9 observations of the health of a pregnant woman in the first trimester

9 observations on the health of a pregnant woman.. Say no to steroids. Cope with morning sickness and fatigue. Pay attention to your sleep. Exercise
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9 observations of the health of a pregnant woman in the first trimester
The health of a pregnant woman in the first trimester is a difficult period for any mother. Please remember the following nine notes to protect the health of pregnant women in the first trimester!

health of a pregnant woman.  Women's Health
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Why is the first trimester of pregnancy the most important time

In the first stage of pregnancy, at this time, the fetus begins to form in the mother's body. Over time. the baby's organs are formed and mastered. The fetus is very weak at this time. so it needs to be protected more carefully.

Along with this, the mother herself has to adapt to many changes. especially psychological. You have to change your living habits, and nutrition ... At this stage, there are many unpleasant symptoms for the mother. Therefore, most expectant mothers for the first time face many difficulties in the early stages of pregnancy.

9 observations to ensure the health of a pregnant woman in the first trimester of pregnancy

1. observations of the health of a pregnant Periodic prenatal screening

The first thing after taking a pregnancy test and finding out that you are pregnant is to do a prenatal screening. You should find out and visit a private clinic. or a prestigious hospital for examination. Do not forget to choose for yourself a specialist with experience. and good qualifications!

During pregnancy, all you need is to consult with your doctor. do not arbitrarily follow the advice of many others. and take medications or any products without the guidance of a doctor.

When you have a prenatal examination, you should carefully ask your doctor about the schedule of appointments, and the health of the fetus. and what you need to do in the future.

2. observations of the health of a pregnant Protect the safety of you and your child

The first trimester of pregnancy is the period when you need to pay more attention to travel. and your health. Besides going to prenatal care to monitor the condition of the fetus. pregnant women should be more careful in traveling and strengthen their resistance. so as not to get sick during this time.

As already mentioned, your fetus during this time is very small and incomplete. and it is very easy to miscarry it, so pregnant women should really be careful!

3. observations of the health of pregnancy no to steroids

If you decide to get pregnant, then you should refuse steroids.

Because science has proven that these substances can cause birth defects in the fetus. especially the baby's brain. Drinks such as alcohol, and coffee. tobacco, etc. are not allowed. In particular, caffeine is a substance that can lead to a threat of miscarriage. and very bad effects on the fetus.

Note that caffeine is found not only in coffee but also in many other drinks and foods. Before use. it is necessary to carefully study the components printed on the product.

4. Be prepared to face morning sickness and fatigue

Most mothers in the first trimester of pregnancy experience the first symptoms of morning sickness and body fatigue. Morning sickness or not depends on each person's body. the worst case is that the expectant mother cannot eat for the first few months. Even if you don't want to. the food you put in your mouth can't be swallowed.

However, try to supplement your nutrients in different ways. At this time, the fetus cannot absorb nutrients from the mother's body. There is hence no need to fret excessively. Eating well is only to help you be healthier.

Pregnant women can actively prepare some snacks for themselves during the day. drink milk, and divide meals to make them easier to eat.

Do not be surprised 

if you constantly suffer from headaches. tired muscles, sore nipples, and other areas of the body ... Fatigue is inevitable during pregnancy..so be sure to get enough rest whenever you feel that your body is not healthy!

5. Pay more attention to your sleep

Sleep is very important for an ordinary person, and most importantly for pregnant women. This time when the hormones in the body change with anxiety will make it difficult for mothers to sleep every night. Therefore, try to relax before bedtime. drink a glass of hot milk and keep yourself in a proper sleeping position.

The best sleeping position for mothers is lying on the left side, with an extra pillow behind your back, in front of your stomach to make you feel more comfortable when sleeping. If you have difficulty sleeping for several days during the first trimester. consult your doctor. Absolutely do not use sedatives to regulate your sleep without the guidance of your doctor.

6. observations of the health of a pregnant exercise, do special exercises for pregnant women

Exercise will be more difficult at the beginning of pregnancy, however. if you keep it, it is very beneficial for the body. The best way is to consult a specialist about which exercises are suitable for your state of Health.

You can do a few simple movements at home or go for a light walk to feel more comfortable. and healthy.

Exercise will help pregnant women feel more relaxed and stronger than in a state of laziness every time they wake up if they don't exercise. So make an exercise appointment even if you are pregnant!

7. observations of the health of a pregnant Build yourself a reasonable diet

Proper nutrition

Although in these first months, the fetus still has not received nutrition from the mother. but you still need to add the necessary nutrients to protect your health. Accordingly, you need to add more iron, protein, vitamins, and calcium to your body.

The best and most accurate way at this stage is to ask your doctor for advice. By professional qualifications, the doctor will help you build the most optimal menu not only in the first trimester but throughout the pregnancy.

Beef and cauliflower are foods with high iron content. Legumes provide a lot of protein for the body. Vitamin C is abundant in citrus fruits such as oranges, and tangerines. and grapefruits. Salmon contains a lot of calcium, and omega-3s greatly support your health and the health of your baby.


 don't forget to ask your doctor which foods you need to avoid in the early stages to avoid bad conditions! This is very important during the first trimester.

Don't eat too much

In fact, many of you think that when you are pregnant, the more you eat. the healthier you and your mom will become. This is a completely wrong idea.

Every day, a pregnant woman only needs to load 300 calories into the body. Just eat enough food and energy. Weight gain results from overeating. not only affects the mother's body but also increases the risk of obesity, edema, and hypertension.

According to the advice of doctors, in the first trimester, you only need to gain 1-2 kg. In the following months, gradually gain weight so that they are beneficial to the fetus.

8. Do not be objective with bleeding during pregnancy

Around the eighth - twelfth day after conception, in some pregnant women, there will be bleeding like PMS, but the amount of blood is very small and disappears quickly.

If this bleeding continues, be careful! The reasons may include the influence of marital relations, placental abruption, vaginal bleeding, or ectopic pregnancy.

Therefore, if the fetus is still weak in the first trimester. a pregnant woman should pay attention to this phenomenon and immediately see a doctor for a diagnosis.

9. Mentally prepare for other changes in the body

Pregnancy is an important event for any woman, you are not only tired during pregnancy but also have to face many other changes.

Pregnancy hormones will make your skin worse. acne more, skin looks red, stretch marks, weight gain quickly, you lose beautiful shape every day ...

A person cannot easily adapt to many changes in the first trimester. so psychology is one of the most important things. You need to prepare yourself to be mentally strong and accept the changes that occur in your body during pregnancy.

When your mind is relaxed, free from worries, and worries. everything will become easier. Stress also affects the fetus in the womb, so try to stay calm!

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