Summary of 12 effective ways to treat freckles at home with natural ingredients

ways to treat freckles. rice water and aloe vera. green papaya. coconut oil. fresh milk. honey. turmeric, honey, and yogurt. tomatoes. coffee powder
Estimated read time: 10 min

 Summary of 12 effective ways to treat freckles at home with natural ingredients
Today, most beauty salons loudly advertise how to get rid of freckles without recurrence. You often choose a salon when freckles are very old and difficult to treat it is better when you have freckles, you should find a quick way to treat them with natural ingredients. Join us to find out how to cure freckles at home with natural ingredients!

treat freckles. A girl's face has freckles in a white crew neck shirt
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What causes freckles to appear

Upon reaching the age of 25, reaching the threshold of aging leads to a deterioration in the function of the skin. which creates conditions for the growth of freckles. 

Sun damage: ultraviolet rays, UVB in the sun increase the production of melanin, darken the skin and damage the skin. affecting the macrophages that form wrinkles, a sign of premature aging. particularly the skin on the cheekbones, chin, and forehead.

The use of cosmetics

 is also a way to treat freckles. but it is also a way to get rid of freckles due to excessive use of cosmetics. 

Since most cosmetics for treating freckles whiten the skin if you overdo it with their use. it will make the skin thin, thin, and vulnerable. 

Stress and stress often negatively affect a woman's psyche. and cause hormonal disorders, from which skin problems arise. 

Dirt from the air, toxic wind, and water contaminated with heavy metals will clog the pores of the skin., the structure of collagen fibers crumbles and weakens. and freckles not only appear but also cause skin diseases.

 How to treat freckles at home with natural ingredients is quite simple

1. Treat freckles with rice water and aloe vera

Rice water has long been used as holy water to whiten and brighten the skin because it contains a lot of vitamin B5. When combined with aloe vera gel, it will help cool and moisturize the skin, prevent skin aging, and effectively treat freckles.


  • Aloe is washed and peeled. After washing the rice, let it rest for 15 minutes to get clear water. 
  • Mix with aloe and purine. 
  • Wash your face, apply the above mixture, relax for 15 minutes, then rinse with cool water.
  •  Do it 2-3 times a week.
  •  Hardly following the instructions for a couple of weeks. there will be obvious signs of skin lightening and after the first month of use. there will be results.

2. Treat freckles with green papaya

Papaya is a nutritious fruit because it contains a lot of vitamins of groups B1, B2, A, and C, and other minerals, so papaya is also an effective beauty ingredient, especially in the treatment of freckles.

Do the following:

  • Fresh green papaya fruit, washed and cut into thin slices at the top of the roll to get more plastic. 
  • Use a cotton swab to take the plastic part and apply it to the freckles, leave for 10 minutes and then wash your face. 
  • It is carried out 2-3 times a week, especially for sensitive skin, and it should not be used because papaya contains powerful whitening enzymes. 
  • Persevering to do this only in the first month will return radiant and refreshed skin.

 Note: papaya resin for freckle treatment is very effective but also very toxic when taking the resin, be careful not to get it in contact with the eyes.

3. Treats freckles with coconut oil

Coconut oil has always been famous for the beauty of women in almost every aspect of hair, nails, and skin, as people do not mind spending a lot of money to buy high-quality coconut oil. No wonder coconut oil contains a lot of vitamin E (belongs to two groups of Tocopherol and Tocotrienol), K, and minerals such as iron and calcium ... It has a high anti-inflammatory ability, significantly moisturizes and cleanses the skin, so it also very effective in treating freckles.


  • Use a cotton pad to absorb the oil and then apply directly to the freckled skin or the entire face. Massage for 15 minutes, then rinses with damp water.
  •  It can be done every day because coconut oil is inherently benign, so regular use not only cures freckles but also makes the skin smoother and younger.
  •  Regular use as a serum for the skin every night after two months will return a snow-white complexion.

4. Treat freckles with fresh milk

Speaking of ways to make the skin white and rosy, fresh milk is indispensable because it contains a lot of nutrients and lactic acid, which cleanses the skin cells, increases its elasticity, and makes the skin firm, smooth and visible after each use, so regularly using fresh milk is an undisputed way to treat freckles and beautify the skin.


  • Use fresh milk without sugar on the face 3 times in a row. 
  • Massage the milk into the skin, then leave for 15-20 minutes so that the milk dries. Rinse with cool water. 
  • Persevere in doing this 3-4 times a week to get smooth and young white skin in just a month. 
  • Suitable for all skin types.

5. Treat freckles with honey

Honey has long been used to nourish the body, and today the beauty of women has "overtaken" creams. Due to its high antibacterial and antioxidant properties, it can also exfoliate dead skin, so honey is very successful in lightening, whitening, and even treating freckles and age spots.


  • Prepare honey and lemon juice. 
  • Mix them together in equal proportions until the consistency of the dessert is. 
  • Apply the mixture to the face, carefully apply freckles, lie down and relax for 15 minutes. 
  • Clean with warm water. 
  • Do the procedure 2-3 times a week, regularly in just 8 weeks the results will appear. 
  • Unsuitable for skin that is sensitive.

6. Treatment of yellow freckles with turmeric, honey, and yogurt

Turmeric is considered a natural beauty product because it contains a lot of curcumin, an active ingredient that produces cells, resists aging, tones and smoothes the skin, reduces dark spots, brown spots, and freckles, and restores freshness like new skin.


  1. Prepare turmeric starch, honey, and yogurt without sugar.
  2.  Mix 1 tsp each.vegetable oil. Apply to the entire face, relax for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. 
  3. Do this consistently 2-3 times a week to have radiant skin. 
  4. The immediate effect is within a month, it can be faster if the skin is dry. 
  5. Although turmeric is unpleasant to the touch, it is sticky like glue, but on the contrary, it has a high bleaching ability, so when using it, it must be carefully covered.

7. Treats freckles with tomatoes

Preventing the formation of melanin in the treatment of freckles is an indispensable means, as vitamins A, C, and trace elements iron, zinc, and calcium ... Tomatoes are used to do this. So regularly using tomatoes or eating tomatoes is also a very effective way to treat freckles.


  • Choose to buy ripe tomatoes, cut off the remaining seeds, and then blend them on your face. 
  • Lie down, relax for 15 minutes, then wash off with water. 
  • This can be done every day at night before going to bed.
  •  Tomatoes are very gentle for all skin types. 
  • Eating should be combined regularly with meals, after the first two months, freckles will noticeably decrease.

8. Freckle treatment with white radish and coffee powder

White radish and coffee are a unique combination for treating freckles because both can whiten and exfoliate the skin.


  • Pure white radish, mix a tablespoon of white radish with a teaspoon of coffee powder, apply it to your face, and relax for 15 minutes.
  •  Rinse with water, and apply 2-3 times a week, suitable for all skin types sure to get beautiful white skin in 4 weeks of testing.

9. Treats freckles with carrot juice

It is known that carrots are a familiar food rich in nutrients for the body and also very useful for the skin in the treatment of freckles.


  • Prepare carrot juice every night before going to bed, wash your face, apply carrot juice and wait for it to dry. 
  • Use a napkin moistened with vegetable oil to gently massage freckles to wash your face with warm water in the morning.
  •  If you do it every day, your skin will become radiant in 8 weeks

10. Treatment of freckles with rice bran oil

Rice bran oil is also used to treat freckles because it contains a lot of vitamin E with optimal ability against wrinkles and skin aging.


  • You only need to buy rice bran oil in cosmetic stores. 
  • Wash your face, apply to the affected area, and massage gently. 
  • Reapply with a cotton swab and wash your face with warm water. 
  • Do this every night before bedtime. Safe for all skin types. 
  • Keep doing it to get good results after two months.

11. Freckles are treated with coriander leaves and salt

Spinach leaves contain high amounts of vitamins A and C, they help to increase skin firmness, and soften and remove freckles when mixed with salt.


  • Prepare the washed fresh coriander leaves. 
  • Grind the spinach leaves with a blender, and filter the water. 
  • Mix 1 teaspoon of salt with water in a balanced proportion. 
  • Wash your face, then apply to freckles and leave for 15 minutes.
  •  Do the procedure 2-3 times a week, after 6 weeks to improve skin health.
  •  Not suitable for thin and sensitive skin.

12. Treats freckles with garlic, lemon, and honey

Garlic has high antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, so when combined with lemon and honey, it becomes a unique formula for treating freckles that removes freckles and rejuvenates the skin.


  • Mash the garlic after removing the husk.
  •  Mix chopped garlic with lemon and honey. 
  • Wash your face, apply the mixture to freckles, leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Use 3 times a week for normal, dry, and oily skin only in the first month the results will appear.

A note when treating freckles at home:

  1. Due to the use of natural ingredients, it is not suitable for those who want urgent treatment. 
  2. In addition, it is necessary to combine a reasonable diet such as eating lots of green vegetables, drinking water, and resting properly to purify the body. 
  3. Cover with caution when going outside because at this stage the skin will easily catch the sun's Rays. 
  4. Wear a mask only at night to reduce exposure to sunlight.

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