Strengthening the heart in elderly people with folk remedies, vitamins

Strengthening the heart in elderly people with folk remedies. Vitamin mixture with milk. Kalina with sugar or honey. Lemon-garlic mixture. Vitamins
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Strengthening the heart in elderly people with folk remedies, vitamins
 strengthen the heart in elderly people. with the help of folk remedies. Folk remedies in cardiostimulation in elderly people are used to increase physical strength. vitality and fertility. This thesis reviews the traditional methods of folk remedies, when used to treat elderly people, and shows the use of vitamins and minerals for the treatment of chronic heart diseases can be a way to improve the heart health of elderly people.

folk remedies with  Couple of elderly people  with Red Heart
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1. Strengthening the heart in elderly people with folk remedies

Even mono-drinks made from Hawthorn alone or pure rose hips can strengthen the heart muscle. And if you brew tea from three components at once, you can simultaneously nourish and clean the vessels.

To get an invigorating drink, you will need dried fruits, taken in equal proportions. Ideally, the fruits are harvested independently. But a pharmacy or market option is also suitable. If sea buckthorn is purchased fresh or frozen, then juice must be squeezed out of it before fermentation.

For fermentation

you can prepare a mixture of fruits in equal quantities in advance and put them for storage in a linen bag or glass container. The ingredients can be stored separately, it takes about 1.5 tsp. All of them immediately before fermentation. When using the finished mixture, you need to prepare 2 tbsp. L. 250 ml of boiling water.

After the fruits are filled with water, they must be soaked for 20 minutes and filtered. You can sweeten the drink with a teaspoon of honey. The broth has to be consumed twice daily.

2. Vitamin mixture with milk

One of the most popular folk remedies for strengthening immunity and strengthening immunity is called by the initials of its ingredients: honey, raisins, lemon, nuts, and dried apricots. This combination is rich in potassium and vitamin C, which are necessary for the heart. Having prepared such a remedy, you can not wonder about how to strengthen the heart in old age for a long time.

To prepare the mixture, you need to take 200 grams of each of the listed ingredients. Bulk components can be weighed when buying. A large lemon weighs about 200 g.honey will take about 3/4 cup.

The type of nuts does not really matter. Walnuts will be perfect.

At the beginning of cooking

raisins and dried apricots are poured with warm water and set aside. After softening the dried fruits, they should be dried on a paper towel.

Cut the lemon in half and into slices. Be sure to remove all bones.

All solid ingredients must be passed through a meat grinder, add honey to the resulting puree. and mix thoroughly. The finished mixture is placed in a jar with a lid.

To prevent diseases and strengthen the heart, take 1-2 teaspoons of the remedy three times a day half an hour before meals. The mixture can be washed down with tea.

In addition, you can add prunes, and pumpkin seeds. and a spoonful of cocoa. It turns out a very hearty and tasty delicacy.

3. Kalina with sugar or honey

Viburnum berries contain a whole complex of various vitamins, which makes them popular for the treatment of colds and other diseases.

The most valuable component of Viburnum is the glycoside fibrin, which gives the berries a peculiar bitter taste. This is a necessary element to support the heart muscle.

The bitter taste, of course, is offset by the beneficial properties of Viburnum, but to reduce its manifestations, the berries can be poured with boiling water before use. Another way is to mix viburnum with honey, which will preserve all the useful qualities of the Berry, but at the same time reduce bitterness. In addition, this mixture is very convenient for storage.

To prepare a healthy mixture

 it is necessary to rinse and dry the berries and then pass them through a meat grinder. Honey or sugar is added to the resulting slurry in equal proportions.

It is advisable to take a tablespoon of this mixture several times a day.

4. Lemon-garlic mixture

This is one of the Bulgarian seer Vanga, who probably knew how to strengthen the heart in old age. The tool helps to effectively clean the vessels.

For cooking, you need 10 lemons and 10 heads of garlic. and 1 liter of honey. Garlic needs to be peeled. Cut the lemon into slices, the seeds must be removed from the pulp. Then everything is scrolled in a meat grinder. Honey is added to the resulting puree. The finished mixture should be infused for a week in a dark place, and then take two tablespoons in the morning.

Vitamins and minerals for strengthening the heart in  elderly people 

Vitamins enable older people to slow down the aging process of body cells, improve overall well-being and give vitality.

for the cardiac muscle to operate properly.

 elderly people should use the following vitamins:

  • vitamin C (or ascorbic acid) accelerates metabolism, strengthens the heart muscle and the walls of blood vessels, and perfectly resists the development of atherosclerosis ؛
  • vitamin A (or retinol) dissolves cholesterol plaques ؛
  • vitamin E (tocopherol) performs an antioxidant function, prevents aging, and strengthens the heart and blood vessels, making them elastic ؛
  • vitamin P (or rutin) has a strengthening effect on blood vessels, reducing permeability and bleeding ؛
  • vitamin F (A complex of unsaturated fatty acids, including linoleic and linolenic) - is responsible for strengthening muscle tissue (including the heart), avoiding the formation of plaques in the vessels ؛
  • Q10 (coenzyme) - is also synthesized in the human liver, which saves energy, and reduces the risk of heart attack or arrhythmia ؛
  • B1 (thiamine) provides a rhythmic heartbeat ؛
  • B6 (Pyridoxine) - reduces the amount of fat and cholesterol in the blood.

In modern pharmacies

 you can also find multivitamin complexes designed specifically for the elderly. Their regular use allows not only to reduce the risk of heart disease but also to strengthen the entire body, including the immune system.

The following trace elements also help improve the condition of the cardiovascular system:

  • Magnesium helps to absorb sodium and potassium into the blood, normalizes blood pressure, and heals the heart muscle. and dissolves blood clots.
  • Calcium is an essential element for myocardial contractility.
  • P is the building block of cells, which, taking root in their membranes, transmit impulses through the myocardium that affect heart contractions.
  • SE helps in the fight against free radicals that destroy blood vessels and heart tissue ،
  • Participates in the absorption of vitamins and other microelements in the body.
  • Cr-prevents the appearance of hypertension and heart disease.

Of course, the body and the heart need useful substances and vitamins. But it is important to consider that over the years, a person's need for these elements decreases. In addition, recent studies have shown that in the body of the elderly, many minerals are not absorbed, and accumulate on the walls of blood vessels, and joints. and cartilage.


 elderly people always need help. The heart in elderly people is the most vulnerable. With folk remedies and traditional remedies, the heart can be strengthened and the whole body supported.

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