What to eat to keep good the voice, Remember these foods right away
It may be due to the nature of the job that some people have to talk a lot. or the vocal cords have to work at high intensity. By asking what to eat to maintain a good voice? She will suggest a list of foods that are good for the voice so that sore throat. loss of voice. and hoarseness is no longer a concern.
Why you should focus on eating to keep the voice
If you eat improperly and improperly, your throat and vocal cords may be damaged, which seriously affects your voice. Some foods can aggravate gastroesophageal reflux disease. pushing stomach acid upward and adversely affecting the larynx, resulting in hoarseness, coughing, sore throat, and inflammation of the vocal cords.
Drink plenty of water
Drink plenty of water - a simple procedure that has great benefits
Water is not actually food. In addition to being an essential fluid in the body, water also helps keep the vocal cords hydrated. For singers. when singing, their vocal cords will vibrate by leaps and bounds. If the vocal cords are dry. they can cause pain and discomfort when singing.
The Charlotte eye, ear, nose, and throat Institute of America recommends drinking at least 1.8 liters of water a day to effectively keep the mucous membranes in the larynx and vocal cords moist because dehydration can damage tissue. and hurt forever. So every morning after waking up. you should drink a glass of warm water to moisturize the throat and vocal cords!
Honey has a wonderful effect on the voice
Honey has been used since ancient times to treat coughs and reduce phlegm. Studies have shown that honey has antioxidant and antibacterial properties that help restore your voice faster when you lose your voice. When you have symptoms of sore throat or hoarseness. you can mix a little honey in warm water and drink it. Or you can take a spoonful of pure manuka honey. and eat it directly, letting the honey slowly flow down your throat.
The ginger-an ingredient that helps to expel sore throat
Ginger, like honey, is a natural remedy that has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. Ginger can help suppress a dry cough caused by laryngitis, relieve a stuffy nose, and soothe the throat. When you have a sore throat, you can crush ginger. boil it with boiling water and drink it 3 times a day. or add ginger to French fries and soups. Another suggestion is to drink ginger tea to relieve the symptoms of cough and sore throat.
The mammoth tree helps to relieve cough and dilute sputum
Mui Moi is a perennial plant, including two species: Muoi Muoi (commonly found in Sichuan, China) and Trieu Muoi (commonly found in Zhejiang, China). According to Oriental Medicine, the sample has a bitter taste, it is cold. and it has a cough-reducing and expectorant effect. Take 6-8 grams of decoction with about 800 ml of water and then boil it to about 300 ml to drink daily to help effectively eliminate phlegm. Eastern medicine believes that motherwort is very benign. so it can be used for pregnancy.
Succulent fruit
Water-rich fruits are great choices for a clear voice because they help moisturize the vocal cords. Before singing, before making a presentation. or about to have a long conversation, you can choose peaches, pears, apples, and plums. or cucumbers as a snack. Some of the fruits with the highest water content include:
Cucumber: 96.7% water tomato: 94.5% water chili: 93.9% water-watermelon: 91.5% water strawberry: 91% water apple: 88% water
Fresh vegetables with plenty of water will help purify the voice
When your throat is not dry, your voice will naturally be softer. Care should be taken to eat vegetables with plenty of water to create moisture for the throat and larynx. Useful vegetables for maintaining the voice that you should choose when going to the market are:
Iceberg lettuce: 95.6% water celery: 95.4% water radish: 95.3% water cauliflower: 92.1% water spinach: 91.4% water
Food groups that provide protein and water at the same time
There are quite a few foods that provide protein to help you fill up, and water to make your voice clearer. When you have enough energy, your throat is soft. so why are you tired of long songs. or conversations Some protein and water-rich foods that you might consider adding to your meals are:
Tuna, egg, chickpea, made from chickpeasfruit
Foods and drinks are not good for sound protection
Avoid drinking water that is overly hot or cold.
If you want to keep your voice, then you absolutely should not drink ice regularly. Ice makes the throat easily congested. Likewise, you should avoid drinking water that is too hot because it can make your throat very uncomfortable.
Reduce your consumption of milk and dairy products.
Some research suggests that drinking milk and consuming dairy products in some people can stimulate the production of mucus in the respiratory tract that produces phlegm. Therefore, if you have a cough. you should temporarily avoid drinking milk. Nut milk and low-sugar milk are better for sound than animal milk.
Avoid things that cause dry throat
Two of the things that are associated with throat cancer are alcohol and tobacco. The alcohol contained in wine is absorbent. while tobacco and tobacco smoke can cause sore throats.
Some of the substances in coffee can make the throat muscles tighten, putting pressure on the larynx and making the tone of voice no longer normal. In addition, caffeinated tea should. also, be avoided from the list of prohibited drinks due to the tannins in tea that have a drying effect. But if you are a tea addict. you can use herbal tea. or honey tea as an alternative!
What food should I eat when I lose my voice?
All kinds of boiled vegetables are healthy meals. When you have laryngitis they are softer and easier to chew.
What foods can harm your voice?
Processed, sweet, heavy in carbohydrates, fried or fatty foods.