12 exercises to lose calf fat, you may not know before

12 exercises to lose calf fat, Standing Calf Raises. Weighted Sumo Squat with Calf Raise. Plie Calf Raises. Skater Hops. Arm Plank with Knee Dips.
Estimated read time: 8 min

 12 exercises to lose calf fat, you may not know before

exercises to lose calf fat are great things to tone your muscles, but they can also improve your appearance and strengthen your legs. The best exercises to lose calf fat include exercises that target the muscles of the lower leg, This article shares some of the best exercises to lose fat in your calf muscles.

lose calf fat, Calf of two people, one sitting and the other standing

1. lose calf fat, heel lift:

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, with the chest raised, hands on the waist, looking forward.

  1. Lift your heels and balance your body.
  2. Hold this position for a second and lower your heels to the floor.
  3. Repeat this to feel your calves warm.  
  4.  - Perform 3 sets, each round 25 times.

2. Sit down and lift your legs with weights

  1. - preserve a dumbbell in every hand and sit on a chair. Place your feet flat on the floor, and two dumbbells on either side of your thighs. Gently hold the dumbbell in each hand so that it does not fall, keep your spine straight, feet shoulder-width apart, and look straight.
  2. retaining your toes at the ground, raise your heels. Hold this position for a second and lower your heels to the floor.
  3. - Perform 3 sets, each set 20 times.

3. lose calf fat, push weights sumo squat

  1. - Hold the dumbbell with both hands. Stand upright with your feet spread apart from your shoulders. Look straight ahead while extending your toes, maintaining a straight back, pulling your shoulders back, and lifting your chest.   related products: https://amzn.to/3KBEFb6
  2. With your knees bent, lower your body until your hips are on the same line as your thighs.
  3. Hold this position for a moment and then slowly lift your body. Before returning your legs to a straight position, lift your heels.
  4. With your heels down, lower your knees in a sumo squat.
  5. - Perform 3 sets, each set 12 times.

4. Squat exercise on the leg

  1. - Stand upright with your feet spread apart from your shoulders. Squat down, keeping your back straight, your arms straight in front of you, clasping your hands together, and taking out your palms (if you are tired, you can put your hands on your thighs). 
  2. Lift your heels and balance your body on your toes.
  3. - Lower your heels slightly, before your heels touch the floor, raise your heels to the starting position.
  4. - Perform 3 sets, each set 12 times.
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5. Ski mode

  1. - Erect. Bend your knees slightly and lift your left foot off the floor. Exactly bend your left knee such that your leg and thigh form a 90-degree angle. Lean slightly forward and assume the runner's stance (as shown in the photo).
  2. - Jump with your right foot and lower with your left foot so that your feet are wider than your shoulders. Lift your right foot off the floor at the same time. Bend your right knee exactly so that your leg and thigh are at a 90-degree angle to each other.
  3. -soar along with your left foot and land with your proper foot.
  4. - Perform 3 sets, each set 12 times.  

6. Plank posture, combining arms and knees

  1. - Take a plank position with your elbows. Keep your back and buttocks straight.
  2. Right knee bent to touch the ground. Lie in a plank posture once again.
  3. – splay your left knee till it touches the ground.
  4. - Perform two sets, each set 12 times.

7. lose calf fat, endurance running

  • - A light warm-up such as scrambling in place, jumping rope, and tugging before starting.
  • - Start jogging on the street or on the treadmill. If you are running on a treadmill, set the tilt to 3 degrees.
  • - Run slower and longer to reduce body fat as well as calf fat.

Do 15-30 minutes every day.

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8. Climb the stairs

  1. - You can perform this calf fat loss workout on the stairs at home, at work, or in the gym.
  2. - Warm up by running in place and doing some warm-ups.
  3. Keep a steady pace as you ascend the stairs.
  4. When working on your calves, use your toes rather than your complete foot.
  5. - Increase your running speed gradually over time.

9. lose calf fat, jump squat

  1. - Stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart, chest up, and shoulders back.
  2. Push your butt out, bend your knees in a squat position or sit on a chair.
  3. - Get the momentum to jump and land gently on the ground.
  4. - Perform 3 sets, each set 15 times.  
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10. Single-leg squat

  1. - stand instantly together with your ft hip-width aside.
  2. Lift your left leg off the floor in front of you, and extend your arms directly in front of you, parallel to your shoulders. This is the starting point.
  3. - Bend your right knee and sit in a sitting position. Keep the right leg bent.
  4. Hold this position for a moment, then straighten your right leg and return to the starting position.
  5. - After completing 10 reps, switch your legs and repeat the same.
  6. - Perform two sets, each set 10 times.

11. Placing the hand under the foot

  1. - rise up straight, ft shoulder-width aside.
  2. Keep your back straight, bend forward and slide one hand under each foot.
  3. Slowly bring your head towards your knees and bend your elbows out so you can easily reach this position. The closer your head touches your feet, the better. Hold this position for 5 seconds and then return to the vertical position.
  4. - Perform two sets, each set 3 times.

12. Calf stretching

- Stand facing the bridge/wall. Place your left foot forward near the wall and your right foot behind. Place your elbows and forearms on the bridge, so that they are shoulder-width apart.

- Lower your butt and press your forearm against the wall until you feel a stretch in your right calf and hamstrings.    related products: https://amzn.to/3KBEFb6

- Switch legs and repeat.

- Perform two sets, each set 3 times.

Here are 12 mixed calf exercises that you should practice at least 3-5 days a week to see results.

Diet tips and exercise diary to lose calf fat,

Avoid eating fatty foods such as pancakes, cakes, pizza, burgers, processed meats, fried chicken, and potato chips.

Eating slimming foods such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, healthy oils, lean protein sources (fish, eggs, lentils, beans), brown sugar (in limited quantities), and whole wheat flour bran will help you slim.

Avoid wearing high heels. 

 Wearing high heels can make your calf muscles bigger. In addition, frequent walking can harm the hips and back.

Avoid exercises that are too heavy on the calf. Get rid of calf fat first by exercising moderately.

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Avoid doing cardio exercises on a high slope.

 Running or brisk walking is great for reducing calf fat. But if you, do it on the machine with an inclination of more than 3 degrees, it will make your legs look bigger.

Avoid fast running.

 Fast jogging is useful for building muscle strength. You should focus on endurance or running long distances to reduce calf fat.

Avoid exercises that raise the knee.

 Performing knee-strengthening exercises strengthens the calf muscles. And if you gain muscles without losing fat, your calf will look more prominent than before.

Be persistent in performing the calf fat reduction exercises proposed by Vietnam Bazaar, and after a while, you will notice obvious effects.

related products: https://amzn.to/3KBEFb6

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