Clarified butter: definition, benefits, and risks

Clarified butter is a healthy alternative to conventional butter. It is rich in useful properties . It is a good source of vitamins and minerals.
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Clarified butter: definition, benefits, and risks
Clarified butter is a healthy alternative to conventional butter and is rich in beneficial properties. Let's see what it is good for and how to use it in the kitchen.

Slices of clarified butter in a bowl
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is a high-fat food that is used as a seasoning. however, in recent years we have tried to limit it as much as possible. In fact, dietary guidelines suggest we prefer various spices due to the content of saturated fatty acids contained in butter. These fatty acids should be limited due to their possible negative role in cardiovascular diseases.

Recently, however, we hear a lot about ghee butter and clarified ghee butter, products obtained from butter that are proposed. as functional foods for the treatment of certain diseases.

Clarified butter and ghee butter:

 what are they and the differences clarified butter is a food derived from butter through a process called clarification. This procedure allows for the separation of the fatty part of the butter from the proteins and any remaining sugars.

 Clarified butter is therefore a fatter

-rich food than common butter. However, it does not contain butter proteins or lactose, and therefore it can be used with confidence even by those who suffer from lactose intolerance. or who do not want to consume milk proteins, including the so-called Casein. which are unpleasant if there are some diseases. such as autoimmune diseases.

 In addition to the classic clarified butter, we can also find ghee butter. a product that is obtained for longer. and more refined cooking of clarified butter which is typical of Ayurvedic traditions and medicine. 

However, the benefits are comparable, although ghee butter retains greater nutritional properties. Therefore, margarine butter .and margarine butter are not exactly the same product.

Filtered butter: what is it good for Properties and health benefits

As we expected, in recent years clarified butter has been considered a functional food and proposed for its properties. It seems to act as an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. as well as nourishing enterocytes. 

Ghee butter is also a traditional Ayurvedic food that is considered beneficial for detoxification and cell repair. In the rest of this paragraph. we would like to explain to you the properties of clarified butter that have been proven by studies and scientific research. 

✓ Useful against high cholesterol 

and triglycerides consumption of ghee butter (in doses not exceeding 10% of total calories) according to some authors is useful for improving the level of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides. 

In one study, for example, there was a 25% decrease in the value of triglycerides and a 14-16% decrease in the value of total cholesterol. In addition, the level of arachidonic acid (an intermediate with pro-inflammatory properties). decreased when ghee butter was used as the only fat. 

✓ Improve psoriasis

A study of patients with psoriasis to assess the possible improvement in the lipid profile with a ghee-butter diet showed that the dietary change was also associated with an improvement in erythema, and a decrease in itching. and a general improvement in skin condition. The authors explain this improvement with the ability of ghee butter to lower levels of inflammatory molecules

 ✓ Improvement in the case of acute pancreatitis

A preliminary study has shown the anti-inflammatory properties of ghee butter can. also, be applied in the case of acute pancreatitis. Bovine colostrum and its derivatives also contain useful substances to support cell regeneration

 ✓ Improvement in case of intestinal problems

 numerous studies have shown that butyric acid, a short-chain fatty acid, plays a key role in some diseases with intestinal diseases. In fact, it is the main source of energy for intestinal cells. Butyric acid is present in good quantities in ghee butter. which is recommended in case of inflammatory bowel diseases. or in the case of irritable bowel syndrome.

Clarified butter and conventional butter: Differences and which one to choose,

 clarified butter and conventional butter can be used in cooking similarly. The difference between butter and clarified butter is therefore not related to the methodology of use but to nutritional properties.

 First of all, clarified butter is completely lactose-free. and therefore it can be used with greater peace of mind in case of intolerance to this sugar. 

In addition, clarified butter does not contain casein. or other cow's milk proteins. which are considered inflammatory substances. and are therefore limited in some diets. such as those intended for autoimmune diseases.

 Clarified butter contains fatter than conventional butter: these fats are considered beneficial for intestinal well-being and, in addition. clarified butter seems to have fewer negative effects on the lipid profile (cholesterol and triglycerides). of the consumer.

How much clarified butter to use

The amount of clarified butter that will be used depends on the condition of each of us: any diseases, or physical activity performed. and energy needs. 

Given the standard diet and the suggestions of our guidelines, the correct amount of clarified butter for use can be equal to 10-20 grams per day.

How to use clarified butter in cooking

Clarified butter can be used in a similar way to the traditional one: there are no necessary changes in quantity and it is used for both sweet and savory preparations.

 It should also be noted that the smoke point of clarified butter is higher than that of conventional butter (the smoke point is about 250 degrees Celsius). and therefore clarified butter is preferable in the case of cooking (for example: frying or stewing in a frying pan). 

The taste is slightly sweeter, and richer and tends to taste reminiscent of nuts. In addition, ghee butter can also be used instead of oil, if this is not available.

What can be used instead of clarified butter?

To replace clarified butter in a recipe or preparation the easiest option is to use conventional butter. The quantities are the same and the processing of clarified butter may be similar to that of conventional butter, although in some cases. clarified butter is less hard than conventional butter because it is stored at room temperature. 

If you want to replace this animal

derived product with a vegetable fat source, you can choose from all possible substitutes: margarine, olive oil, seed oil, etc. Of all the proposals. we advise you to give preference to extra virgin olive oil and high-oleic sunflower oil. as they are the richest plant products with useful properties

For many other ideas,, for the preparation of sweet and salty. However, be careful in the case of frying because the fats we talked about do not have the same smoke point: it will be easier to fry with clarified butter. while you will have to be more careful not to burn the butter or conventional oils. 

How to make ghee butter at home to produce homemade ghee butter 

It is necessary to make a clarification: this means that we will have to cook butter to eliminate the watery part of conventional butter and preserve only the fat component. First of all, we recommend choosing a stick of butter of excellent quality. where possible produced from the milk of cows raised on pastures. 

During this cooking

 it will also be necessary to eliminate the foam or white parts that appear on the surface: in this regard. it is possible to use both a spatula and a scraper. 

When the White parts disappear and the liquid begins to darken. we can turn off the fire and start the second stage of margarine production. 

In this second stage

 we will have to filter the obtained product, which we will pour into a glass container, thanks to the use of gauze or a dense mesh strainer: it is important to be careful not to pour until the last. the most liquid and rich in proteins, which will precipitate to the bottom. 

Once this step is done, let the clarified butter cool. and then store it in the refrigerator or at room temperature.

Clarified butter: 

possible contraindications have seen the different benefits of clarified butter and described how this food is considered a functional food and is therefore proposed in some diets, especially those proposed in the case of certain diseases. 

It is therefore inevitable to wonder whether there are contraindications to the use of this spice or whether we can consume it without limits. 

The advice is always to be careful: first of all, we suggest following the instructions of the specialist who follows you. Given the properties of clarified butter and its use in case of diseases. 

In any case, it is possible to use clarified butter in limited quantities with calm, alternating this seasoning with extra virgin olive oil. which also has many nutritional properties. 

Compared to conventional butter, in fact, clarified butter remains safer even in the form of fat.

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