Macronutrients, their main properties, and their role in the human body
Mankind has long known the need to consume a sufficient amount of macronutrients with food or water. The negative effects of its deficiency on the human body have been studied. also, Multivitamin complexes have been developed to restore their balance. In this article, we will consider the importance of macronutrients for a person.
Hyperphosphatemia can occur are chemical elements that are part of the periodic table participate in physiological reactions. Come with food and water. The difference from trace elements lies in the amount needed by the body. also, This threshold is established: 200 mg. The substance from the periodic table that a person needs at a dose of less than 200 mg per day is called a trace element.
Classification of macronutrients
macronutrients include nitrogen, oxygen, carbon, and hydrogen. They form the basis of cells and tissues, represented by various compounds. also, Hydrogen and oxygen form the water molecule. Life is impossible without oxygen. In the absence of an influx of oxygen with blood for 3 minutes, the human brain dies.
Amino acids, the building blocks of proteins, must have nitrogen to function.. also, Everyone knows that protein is our building material. This is our musculoskeletal structure. All enzymes are proteins.
And without enzymes, no physiological process is possible. Carbon is present in every cell. The exchange of its compounds provides energy for the vital activity of the cell, organs, and the whole organism. Consider what other chemical elements are called macronutrients. These are potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, chlorine, phosphorus, and sodium.
macronutrients function in the human body
Macroelements in the human body play a very important role. Without a sufficient amount of potassium, blood clotting processes will be disrupted. also, Without the element potassium, the work of the heart muscle is impossible, and cardiac arrest is possible.
macronutrients, chlorine is extremely important in maintaining the acid-base balance in the blood (blood pH) and cells. also, Thanks to sodium, the processes of cell excitation and transmission of impulses occur. also, Phosphorus is an essential element of cell membranes. Regulates calcium metabolism in the body.
Calcium is a bone-building material. Without calcium, muscle contraction is impossible. With no muscle spasms, especially at night. Calcium affects the permeability of blood vessels. also, Magnesium is an essential element in many physiological processes. With its deficiency, muscle spasms occur, and disturbances in the normal functioning of the nervous system.
Table of macronutrients, their main characteristics, content in food
Consider the list of macronutrients in more detail:
Potassium K
Participates in relaxation and muscle contraction (sodium-potassium pump), incl. Hearts.
The shortage leads: to In case of deficiency, slowing of the rhythm, arrhythmia, and cardiac arrest is possible Muscle hypotonia, up to paralysis
Sources: Grapes.Baked potatoes.A carrot.Bulgarian pepper.Yeast.Raisins.
macronutrients, Calcium
Calcium is Part of the bones and teeth. participates in the contraction of muscles. Affects the permeability of the cell membrane. Affects blood clotting. Responsible for the condition of the hair. also, the Synthesis of hormones
The shortage leads: to Osteoporosis. Rickets in children. Cramps in the calf muscles. Brittle hair. The fragility of blood vessels.
Sources: Sesame seeds.Dairy products.Sardine fish.Nettle leaves. also, White cabbage and cauliflower. For dried apricots, almonds, and turnips it should be borne in mind that calcium and iron are antagonists.
Magnesium Is part of the teeth and hair. A cofactor of more than 300 enzymes. Participates in the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins in the synthesis of nucleic acids. Promotes the formation of ATP. Normalizes heart rate and blood pressure. Regulates the process of inhibition in the central nervous system. Prevents blood clots. Relaxes smooth muscles. Participates in the synthesis of neurotransmitters.
Deficiency leads: to the fragility of nails and hair. also, Arrhythmia and high blood pressure. Neurosis, irritability, tics, insomnia. Involuntary muscle contraction, leg cramps, numbness, itching. Miscarriage, miscarriage, premenstrual syndrome. Constipation is the formation of stones in the bile duct. Depression. Spastic colitis and diarrhea. Bronchospasm.
It is found: in Greens.Cocoa.Buckwheat porridge.Oatmeal Groats.Bran: rice, wheat, oats.Legumes, sesame cereals, pumpkin, sunflower seeds. Mineral water.
Sodium Regulator of the balance of extracellular and intracellular fluid in the body. It prevents the cell from bursting or drying out. Provides transmission of nerve impulses. Provides acid-base balance. also, It carries glucose and amino acids into the cell. Dilates blood vessels. It contributes to the transport of carbon dioxide to the lungs. Promotes the synthesis of digestive enzymes.
Deficiency leads: to Dehydration, weakness, apathy, and loss of consciousness. Arrhythmia of the heart.Seizures.also, Hair falls out, and the skin becomes wrinkled.
Sources: Salt.Pickles.Seaweed. seaweed.Tomatoes.Beetroot.Turnip.
Sulfur is part of enzymes, amino acids, hormones, and protein molecules that are connected to each other due to a disulfide bridge. also, It is contained in insulin. Collagen is formed from sulfur. Thanks to this, it strengthens muscles, ligaments, joints, and connective tissue. also, Participates in the formation of vitamin B.Sulfur compounds are antioxidants. Heparin contains sulfur.
Deficiency leads: to Hyperglycemia - high blood sugar. Brittle nails. Lack of skin elasticity. Diseases of the joints, ligaments, pain syndrome. Poor digestion. Hypercholesterolemia.
Sources: Meat products. Legumes. Nuts. nuts. Dairy.Eggs. Mineral water.
The building material of phospholipids, hydroxylapatite (bone), teeth - fluorapatite. It is found in ATP nucleic acids. also, Provides acid-base balance. Participates in fermentation.
Deficiency symptoms: Osteoporosis and rickets. Lack of mental activity. Endocrine deterioration. Weakened immune defense of the body. Rapid fatigue.
Where to respond: Meat products. Eggs. Cereals. Nuts. nuts. Sunflower. Pumpkin.
macronutrients, Chlorine
Maintain the water-salt balance. Provides digestion due to the presence of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Carbon dioxide is expelled from the organism.
Deficiency symptoms: Muscle weakness. also, Drowsiness. Dry mouth. Lack of appetite. Fast decline-coma.
Where to respond: Salt. Seaweed loaf bread. Meat.Symptoms of excess and deficiency in the human body.
Symptoms of excess and deficiency of macronutrients in the human body
As a result of diet and pathology in the body, a decrease in the content of macronutrients is possible. What this leads to is shown in the table. also, Overeating in the body, or failure to regulate the exchange of elements, leads to accumulation in organs and tissues.
The excessive content of the calcium element in the body leads to its deposition in the vessels, which is fraught with increased pressure and accelerated formation of sclerotic plaques. Deposition in the organs leads to the formation of foci of calcifications. If this focus is located in the brain, the development of epileptic seizures and hallucinations is possible.
macronutrients, Muscles are characterized by a decrease in muscle tension,
which leads, for example, to bradycardia. Characterized by the increased stone formation in the gallbladder and urinary system. also, It is characterized by the development of hyperacid gastritis. Such situations can lead, for example, to a malignant tumor of bone tissue, as the body intensively destroys bone tissue.
An excess of magnesium occurs when an overdose of vitamins and magnesium preparations is taken. Diseases such as cancer, multiple myeloma, and kidney failure can also lead to weight gain. In this case, lethargy, up to coma, arrhythmia, and increased pressure are observed.
As a result of salt abuse in the body,
hypernatremia can occur. This can be guessed when the edema of the body appears. And also the condition leads to diseases of the kidneys and adrenal glands. The increase in the level of elemental sulfur is not well understood. It is known that it manifests itself in allergic skin rashes and problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
Hyperphosphatemia can occur
as a result of increased consumption of protein products. This is fraught with the formation of stones in the urinary and biliary systems, leaching of total calcium from the bones, neuropathy, and anemia. Hyperchloremia proceeds with the formation of edema, in more severe cases - an increase in blood pressure, impaired consciousness, coma, and interruptions in the work of the heart.
With a healthy diet, there are no restrictions on food, a person provides himself with all the necessary elements. also, It is enough to listen to him and give what he asks.