Learn about the list of nutrients and how to get them.

The list of nutrients is a complete guide to the nutrients (vitamins and minerals) that we need to stay healthy.
Estimated read time: 9 min

Learn about the list of nutrients and how to get them.
A list of nutrients is essential to a healthy diet. You need to be aware of which nutrients you need and how to get them. Many different types of food contain nutrients, so it is important to eat a variety of foods.  You may obtain the nutrients you require in a variety of ways.

list of nutrients. Various veggies are piled up at the street market.

But some elements can only be obtained from food. According to the World Health Organization, they are necessary to prevent diseases and maintain your health.

All nutrients are usually divided into two groups:

 macro and microelements.

The macronutrients include carbs, lipids, and proteins. They provide a person with energy, and all the cells of our body are built from them. These are relatively large molecules, which is why they are called macronutrients. Instances of micronutrients include vitamins and minerals. Its molecules are much smaller, but they also play such an important role in the body as macronutrients. So, what nutrients do humans need in the first place About each of them in order?

1. list of nutrients: Proteins

Protein is necessary not only for athletes to have a beautiful rest. It is necessary for any person for the normal function of the body. Proteins are especially important for children, as their muscles, bones, and organs are constantly growing. For full development, you need to satisfy the child's body's need for proteins every day.

Proteins are responsible for many functions: such as construction, synthesis, enzyme, etc. Every human cell has a protein.

Amazingly: 16% of the normal human body consists of protein structures. This macronutrient is mainly used for the growth and synthesis of biologically active compounds.

All hormones, immune cells, and other important substances are made of protein. The lack of protein in the diet is manifested by weakness, weakened immunity, susceptibility to diseases, water-salt imbalance, edema, brittle nails, etc.

Two different kinds of amino acids make up proteins

essential and non-essential. A healthy body can synthesize some amino acids on its own and these are called unnecessary acids. But some can only be obtained from products - essential amino acids. Both types of amino acids are necessary for the body to function well.

Sources of Protein

Animal sources of essential amino acids are traditionally meat products, chicken eggs, and sea and river fish. Do not forget about vegetable proteins - soy, nuts, and cereals. The amount of protein you need per day depends on various factors, including your activity, age, etc. The popularity of high-protein diets is growing day by day. But studies have not proven its safety and effectiveness, so do not limit your diet to proteins alone.

2. list of nutrients: Carbohydrates

These nutrients scare away many girls and women who dream of losing weight. But popular low-carb diets should not fool you. TV shows about healthy lifestyles and fashion blogs about losing weight, talk about the dangers of carbohydrates, but they are necessary for the body.

 Carbohydrates are the main source of energy - especially for the central nervous system and the brain. The right amount is 50 to 60% of the total daily calorie intake.

Carbohydrates perform energy, structural, receptor (they are part of the receptors), and other functions. It is best to eat slow carbohydrates, but fast sugars can also be beneficial in some cases, such as in people with hypoglycemia.

Sources of carbohydrates

For every day, choose products that contain whole grains in the composition, legumes, and fiber instead of processed foods with excess sugars and fast food. You can indulge in fast carbohydrates during the "carbohydrate window": this is the abbreviation for the period after physical exertion when sugars are easily absorbed by the body without harm to health.

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3. list of nutrients: Fats

Fats, like carbohydrates, also have a bad reputation, but scientists agree that healthy fats are an essential part of a healthy diet. This macronutrient performs functions such as energy, thermoregulation, and protection. 

Many are afraid of the caloric content of fats, but without them, the work of all body systems is disrupted, and the condition of the skin and hair worsens. 20 to 35% of your diet should be unsaturated fats of animal and vegetable origin.

Including healthy fats in your diet will help regulate blood glucose levels as well as improve brain function. Fats are also the Prevention of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and diseases of the brain and nervous system. 

They have an anti-inflammatory effect and reduce the risk of developing articular changes in the joints, cancer, and age-related dementia.

Sources of fats

Add seeds, olive, sunflower oil, and oily sea fish to your diet. Children will benefit from taking fish oil. Avoid processed foods and limit your diet to margarine, fast food, etc. Such fats will not bring benefits and will contribute to the deposition of cholesterol in blood vessels.

4. list of nutrients: Vitamins

Vitamins are the main element that causes the acceleration of chemical reactions. The body uses them to function properly. You may be familiar with vitamins such as vitamins A, C, vitamin B, and D.

Insufficient use of it causes many diseases, such as rickets and night blindness. 

For example, vitamin C is an immunomodulator and has a wound-healing effect. For healthy bones, vitamin D is essential. With its deficiency, rickets develops, and with its increase - spasticity, which manifests itself in convulsions. Vitamins reduce the risk of cancer. They also prolong life and resist aging.

Sources of vitamins

If you eat a varied diet, get all the nutrients from both plant and animal sources, and have a healthy digestive system, you will get all the vitamins you need. 

If you have chronic diseases of the stomach, intestines, and pancreas that disrupt the balance of vitamins in the body, you should consult with your doctor about the need to take synthetic analogs.

5. list of nutrients: Minerals

Minerals help organs and systems perform their functions, and accelerate chemical reactions. They are necessary to strengthen bones, and teeth, and regulate metabolism. 

The most famous of them are potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, and many others. Calcium strengthens bones and teeth, helps transmit nerve signals, maintains a normal level of blood pressure, and regulates the normal functioning of muscles. Iron compounds support the production of red blood cells. Zinc is an immunomodulator and has a wound-healing effect.

Sources of minerals

Minerals are found in many foods. You will not suffer from a lack of minerals if your diet is balanced and you do not suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

6. Water

The amount of fluid in the body determines the quality of your organs. Approximately 62% of the body is water. Water improves the functioning of the nervous system, facilitates the course of diseases, and regulates the formation of joint fluid. 

It also helps in the transport of minerals and vitamins to the cells, promotes skin hydration, and prevents constipation.

Remember that even slight dehydration can lead to weakness, and decreased concentration, attention, and performance.

Water sources

In addition to clean water from bottles and filters, we also get it from vegetables, fruits, soups, and drinks. The required amount of water is calculated as 30 ml per kilogram of body weight. In the heat, this figure can be increased by one and a half to two times.

Fiber sources

The best sources include whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. You can also get fiber by drinking juices, drinking skim, or low-fat milk.

To find out if you are dehydrated, pay attention to your daily urine. If you urinate infrequently and the urine has a yellowish tint, it is worth increasing fluid intake.

7. list of nutrients:Fibers 

Fibers are essential for good health. They help regulate blood sugar, keep you feeling fuller longer, and promote regularity. In addition to these benefits, fiber also helps to decrease the risk of heart disease and obesity. You can get fiber from a variety of foods, but be sure to include some plant-based sources in your diet.

a summary

A varied diet, lots of fresh plant foods, vegetables, enough proteins, healthy fats, and carbohydrates are the best diet for getting the right amount of all essential nutrients. These micro and Macroelements are necessary to maintain health.

If you suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or other chronic diseases, consult a specialist about adjusting the diet and the possible appointment of its artificial emulators. But remember that they have much worse digestibility compared to natural products, and taking them without a prescription is ineffective.

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This site talks about topics related to physical mental health, physiological fitness, Aga articles, mental health , mental health, healthy hair, healthy skin, seniors , surprising benefits, weight loss, healthy plants, physical health, physical act…

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