The benefits of the rice diet, nutritionists' suggested weekly meal

The rice diet is a food plan that requires eating only rice, fruits, and vegetables. benefits, what to eat a week, and reviews of nutritionists.
Estimated read time: 7 min

The benefits of the rice diet,  nutritionists' suggested weekly meal
Anyone who has ever attempted to reduce weight is likely to have heard of the rice diet. This diet is rightfully considered one of the most effective. After all, it enables you to shed more pounds in as little as 2-4 weeks.

The rice diet: rice in a bowl

The rice diet is a food plan that requires eating only rice, fruits, and vegetables. It is claimed that it leads to weight loss, improved blood sugar levels, and other health benefits. This diet is low in calories and nutrients, which is not sustainable in the long term. This article examines the benefits of the rice diet, what to eat a week, and reviews nutritionists.

The benefits of the rice diet

The basis of the rice diet is to reduce the intake of calories, fats, carbohydrates, and proteins. Rice contains a huge amount of amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. At the same time, this product provides satiety with a small number of calories.

One of the beneficial properties of rice is its ability to remove excess salt and water from the body. This is especially useful for those who suffer from an excess of salt in the body. such as gout, and osteochondrosis (salt deposits on cartilage). and arterial hypertension. This is because salt retains fluid in the body, and this increases the load on the heart and leads to arterial hypertension.

Rice contains fiber,

which promotes weight loss, healthy digestion, and detoxification of the body. The absence of gluten in rice makes it acceptable for people with hypersensitivity to this substance.

Nutritionists believe that brown rice (unpolished) is more useful in composition. It undergoes minimal processing, so more nutrients are retained in the grain shell. According to the length of the pill, the most useful is the long-grained one. It has the most fiber of any food.

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Cons of the rice diet

However, the rice diet has several disadvantages:

  • With water, rice can remove useful potassium salts ؛
  • Since the rice diet is low in calories, you will typically feel hungry.
  • The lack of proteins in rice affects the normal development and functioning of muscles, as a result, they are exhausted ؛
  • Constipation might result from eating rice often.

7-Day menu for the rice diet

A 7-day diet will allow you to say goodbye to a few extra pounds. And in combination with physical exercises, you can lose 10 kg of excess weight.


Those who want to lose weight can arrange fasting days for themselves by following the rice diet. Its duration should be no more than 14 days. Since Rice has a strengthening effect, it is necessary to drink at least 1.5 liters of non-carbonated water a day and avoid salty and smoked foods.

Day 1

  • Breakfast: rice seasoned with lemon juice, a slice of rye bread, and one slice of low-fat cottage chees
  • Lunch Boiled rice and vegetable soup, with the option of chicken breast 
  • Dinner: rice, steamed spinach, and a low-fat glass. Fat kefir

The second day

  • Breakfast: boiled rice, green apple, or orange
  • Lunch: vegetable broth or fish soup, rice with herbs, green tea without Sugar.
  • Dinner will be oatmeal and sautéed mushrooms and onions.

Day 3

  • Breakfast consists of cooked or soaked rice and pears 
  • Lunch consists of steaming cereal and boiled beet salad
  • Rice and broccoli are being cooked for dinner.

Fourth day

  • Fruit salad with rice with raisins or honey for breakfast
  • Lunch: vegetable soup in low-fat meat broth, rice with peas, cucumber, and tomato salad
  • Dinner: a serving of boiling rice with some meat and a glass of kefir.

Day 5

  • breakfast with fruit salad and rice.
  • Lunch: boiled rice with fish, tomato and cucumber salad, roasted peppers ،
  • Dinner consists of rice, some walnuts, and boiled zucchini.

The sixth day

  • Breakfast: boiled rice, apples, and oranges, a glass of yogurt ،
  • Lunch: vegetable broth, rice with vegetables, vegetable salad ،
  • Afternoon snack: a piece of salmon with a slice of rye bread ،
  • Dinner: rice porridge, 1 glass of yogurt٪

The seventh day

  • Low-fat cottage cheese, apples, and yogurt for breakfast.
  • Steamed oats and rice with fish for lunch
  • Boiling rice and boiling cabbage for supper.


You can lose 3 to 4 kg by sticking to the rice diet for a week. In addition to excess weight, toxins, excess fluid, and salt leave the body. Rice's fiber content restores a normal level of metabolism and digestion.

You may drop 10 kg if you eat only rice for a week without any additional veggies or fruits. But it seriously endangers your health.

There is an opinion that losing weight on a rice diet is completely deceptive, and weight loss occurs mainly due to the removal of fluid from the body. 

And it comes back to the body as soon as you start ingesting salt. In other words, the effects of the rice diet are transient. Therefore, it is better to sit on it before an important event.

The Rice diet should not be followed:

As their bodies continue to develop and mature, kids and teenagers. This necessitates all required nutrients.

breastfeeding and pregnant. The woman's body during these periods is most vulnerable.

those who have chronic ailments. For them, a special therapeutic diet has been developed.

Reviews of nutritionists

- The rice diet, like most other diets, can be used in the short term to get quick results. However, it should be noted that weight loss on the rice diet occurs mainly due to the removal of excess fluid from the body. Rice in combination with liquid removes toxins from the body. 

That is why Rice is included in the diet of patients suffering from food poisoning and intoxication. It is important to remember that the effect of the rice diet is not long-term. At the end of the diet, the body will quickly begin to gain weight again, says nutritionist Elena Solomatina.

a summary

Although the rice diet is based on a lot of myths and has not been proven effective in the long term, it is still a viable option for losing weight. There are many benefits of eating lots of rice. lowering the risk of diabetes and heart disease among other things.

A typical rice diet involves eating rice at every meal, in addition to other healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. Following a rice diet for a while can help you see results.

In addition to the health benefits, a rice diet can be very economical. . Nutritionists generally agree that a rice diet is a good way to start losing weight, and improve overall health. However, there are some reviews by nutritionists who mention that it can be difficult to follow a rice diet.

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