The main causes of excess weight, Phytotherapy and folk methods
Excess weight is a common problem. There are many reasons. The most common are diet and lifestyle. And lack of exercise. Phytotherapy and folk methods are a form of natural medicine that uses plants to treat weight problems. Follow this article with us to learn about the main causes of excess weight, Phytotherapy, and folk methods
The main causes of Excess weight
The predisposition to fullness and its causes are individual in nature, so it is difficult to talk about any general patterns. But, nevertheless, there are several main reasons for Excess weight.
1. Improper nutrition.
This is the frequent use of high-calorie foods and the abuse of fast food and fast food.
2. Increased appetite.
This phenomenon also has its own reasons - excessive production of the hormone insulin. impaired absorption of nutrients in the gastrointestinal tract due to chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines. constant stress, and the presence of parasites in the body.
3. Sedentary lifestyle.
Insufficient physical activity leads to the fact that the intake of energy into the body with food simply exceeds its consumption. Therefore, the body, according to its nature. accumulates unused energy in the form of fatty deposits.
4. Metabolic disorders.
An underactive thyroid leads to slow metabolism in the body. For example, such changes are often observed in women after pregnancy. the result of which is weight gain and rounded body shapes.
5. violation of the digestive system.
Utilizable intestinal microflora aids in the total breakdown.. and vitamin absorption from meals. If the balance of microflora is disturbed in the intestine. a lot of slag substances and products of incomplete breakdown are formed. Adipose tissue is just one of the main stores of toxins.
6. Genetic predisposition.
Some people eat everything at once, and even at any time of the day. and simultaneously gain no more than one pound. And anyone should eat a small bun. which you will feel the next morning - plus 2 cm from the waist. This injustice is due to individual genes.
Folk methods of fighting excess weight
Many recipes for traditional methods of losing weight are based on the use of herbs. Some herbs, tinctures, and dishes. and teas have been recognized by different nations as effective means to combat overweight.
1. Dandelion tea
Pour two tablespoons of fresh and dried dandelion leaves into a glass (200 ml) of boiling water, and wrap in a towel. or blanket, and leave for 6-7 hours. Strain and drink like regular tea throughout the day.
2. Green tea
Many people drink it all the time, not even realizing its healing power. and the ability to remove everything unnecessary from the body. Brew green tea daily with hot water and drink it after letting it infuse. Never add sugar. Dried fruits with green tea are recommended for weight loss.
3. Caucasian hellebore
Hellebore is not only able to cleanse the body of toxins and normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, thanks to this herb,. but the intestines are also perfectly cleansed. and metabolism returns to normal. The course of treatment with hellebore is 6 months.
Boil it in hot water and drink. Thanks to the laxative effect, hellebore for a course of treatment will not only cleanse the body. but also begin to rejuvenate it. The advantage of using this plant is that the weight loss resulting from its use is not accompanied by the formation of wrinkles on the skin.
4. Buckwheat porridge
Nutritionists note that the buckwheat diet is not only effective. but also a safe way to lose weight. Its duration is 14 days. Most people note that when observing it, there are no unpleasant sensations. they are expressed in dizziness, headache, and general weakness in the body.
The effect of losing weight when using a buckwheat diet
is achieved because natural and not boiled buckwheat contains a huge amount of useful substances necessary for the body. With its application for two weeks, not only cleaning occurs. but also healing the body.
You will require a glass of cleaned and graded buckwheat every day. Pour boiling water over it in a small saucepan and wrap it with something warm. like a blanket. Buckwheat prepared in this way should be consumed for two weeks in unlimited quantities for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
You can even give her snacks. During this time, salt, sugar, sauces, spices, and fats should be completely excluded from the diet. You should consume two liters or more of water each day.
5. Bathing as a way To fight excess weight
Without exaggeration, a steam bath can be considered the best way to lose weight. Moreover, not a single room associated with it is very effective: if you find information on how to lose weight in a sauna. you should know that this is not at all what you need.
The greatest effect in the fight against excess weight is a steam bath to improve sweating and profusion. the bath should be dry - without excessive steam. It is useful in the steam room to massage with a mechanical massager on Problem Areas of the body.
Phototherapy as a means To fight excess weight
All weight loss drugs have side effects. Everything! Any doctor will confirm this. Pills for beauty that promise harmony and attractiveness are not as gentle. and indifferent as they seem. so they require their price and not only material.
For example, drugs aimed at reducing appetite affect a certain center of satiety in the brain. At the same time, they stimulate other parts of the nervous system. Their use can easily lead to insomnia and headaches. heart failure, and hypertension.
Many diet pills are addictive. as a result of which they quickly become useless and
give nothing but an addiction.
Drugs that reduce the absorption of fats in the intestine also have adverse side effects: bloating, gas, and loose stools. Today many diet pills do not harm the body but also do not make sense. This is an ordinary, well-advertised. and premium imitations, the latter of which serves the most common trade. obtaining financial benefits.
Foods that may contribute to excess weight
Some foods that may contribute to excess weight are:
fast food
Foods that contribute to weight gain, are those that have high-calorie content. Foods such as fast food, candy bars, and pizza are all common sources of unhealthy calories.
sugary drinks,
Excess weight is often the result of consuming various sugary drinks. Carbonated drinks, energy drinks, and even some fruit juices can cause weight gain. High intake of sugary drinks has been linked to obesity, Type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. To avoid these health risks, it is better to limit the intake of sugary drinks.
processed foods
Processed foods are often loaded with unhealthy additives. Chemicals such as monosodium glutamate can cause weight gain and other health problems. Preservatives and other additives can make you hungry, making you eat more.
refined grains
Foods that may contribute to weight gain, such as refined grains, are often high in calories and low in nutrients. These foods may also contain unhealthy fats, added sugars, and other harmful substances.
and unhealthy fats
Foods that may contribute to weight gain include those that are high in saturated fats, sugars, and sodium. Some of the most common foods that fall into this category are processed foods, fast food, and sugary drinks.
In short
it was not so useful and fabulously effective, like a magic wand, as we used to hear from advertising, present in such tablets. and it was not before.
That is why more and more people, to solve the problems of excess weight and maintain their bodies. resort to herbal medicine - non-chemical pills, teas, syrups, and creams based on natural biological additives. and natural components of useful plants, the effectiveness of which has been tested for centuries.