The Normal menstrual cycle stages and changes that occur in the uterus during it

The Normal menstrual cycle stages are premenstrual, menstrual, post-menstrual, and menopausal. Menstruation usually lasts about seven days
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The Normal menstrual cycle stages and changes that occur in the uterus during it

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The phases of the normal menstrual cycle. and the changes that occur in the uterus during them are important parts of understanding. and managing fertility. Continue this article to learn more about the normal menstrual cycle
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There are three phases of the normal menstrual cycle: the ovulatory phase, the luteal phase, and the postovulatory phase. also, The ovulatory phase is the time when the pituitary gland produces progesterone. This hormone helps prepare the uterus for pregnancy by thickening the cervical mucus. and making the uterine muscles more elastic.

1. The Normal menstrual cycle, Is it possible to predict which ovulation will occur

Previously, it was wrongly assumed that the development of the egg alternated between the two ovaries. However, paradoxically, ovulation in women occurs spontaneously in the ovaries without a sequence. that is, in the same ovary, the maturation of the egg can be observed several cycles in a row. also, It is impossible to predict. which ovary the dominant follicle will develop in at the beginning of the cycle, however, from the fifth to the seventh day of the cycle. the process of maturation of the egg can be tracked using ultrasound.

2.  The Normal menstrual cycle, How long does the neurotrophic hormone LH peak and when does ovulation occur against the background of this peak

The influx of luteinizing hormone begins 24-36 hours before ovulation, and ovulation occurs approximately 10-12 hours after the peak of luteinizing hormone. This fact is taken into account when conducting ovulation tests that a woman can use at home.

3.  The Normal menstrual cycle, What is the luteal phase,

the luteal phase, commonly known as the progesterone phase. also, occurs immediately after ovulation with the formation of a blood clot at the site of the bursting follicle. and has a more consistent length (12-16 days). Granulocytes increase in size and fill the space of the follicle, forming the corpus luteum - the yellow body. The corpus luteum produces several hormones - estradiol. progesterone. human chorionic gonadotropin . also, within 7-10 days from the preparation of the uterus for the adoption of the fetal egg, as well as yellow pigment lutein. 

Within 7-8 days after ovulation, the level of progesterone increases, which contributes to more successful implantation of the fetal egg into the uterine wall. If pregnancy occurs. also, the corpus luteum continues to produce progesterone until the placenta fully takes over the production of this important hormone between the tenth and twelfth weeks of pregnancy.

4. What does bleeding in the yellow body mean and why is it dangerous

Bleeding in the yellow body in non-pregnant women can occur with almost every cycle. This is because on the eighth to the ninth day after ovulation. a rise in progesterone levels as a backdrop. also, there is a peak in the formation of new blood vessels (vascularization). which can lead to the filling of the central cavity of the corpus luteum with blood. This condition is called the hemorrhagic corpus luteum. Frequently, no therapy is necessary.

5.  The Normal menstrual cycle, What happens to the yellow body after ovulation

The function of the yellow body decreases on the 9-11th day after ovulation if conception has not occurred. also, To continue the production of progesterone, the corpus luteum needs another type of hormone - human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). which is produced by a certain part of the fetal egg during implantation into the uterine wall. If the amount of hCG is insufficient. the production of progesterone by the corpus luteum spontaneously decreases. The corpus luteum becomes a white body (corpus Albicans). which is replaced by scar tissue.

6. How the uterus alters during the menstrual period

The uterine cycle is a modification of the endometrium by changes in the ovaries. also, Menstruation lasts about 4-5 days. In this case. the necrotic tissue of the inner lining of the uterus is excreted along with the bloodstream. After menstruation, the thickness of the functional layer of the endometrium is only 2-4 mm. However, endometrial cells begin to multiply. which is called the process of reproduction. 

At the same time, new blood vessels and glands grow. After ovulation, the secretory phase of the uterine cycle begins. also, The thickness of the endometrium during this period can reach 10-12 mm (average 5-8 mm). In the second half of the cycle, the endometrium continues to grow. but not as fast as in the first phase of the cycle. This is a period of qualitative changes in the endometrium. the uterus is preparing to accept the fetal egg.

7.  The Normal menstrual cycle, What is molymena

Molimena is a sign of a normal ovulatory cycle, which includes some abdominal pain in the middle of the cycle. also, pain on one side of the abdomen. discomfort in the lower abdomen before menstruation, pain in the armpit before menstruation. and several other signs.

8. What is the frequency of changing sanitary pads or tampons during normal

menstruation It is believed that during normal periods. a woman changes sanitary pads or tampons every two to three hours.

9. How much blood does a woman lose during menstruation

On average, a woman loses 30-40 ml of blood (from 10 to 80 ml). It is very difficult to accurately measure blood loss when menstruating. subjective sensations do not correspond to reality. For example, about 15% of women with oligomenorrhea (less than 20 ml) consider their periods heavy, and, conversely, about 35% of women who have lost blood more than 80 ml consider their periods light. normal or scanty. also, In many countries, a scoring questionnaire is used to determine the number of allocations.

10.  The Normal menstrual cycle, What is the duration of menstruation usually

If menstruation lasts more than 7-10 days. a woman should consult a doctor.

11. Can blood clots be observed during menstruation

A woman may see blood clots in her discharge. which are actually fragments of the flaky inner lining of the uterus (endometrium). also,  Blood clots may be present in the secretions. This is typical and shouldn't raise any alarm. The older the woman, the more clots in the discharge.

12. Is menstruation accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen

During menstruation, a woman may feel discomfort. or pain in the lower abdomen, but if the pain intensifies or is difficult to tolerate. then she should consult a doctor.

13. The Normal menstrual cycle, What is fertilization Fertilization,

or in other words. fertilization is the process of introducing sperm into a mature egg.

14. Why is a large number of sperm necessary for fertilization if only one of them fertilizes the cell

Men who have few spermatozoa (and the number of spermatozoa is in millions. not Units) may be infertile. also, It turns out that in the process of moving along the cervical canal and the uterine cavity. millions of spermatozoa die. Only a few hundred male germ cells reach the lumen of the fallopian tubes. where spermatozoa can live up to 5 days without losing their activity.

15.  The Normal menstrual cycle, How long does an egg live

Within 24-36 hours following ovulation, an egg that has reached maturity can be fertilized.. also, Some scientists argue that the first 12 hours of the egg's life are the most optimal for fertilization. If fertilization does not occur. the egg dies and is absorbed.

16. Where are the eggs fertilized

The fallopian tube has an enlarged small part called the ampoule. This is where conception occurs. It is believed that sperm must remain for a certain time in the fallopian tubes .so that the fallopian tube fluid has time to activate before fertilization.

17. Is it possible to live sexually during menstruation

According to the beliefs of different religions and cultures, menstruation is considered a dirty period in a woman's life. also, Therefore, women are always forbidden to have sex during menstruation. For a woman's body, sex during this period is very safe. but you need to be careful and remember about sexually transmitted diseases.

18.  The Normal menstrual cycle, Can a woman get pregnant during her period

It is unlikely because the old endometrium exfoliates. and the new one is just starting to grow. so there are no conditions for accepting a fertilized egg. The maturation of the dominant follicle in most women begins with the onset of bleeding.

19. What is menstruation

Menarche is the first period in a teenage girl. also, The average age of onset of menstruation is considered to be between 12 and 14 years.

20. What is the frequency of menstruation that is considered normal in adolescents

The frequency of the menstrual cycle changes every year after menstruation. the year following the start of menstruation. also, the average cycle length ranges from 23 to 90 days. Gradually, the duration of the course is shortened to 50 days (fourth year). 7 years after the onset of menstruation (usually upon reaching the age of 20). the duration of the cycle is even and varies between 27 and 38 days. Doctors should understand that the process of menstrual cycle formation takes several years. so artificial regulation of the menstrual cycle in girls with hormonal drugs is highly undesirable.

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