Norms of drinking water in the diet of, pregnant woman

Drinking water is necessary for, pregnant woman. Prevents constipation. Reducing hemorrhoids removes toxins from the body of the mother and fetus
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 Norms of drinking water in the diet of, pregnant woman
In pregnant women, the volume of blood in the body increases by 50-60%. So nature makes sure that the fetus receives all the nutrients it needs and grows normally. And 80% of the blood, as you know, is water. That is why it is so important for a pregnant woman to drink enough fluids every day. follow this article to learn more

pregnant woman in Black Leather Jacket Drinking from Clear Glass Mug

Drinking regimen during pregnancy

The daily rate of water for a pregnant woman is at least two liters, which is exactly how much the body needs for normal functioning. The liquid is excreted by the kidneys (about 1.5 liters), as well as by the skin and by breathing (0.5 liters).

Thanks to frequent drinking, the urinary tract is protected from infection with all kinds of infections. And during pregnancy, the risk of their occurrence increases due to certain physiological changes in the woman's body. If you drink a lot, this stimulates the excretion of urine. As a result, any bacteria that could cause inflammation are eliminated before they have time to harm it.

Amniotic fluid also consists of fluid entering the body.

 This is the same amniotic fluid, which consists of 99% water. Starting from about the twenty-fifth week, its volume increases by 50 ml every day and reaches almost a liter by the thirty-seventh week.

A regular drinking regimen also helps to solve the problem of fluid retention in the body. A pregnant woman has to bloat in the second half of the term, and this, in principle, is normal, given the increased blood volume. But it happens that the swelling of the expectant mother is very strong. In order for the water to circulate and be excreted better, it is necessary to consume a lot of it. With it, excess salts are washed out, which also retain fluid.

Drinking plenty of water should be a must in a pregnant woman's diet, here's why:

  • Prevents constipation.
  • The risk of hemorrhoids is also reduced 
  • The liquid is useful for the skin and helps to keep it smooth and supple 
  • Water removes toxins from the body of the mother and fetus 
  • Thermoregulation also works normally thanks to a sufficient amount of liquid.

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Norms of drinking in the first trimester of pregnancy

This is a very important period, it is at the beginning of pregnancy that the vital organs and systems of the unborn child's body are formed and formed. Therefore, a woman should make sure that the fetus receives enough fluid, nutrients, and oxygen.

The recommended daily amount of water in the first trimester of pregnancy is about 2.5-2.7 liters (taking into account physiological fluid loss).

There are a number of reasons why the demand for water is increasing. He-she:

  • Hot weather (because of it, sweating increases) 
  • Body temperature above normal 
  • Problems in the work of the gastrointestinal tract (disorders) 
  • Poisoning.

With poisoning, vomiting and dehydration usually occur. Then, to normalize the water-electrolyte balance, medical assistance is needed. If the situation is very difficult and the pregnant woman is not even able to drink herself, intravenous fluids are used.

The rules of water in the diet of a pregnant woman in the second trimester

In this period of time, the need for fluid in the body of the expectant mother decreases. Many people experience severe swelling in the second trimester of pregnancy:

  • If you press your fingers on your leg in the area of the tibia, scratches will remain. 
  • Rings are difficult to put on fingers and also difficult to remove. 
  • The face becomes pasty.
  • Body weight increases sharply and noticeably.

If a woman drinks a lot in the second trimester, then water leaves the vascular bed and accumulates in the body in its various tissues. However, doctors do not recommend going to extremes and drastically reducing the amount of fluid consumed.

You still need to drink enough. 

The second trimester of pregnancy is the time when the fetal metabolism begins to work more actively, that is, the volume of products to be removed from the body increases significantly. This suggests that all the internal organs of the future mother (kidneys, liver, heart, lungs) are working in an enhanced mode. The blood will not have time to remove harmful substances from it if a woman drinks a little.

Fluid intake in the third trimester of pregnancy

As for this period of time, here you should try to control the amount of water you drink. Doctors even advise writing down in a diary how much fluid is consumed per day and how much it is excreted.

In general, regarding the rules of drinking for pregnant women in the third trimester, the opinions of doctors are ambiguous. Not so long ago, everyone unanimously advised drinking no more than 1.5 liters of water per day to reduce the formation of edema in the expectant mother. Now many experts have different opinions. They advise not to reduce the amount of drinking but to reduce salt intake.

How to do it Think over the menu even before the start of pregnancy. 

Any food contains salt, which is the cause of the deposition of fluid in the tissues of the body outside the vessels. It turns out that it is possible to reduce puffiness precisely due to less salt intake. As a preventive measure, the benefits of this procedure are also undeniable.

More important is the quality of the water that a woman drinks during pregnancy and lactation. Here's what is very important here:

  • The water must be clean. That is, without any foreign impurities and impurities such as salts of heavy metals, bacteria, microorganisms, etc.
  • It is advisable to drink mineral water or bottled spring water.
  • Carbonated water should be completely abandoned.


Always seek medical advice if you have edema, heartburn, shortness of breath, constipation, or if you suspect that you are gaining weight too rapidly. You have to realize that being pregnant is a really crucial and serious time. You should take this matter as seriously as you can because your lifestyle and diet have a big impact on the health of the unborn child.

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