Diet and heartburn: what to eat and what to avoid
heartburn is a very common condition, that can be prevented .or kept under control by consuming certain specific foods. Let's see what to eat and what to avoid for heartburn. Eating a balanced and healthy diet is essential for preventing heartburn. There are some foods, however, that can trigger heartburn symptoms.
Why does heartburn come
It is generally a condition that most people may experience intermittently throughout their lives after eating excessively large or high-fat and spicy meals.
If we do well, other mistakes can be considered the cause of heartburn: most often it occurs .when we lie down immediately after a meal. but it can also be associated with strong emotions or a particularly stressful period
Some physiological conditions can usually be associated with heartburn: among them we recall pregnancy. Many women, in fact, experience these symptoms during the 9 months of pregnancy. especially towards the end of pregnancy. when the uterus, now at its maximum size. press on the stomach
In some cases, these symptoms can become chronic and thus be a signal of another more or less serious condition. such as gastritis, and gastroesophageal reflux. or peptic ulcer. If you want to learn more about the causes and treatments,
What foods cause burning
It is inevitable to ask if there is a food that causes heartburn, but today we know that it is not only food that can be considered the cause. but lifestyle as a whole. However, as soon as an inflammatory condition of the stomach and. or esophagus appears, certain foods can aggravate the symptoms ،
Thereby increasing heartburn. Among the foods most indicated in the literature. as triggers, we find very fatty foods, acidic foods, spicy foods, citrus fruits, tomatoes, chocolate, coffee, carbonated drinks, and alcohol.
Heartburn: what to eat and drink
Before listing the foods that should be avoided with heartburn, let's figure out together what to eat and how to act to improve our state of well-being. I
n general, in the case of stomach acid, it is recommended to increase the frequency of meals and, conversely, reduce the amount of food consumed at each meal. As we expected, it is. also important to avoid late evening meals, just before bedtime at night.
Regarding diet,
it is important to emphasize that studies have shown that increased fiber intake is associated with an improvement in heartburn and all symptoms related to gastroesophageal reflux.
- Foods rich in fiber are vegetables.
- whole grains,
- and legumes,
which can therefore be regularly included in your diet.
Among the protein foods,
the most recommended are lean foods:
- meat,
- fish,
- and fresh dairy products.
In particular, the relationship between yogurt and stomach acid was studied.
She concluded that low-fat yogurt should not be missing from the diet in case of heartburn. The advantage of yogurt is. also the containment of probiotic organisms, which is also associated with an improvement in burning and, more generally, in reflux symptoms.
Well, we also mention fermented soy foods (such as miso or tempeh). that, if consumed regularly, can help reduce the frequency of heartburn attacks.
Regarding what to drink,
- water (possibly at room temperature and not effervescent)
- or herbal teas based on Mallow.
- fennel seeds, chamomile,
- or Linden are definitely recommended.
- Fruit and vegetable extracts are also good.
as long as there are no citrus fruits or spicy spices inside.
Stomach acid: foods that should be avoided
Let's deepen together what should be avoided, at least initially, to improve heartburn: we will focus not only on individual foods. but also on incorrect habits.
First of all, the correct habit is not to drink a lot of water during a meal:
excess fluid, in fact, can lead to excessive dilution of gastric juices, slow digestion, and increase the risk of developing symptoms. It's also a good idea to take care not to consume drinks that are too cold or too hot. and limit carbonated drinks and alcoholic beverages.
Excessive alcohol consumption, in fact, is associated with the development of stomach acid
Regarding fruits and vegetables,
significant restrictions are not recommended. but in general, it is suggested not to consume tomatoes, citrus fruits, drinks,
or sauces derived from these foods. Lemon, of all citrus fruits, is rather the best tolerated (always, however, in moderate quantities).
Always to avoid an excess of water, we suggest not boiling vegetables. but choosing other cooking methods: baked, steamed. or in a frying pan.
With heartburn, you can eat both meat and fish,
but it's good to prefer lean chops and quick cooking. In fact, very fatty foods (such as ribs, sausages, and salmon) or slow cooking (such as stews or braised meat). are not recommended. Eggs can also be consumed. but avoid overcooking the yolk, to make it more easily digestible
Finally, regarding spices,
it is suggested to avoid spicy seasonings and in general excess oil, butter, or other vegetable fats. Also, avoid ending the meal with coffee (or consuming it on an empty stomach). or chocolate, which is also a food that can increase stomach acid.
Stomach acid: table of yes foods and no foods
So in the previous two paragraphs, we saw what the heartburn diet consists of: prefer to limit certain foods. such as all fatty foods and acidic drinks and prefer leaner, fiber-rich foods instead.
In the table below you will find a summary of what was said in the previous paragraphs so that you always have a complete list of what to eat and what to avoid in case of stomach acid.
Favorite foods:
- Whole grains such as whole wheat, buckwheat, barley, spelled, and brown rice.
- Vegetables, especially those rich in fiber such as cabbage, fennel, and. asparagus. Limit the consumption of boiled vegetables and prefer steaming. baking, or cooking in a pan.
- Yogurt and low-fat dairy products.
- Legumes and fermented soy products.
- Mallow and ginger drinks, preferably between meals.
- Meat and fish, preferring lean chops and fast cooking.
Foods that should be avoided or reduced:
- Citrus fruits, especially orange and grapefruit juice.
- Tomatoes, especially raw,
- Alcohol.
- Carbonated drinks,
- Coffee,
- Fatty pieces of meat, fish, or slow cooking,
- All fried or marinated foods.
- Spicy or spicy foods.
Heartburn: 5 Foods against acidity that help it pass
Finally, let's see some foods that help bypass heartburn and that you can therefore consume as needed.
1 Apple Apple ،
Especially non-acidic helps to calm heartburn. Thanks to its qualities, the consumption of an Apple during a burning episode will help reduce it in a short time. In addition, apples are a very useful fruit, rich in fiber, minerals, and vitamins.
2 yogurts
Yogurt is a food that we have already mentioned. but that is really valid in managing a burning stomach.
Therefore, we suggest that you include it in your diet, choosing lean foods and avoiding overly processed products at an industrial level.
3 cabbage juice
Cabbage juice is a good natural remedy for heartburn. so use it even on an empty stomach or a few tens of minutes before main meals.
It would seem that cabbage juice has anti-inflammatory and healing properties and can be used (obviously, in addition to the medicinal remedies suggested by the specialist) even in case of a peptic ulcer.
4 apple cider vinegar tablets
Apple cider vinegar is a food that can rebalance the levels of acids produced in the stomach. Precisely for this reason, for some people. it can be very useful to prevent stomach acid after eating and promote digestion.
It is taken before a meal and diluted in a little water. It is also able to improve the microflora and is still better than consuming wine vinegar.
5 pineapple kernels
Thanks to the presence of bromelain, pineapple is a fruit with digestive properties, and therefore it can be considered a useful food to soothe heartburn.
You can consume one or two slices of pineapple at the end of a meal to get the most out of this property.