Diet for hypertension: what to avoid and recommendations

A diet for hypertension is a dietary approach aimed at reducing cardiovascular risk factors. The focus of growth hormone is on a healthy diet
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Diet for hypertension: what to avoid and recommendations
Hypertension is a very widespread and dangerous condition that proper nutrition can help prevent and treat. Let's see what should be introduced into the Diet for hypertension and what should be avoided in case of hypertension.

Diet for hypertension: what to eat, what to avoid and 5 useful foods
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Arterial hypertension

It is a condition when the blood pressure in the vessels, that is, the "force" with which the blood is pushed into the circulatory stream, is higher than normal.

 Usually, blood pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury (mmHg) and two values are considered: 

Systolic pressure is also called maximum pressure.

 It is the pressure with which the heart contracts and pumps blood to the arteries, the diastolic or minimum pressure. It is the pressure that exists between two consecutive contractions, and that is when the heart relaxes.

There are no ideal pressure values since this varies concerning age, gender, and weight, but also depending on environmental conditions (temperature, for example), and psychological and physical conditions (efforts, emotions, sleep, wakefulness).

In the case of hypertension,

 the heart muscle becomes tense because it has to push more blood force into the arteries and in the long run this can lead to damage to the vessels. The causes of hypertension are multiple.

 In some cases, it is due to pre-existing conditions, such as kidney problems or atherosclerosis but in most cases, there is no single cause.

Many times hypertension is asymptomatic and for this reason. it is a condition that must be controlled because. it can lead to very serious damage. such as ischemia and myocardial infarction. as well as kidney and brain complications.

Treatment of hypertension, 

if diagnosed immediately, can consist simply of a change in lifestyle habits, that is, in a healthy diet and an active life, avoiding smoking and overeating. If it is a serious condition. 

it will be necessary to resort to treatments prescribed by a cardiologist. However, no treatment, even pharmacological, can not ignore the implementation of a healthier lifestyle.

What to avoid and suggestions when eating for hypertension 

In the case of Hypertension, diet and nutrition are the main factors, both in the prevention and treatment of the problem. There are some basic recommendations for those affected:

 losing excess weight

 if there is a case overweight: a low-calorie, balanced diet, accompanied by sufficient physical activity, will be able to make us lose weight to all that our health gains ؛

Reduce salt

And avoid sources of sodium in the diet: we should think not only about the salt we use to season dishes but also about certain baked foods such as baked goods, preserved meats, convenience foods, and preserves. The amount of salt that we should consume per day is about 5 grams.

Avoid alcohol:

Alcohol abuse, as is well known, contributes to an increase in blood pressure, as well as plasma levels of triglycerides and cholesterol, closely related to heart disease; avoid fatty foods:

Fats contribute to an increase in the level of cholesterol in the blood, which, in turn, increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases ؛

Increase fiber consumption

In the form of fruits and vegetables: the fiber and minerals contained in them help to ward off free radicals. which cause damage to blood vessels, and restore the balance between minerals; consume foods rich in potassium: potassium regulates blood pressure and increases sodium excretion. Quitting smoking:

Smoking causes vasoconstriction and the latter causes increased blood pressure.

Keep stress under control:

Stress makes the body synthesize hormones that determine vasoconstriction and increased heart rate, factors that. for a long time over time, contributing to an increase in blood pressure.

Diet for hypertension: what to eat and how to cook

In mild forms of hypertension, adequate nutrition may be the only treatment, and if medication is taken, drug therapy is necessary for the diet. As mentioned, the first basic indication is to drink enough and pay attention to salt. 

which is recommended not to exceed 5 grams per day. which is equivalent to 2 g of sodium. However, if you suffer from hypertension. you can lower the level of risk of developing cardiovascular diseases if you follow a low-calorie diet.

Regarding the foods to be consumed, 

we should use vegetables in abundance, of their content of water, mineral salts, and fiber. but also vitamins and antioxidants. Spinach, artichokes. and watercress is rich in potassium. a mineral that helps to cope with hypertension, which is also found in fresh fruit.

The best seasoning that can be used is extra virgin olive oil, of course, in limited quantities, it is preferable to add it raw in vegetarian dishes or to second courses of fish, or lean meat, preferably steamed or boiled. As much as possible, greens and vegetables should be eaten raw.

Among the drinks that lower the pressure, we recall beet juice, Hawthorn herbal tea, and karkadè, also known as hibiscus tea.

Diet for hypertension: The importance of potassium and nitric oxide

Potassium is an important mineral for regulating blood pressure, it seems that it can increase the elimination of sodium in the urine, and has a blood pressure-lowering effect. The foods that contain the most are vegetables. such as spinach, cabbage, and artichokes. and watercress, and fruits such as bananas, kiwis, apricots, and peaches.

Nitric oxide is a compound made up of the amino acid arginine.

 It seems to have a role in lowering blood pressure because it has a vasodilator action and an anticoagulant effect. Foods that contain arginine are seeds, dried fruits (walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds), cereals such as rice, oats, and corn, as well as fish and poultry. 

Red beets also contain nitrates

 which turns into nitric oxide and promotes pressure reduction. Both potassium and nitric oxide (or arginine) can be found commercially in the form of dietary supplements, but in this case, it is always necessary to consult with your doctor before carrying out their use, due to possible side effects.

As we have seen, therefore, in the case of hypertension green light to vegetables, fruits, legumes, blue fish, olive oil, and whole grains. In addition, the hypertensive diet includes some foods that are best avoided and others that, instead, should be consumed in moderation. 

For greater clarity, we present a report below the table with foods that should be avoided and those that should be consumed in moderation in case you suffer from hypertension or simply want to prevent it.

Diet for hypertension: Inadvisable foods:

  • Alcohol,
  • Licorice,
  • Salted anchovies,
  • Ready-made soups.
  • Grilled chicken on a spit,
  • Canned legumes,
  • Pickled preserved foods,
  • Cold cuts.
  • Extracts of nuts and meat,
  • Sauces,
  • Salted peanuts.
  • Sugary drinks,
  • Smoked foods.

Diet for hypertension: To be consumed in moderation:

  • Bread,
  • Pizza,
  • Cheese.
  • Coffee,
  • Lean cold cuts of meat,
  • Desserts.
  • Tea,
  • Red meat;
  • Biscuits,
  • Breakfast cereals.

Diet for hypertension:5 foods that regulate and lower blood pressure

Just as there are foods that should be avoided or consumed in moderation, there are also foods that help us regulate blood pressure. Let's see the main 5.

1 beetroot

As mentioned above, beetroot and the juice obtained from it can play a role in regulating blood pressure due to the content of nitrates that our body converts into nitric oxide, a vasodilator agent. which acts positively on vascular functions and thereby helps to lower blood pressure.

2 cocoa pods ،

Rich in polyphenols, it exhibits powerful protective properties for the cardiovascular system and, among these. also hypotensive activities.

3 garlic

Garlic is known for its regulatory properties against blood pressure and various scientific studies prove this. This property is due to the allicin contained in them. However, this mixture decomposes with cooking. and therefore it is recommended to take raw garlic, preferably crushed or chopped.

4 flax seeds

A study conducted in 2014 on individuals suffering from hypertension showed. that daily consumption of 30 grams of flaxseed has antihypertensive effects since these seeds can significantly lower systolic pressure. This action seems to be attributed to alpha-linolenic acid, a fatty acid of the omega-3 Series with which flax seeds are rich.

5 cinnamon sticks

In addition to hypoglycemic, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties, this spice also has antihypertensive properties. since it acts as a vasodilator that has the opposite vasoconstrictor effects on blood pressure.

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