Exploring the Nutritional and Health Benefits of Yogurt

Benefits of yogurt. Improving the digestive system. Increased body resistance. Useful for bones, Skin.Controls blood pressure. Helps to lose weight.
Estimated read time: 8 min

Exploring the Nutritional and Health Benefits of Yogurt
The health benefits of yogurt are many and varied. Yogurt is an excellent source of protein, calcium, and other minerals and vitamins. It also contains probiotics, which help digest food and improve immune function. Most importantly, yogurt is a great source of calcium which is important for the development and maintenance of healthy bones and teeth. follow this article to know: The benefits of yogurt eating it regularly may enhance many aspects of your health.

benefits of yogurt. Fresh yogurt in a white dish
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1. benefits of yogurt Improving the digestive system

Lactic acid bacteria fermented in yogurt are good bacteria for the body, increase the good bacteria in the intestine and thus support very good digestion. They also create lactic acid, which reduces the pH level in the intestine and thereby supports the growth of friendly bacteria. , Diseases related to the gastrointestinal tract are limited such as diarrhea and stomach ulcers

. Moreover, they help fight allergies and reduce the risk of other health problems, including obesity. Yogurt contains vitamin D, calcium, vitamin B12, zinc, B-complex vitamins, and iron. It is also a good source of probiotics, which have been shown to play a role in digestive health and provide many other benefits.

2. Increased body resistance

Yogurt may have many health benefits, including increasing the body's resistance. improving intestinal health, and improving immunity. Additionally, a significant source of calcium and protein is yogurt. which have been shown to help build and strengthen muscles, boost your metabolism, and improve your immune system. Additionally, it contains a lot of probiotics. which helps support a healthy gut. and has been shown to improve immune function and help prevent colds and stomach flu.

3. benefits of yogurt Useful for bones

Yogurt is a good source of protein and calcium for bones and teeth. The calcium contained in yogurt may be up to 600 percent of the recommended daily value. stimulates the body to absorb calcium, thereby strengthening bones and teeth. Yogurt also provides B vitamins necessary for proper cell function and contains calcium that helps strengthen bones .and reduces the risk of osteoporosis. Many yogurts are also fortified with vitamin D, which is extremely important for healthy bones and teeth.

4. Controls blood pressure

Yogurt has been proven to have many health benefits, including improving blood pressure. Research has shown that regular consumption of yogurt can help reduce blood pressure in people with hypertension. It can also improve cholesterol, and lower triglycerides. 

 One large meta-analysis of observational studies and randomized controlled trials found that people who ate yogurt had a 20 percent lower risk of developing hypertension compared to people. who did not eat yogurt?

5. Helps to lose weight

Yogurt is a fantastic meal that can aid with weight loss. One serving of plain yogurt contains only 110 calories but is loaded with calcium and other nutrients. consuming a daily bowl of yogurt can. also help you meet your daily fiber intake, which helps maintain digestive health and promotes weight loss. They are. also a great source of probiotics. which can help improve digestive health and can even help with weight loss.

6. Treatment for yeast infection

A versatile food, yogurt may be prepared in a variety of ways. It's used in cooking and baking and has many health benefits. Yogurt, on the other hand, can also be utilized. as a preventive measure against yeast infections. Yogurt contains strains of bacteria that have been shown to inhibit yeast growth in the body. which is why it is often used as a treatment for yeast infections.

7. benefits of yogurt Skin improvement

Yogurt can act as a moisturizer, prevent dry and itchy skin, and improve overall skin elasticity. soothe minor skin irritations and relieve dry skin, moisturizing it. Vitamins BB 2, B5, and B12, treat and moisturize dry skin. are abundant in yogurt. Treats uniform skin color, acne, and pimples. Dark circles are reduced. It helps delay the onset of symptoms of premature aging. 

Stops sun damage, and slows down the formation of wrinkles. increases the suppleness and texture of the skin. Helps with fine lines and wrinkles. It Whitens the skin. prevents and lessens stretch marks. Protects against toxins contained in milk and dairy products.

 Better than most soaps for removing makeup and impurities. Helps in the treatment of psoriasis. Improves skin condition by acting as a scrub .or cleanser. Overall it is a good natural moisturizer and can even provide skin benefits. 

8. benefits of yogurt Prevent colds 

To keep warm, you can put yogurt in a container with medium hot water for one to two minutes. Do not microwave yogurt or soak it in very hot water because it can accidentally destroy digestive bacteria. and other nutrients.

By heating as mentioned above, you will absorb nutrients. such as calcium contained in yogurt more efficiently. In addition, hot yogurt also helps prevent colds and strong lactic acid bacteria will improve metabolism in the stomach and intestines.

9. Treatment of constipation with yogurt

Certainly, when it comes to digestion, yogurt will be the most recommended food because it contains a lot of beneficial bacteria that aid digestion. and are friendly to your stomach, reducing the symptoms of constipation.

If you want to effectively relieve constipation, eating right after dinner will help lactic acid bacteria move to the intestines faster and easily get rid of waste the next morning.

10. Lose weight with oat yogurt

Eating yogurt with fruits and nuts is also good for your health and skin. Yogurt and oatmeal are two foods that are recommended on the diet menu. Oat yogurt or fruit yogurt contains a lot of fiber and probiotics. both of which are easy to digest and feel full faster and longer. supporting the burning of excess body fat.

One thing to note is that you should eat unsweetened yogurt instead of sugar to avoid high blood sugar, which will lose the weight loss effect of yogurt.

11. Combine yogurt with ginger and cinnamon

Ginger is a very healthy ingredient. Especially in cold weather, it is used to help increase resistance and prevent colds, dry coughs, and abdominal pain ... Or get rid of toxins by soaking your feet with ginger water. A ginger yogurt dish with a strong flavor, and fiber. and beneficial bacteria help to warm the body and improve metabolism, which is very convenient in cold weather. Ginger yogurt should be consumed before bedtime for the best results.

What time of day should yogurt be consumed?

The recommended eating times are before and after dinner.

The amount of yogurt should be eaten at a time of 1-2 boxes (100-200 G), eat about 3 hours before going to bed instead of eating and then going to bed. Additionally, if you are on a diet to lose weight. or inadvertently eat late at night, you should eat yogurt before dinner. as this will reduce your appetite, prevent overeating and bring you a more effective healthy lifestyle for weight loss.

What are the side effects of yogurt?

Yogurt is delicious and can be a great source of protein and calcium, but it also comes with some side effects. Yogurt is made from milk, and sometimes dairy products, such as margarine. are added to yogurt. Some of the possible side effects of yogurt include gas and bloating. and stomach cramps. It is best to talk to your doctor if you experience these side effects,.which can be dangerous if they are caused by an allergy to dairy products.

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