7 great black garlic benefits you've probably never heard of
black garlic benefits. is that it contains the highest concentration of antioxidants of any food on the planet. It contains an unusually high amount of anthocyanins. which are antioxidants, which provide protection against heart disease. stroke and cancer while also helping to keep blood sugar levels balanced and the immune system strong. Follow the article to learn 7 great black garlic benefits. you've probably never heard of
Black garlic is made from fermented white garlic. When the Maillard reaction is applied, white garlic is heated at different temperatures for 60 days to turn from white to black. When consuming black garlic, users will no longer feel the pungent taste. it will taste sweet like syrup, so it is easy to use.
1. black garlic benefits Prevent the attack of harmful bacteria
Black garlic contains a lot of active ingredients, Sally cysteine. and this active ingredient has a great effect when it helps the body fight cancer. In addition, the allicin compound also helps to fight the attack of harmful bacteria in the body that cause very serious infections and inflammations of the skin. When these two substances combine. the body will also be strengthened and heal quickly.
2. black garlic benefits Reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease
Black garlic is highly recommended by many scientists because of its many health benefits. One of the best health benefits of black garlic is that it helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. The antioxidants contained in black garlic contain a large amount. so when using black garlic regularly, it supports heart function and promotes blood circulation. And also contributes to the Prevention of diabetes.
3. Black garlic benefits Strengthening the immune system
Using black garlic daily helps people strengthen the immune system and nourish the body to avoid diseases, flu, cough, and fever … Especially for pregnant women. In addition, black garlic also helps with insomnia and strengthens the body's resistance to staying healthy. And prevents the attack of harmful bacteria. Moreover, black garlic also supports stimulating the digestive system to develop and reduce the risk of hypertension in humans.
4. help prevent cancer cells
Many studies have shown that black garlic contains ingredients in black garlic that help inhibit cancer cells very effectively. Such as breast cancer, liver cancer, stomach cancer, colon cancer, etc. The germ that causes cancer or heart disease.
5. Lowers blood cholesterol
Few people know that black garlic is recommended by many experts to patients with high blood lipid levels or patients with hyperglycemia. Regular use of black garlic will help patients reduce high blood lipids. Regulate blood sugar and help maintain this concentration at a safe level.
6. Skin improvement
Black garlic becomes an anti-aging force. This age-defying secret of beauty transforms ancient wisdom into a precious beauty elixir that fights the signs of aging, reduces fine lines and wrinkles, and even enhances the radiance of your youthful skin. . Black garlic contains powerful sulfur compounds that help moisturize dry armpits and elbows. skin elasticity is increased, and cellulite appearance is diminished. Restore moisture. . The anti-aging benefits of black garlic are numerous: it reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, improves skin elasticity, moisturizes, and reduces the appearance of dark circles.
7. Helps support brain health
Black garlic contains many beneficial compounds such as polyphenols, flavonoids, and aliens, which all help support brain health and may. Can aid in raising cognitive performance. Recent studies have shown that the polyphenols contained in black garlic may reduce the risk of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.
Is black garlic better than regular garlic
Some studies have shown that black garlic has a higher content of certain antioxidants and has fewer side effects than regular garlic. But other studies have been inconclusive. so it is unclear whether black garlic is better than regular garlic. . More studies are needed to determine whether black garlic is better than conventional garlic
How to use black garlic
There are several ways to use black garlic that you can apply to your family members. You can refer to several methods below:
Eating directly: the simplest way to eat black garlic is that you can peel it and eat it directly. You will very clearly feel the sweetness that garlic brings. Used to soak wine: in addition to eating directly, you can use black garlic to soak wine. Let's soak 1-3 bulbs of black garlic and some sticky rice wine. Daily use of about 50 ml will be very beneficial for health. Mix black garlic in daily meals: you can use black garlic as a dish in daily meals, in addition to increasing the dish's taste. you can also use black beans to stir or cook dishes.
Is it good to eat black garlic every day?
Since black garlic is only available in selected markets and online, it is difficult to know exactly how much you are taking. Most people eat one or two small cloves, which should yield no more than a few grams of garlic. Theoretically, you can eat a whole head of garlic and not feel any side effects. but in practice, garlic does not stay in your system for a long time. The recommendation is to eat a small amount of black garlic every day, instead of eating large amounts once a week and then cutting it out.
When should you eat black garlic?
It is recommended that we consume black garlic first thing in the morning. and at least twice a day to get the best results. For example, you can take it first thing in the morning. followed by another dose before bedtime, if you wish.
Who should not use black garlic
Although, black garlic is a “panacea” that you should add to your daily meal. But the following items should never be used:
Who should not eat black garlic
Pregnant women and women after childbirth should limit the use of black garlic people are allergic to garlic people with low blood pressure people with eye problems, dizziness, and tinnitus,. People with kidney problems: the use of black garlic may have a reaction to therapeutic drugs in liver patients' people with stomach ulcers
Pregnant women and women after childbirth should limit the use of black garlic people are allergic to garlic people with low blood pressure people with eye problems, dizziness, and tinnitus,. People with kidney problems: the use of black garlic may have a reaction to therapeutic drugs in liver patients people with stomach ulcers