total mass to remove the stomach. This applies to exercise and physical activity, but a procedure such as manual liposuction can cope with localized fat deposits. Massage breaks them, helps to tighten the skin in these areas, and improves blood circulation, so that the stomach looks more toned and neat.

Not everyone makes a decision about surgical liposuction because the procedure is associated with high risks. 

Manual liposuction has several advantages compared to surgery:

Minimal side effects. If cavities are formed after the operation, this is excluded in this case.

Quick result

 You don't have to spend six months dieting and doing exhausting physical exercises. You can see the result of manual liposuction after the first operation. Many clients note that the volume of the abdomen decreased by 1-2 volumes after the session.

Long-lasting effect

While maintaining the same volumes, the result will remain forever. However, if you gain weight, it will be distributed evenly, and not just deposited in the stomach.

Minimal risks

There are no injections, surgical interventions, punctures, or incisions, so there are no scars on the skin, and the body does not experience heavy loads. There is no need to be concerned about allergies.

General renovation

 With an active effect on Problem Areas, collagen production is improved. The skin is not only tightened but also looks noticeably younger.

A short recovery period. After the massage session, you can continue to work and follow your usual schedule. The patient does not feel severe pain, he does not need to wear compression underwear and drink antibiotics.

With the help of manual abdominal liposuction:

even fibrous fat can be dealt with. This is the most problematic type of adipose tissue, which simply cannot be eliminated in other ways.

However, it should be noted that this is not the only way to lose weight, but to correct the body. If the patient is obese, then before the massage he should bring his weight to a normal level, as well as follow a diet and exercise. Massage alone does not cure severe obesity.

There are also some features of the procedure that must be considered. Such an intense massage cannot be pleasant. It is associated with pain. It is necessary to regularly conduct massage sessions to get a stable result.

Indications and contraindications

Indications are fatty deposits in the abdomen. If you do not like your tummy, you can consider massage as a correction option.

It is not recommended to perform manual abdominal liposuction in the presence of the following contraindications:

  • Oncological diseases.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Disorders of the thyroid gland.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Menstruation.
  • Mental illness,
  • Pregnancy and lactation.

Thrombosis and thrombophlebitis pose certain dangers

 If the vessels are too fragile, then noticeable hematomas will remain after the massage.

This operation is not performed until the age of 20 and after 40 years. After the massage session, redness of the skin, and swelling are possible. This is normal. It will pass in a week. There may also be nausea and a feeling of bitterness in the mouth. To improve your condition, drink more clean water after the session. It is advisable to refrain from active physical exercises for the first week after the session. The more the body rests, the faster it recovers.

How is  Manual abdominal liposuction done?

Manual liposuction is performed in stages. In the first 2-3 sessions, the specialist will work on only one specific area, for example, the right or left side.

There are various phases in the process:

  • The specialist will examine the patient, and his skin, and ask about the presence of contraindications. He will select certain massage techniques, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient's body.
  • The beginning of the massage is painless. The doctor simply warms the skin with vigorous movements but does not press too hard on the problem area. The patient feels how the heat gradually increases in a certain area.
  • Then the doctor begins to knead the deep subcutaneous layers. He makes an effort to stretch the problem area and uses crushing and rubbing movements, but in no case pinches.

The number of Sessions is determined individually. It depends on the amount of fat in the body and the metabolic rate.

Between the first and second sessions

 at least a month passes for one zone. The total number of Sessions is from 1 to 3. If you follow the rules of a healthy diet and do not forget about physical activity, then one to 3 sessions will be enough.

This is not the easiest procedure and requires certain skills. You need to choose only professionals who have proven their success.

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